This is a list of all Rammstein songs with links to their lyrics with English translations.
Nearly all of Rammstein’s lyrics are in German. However, the band did record English versions of “Engel” , “Du hast” and “Amerika”, as well as covers of the songs “Stripped” and “Pet Sematary”. In addition, the songs “Amerika” (German version), “Stirb nicht vor mir//Don’t die before I do” and “Moskau” contain not only German verses, but also English and Russian choruses, respectively; “Te quiero puta!” is entirely in Spanish. The song “Mein Teil” features one line in English: “Yes It’s Mein Teil”. “Ollie” Riedel commented that “German language suits heavy metal music. French might be the language of love, but German is the language of anger.” (Sunday Herald Sun, Melbourne, Australia, October 24, 2004).
Wordplay is a fundamental component of Rammstein’s lyrics. In many instances, the lyrics are phrased such that they can be interpreted in several ways. The song “Du hast”, for example, is a play on German marriage vows (“Willst du, bis der Tod euch scheidet, treu ihr sein für alle Tage?”). In the song, the traditional affirmative response “ja” is replaced by its negation “nein”. The song starts, in fact, with a play on words: “Du… Du hast… Du hast mich…” meaning, “You have me” or “You hate me”. (The second person singular (“du”) forms of the words “hassen” (to hate) and “haben” (to have) are homophones). The ambiguity is later resolved as the line is completed: “Du hast mich gefragt” (“You [have] asked me”).
is there a plan to translate Zeit album ?
Any plans to translate Zeit?
It is already translated here
Im assuming u meant the album and not just the song. i agree i want to get a translation to schwarz. i know its german for black but ya the entire album would be nice also.
When can we expect translations of the new CD?
its done, almost a year ago!
War Nerve:Just as in English, a word can have more than one meaning. “Reise” means both travel and arise. Till likes punning.
Others: Lots of YouTube posts attributed to Rammstein or Till are fakers trying to get better “like” numbers by fooling us. There are many fake Rammstein songs. If you listen carefully you can tell Till’s voice from other deep voices, just like you can tell a family member’s voice from someone with a similar tone.
That`s wrong. The German word “Reise” has only one meaning. The English translation is “journey” (“voyage”, “trip”, “tour”, “travel”) but not “arise” in any case. What, by the way, would not make a sense anyway as “Reise” is a noun whereas “(to) arise” is a verb; unless “reise!” is an imperative in the 2nd person singular form of the verb “reisen”. But even in that case the English translation can only be: “journey!” (“voyage!”, “travel!” etc.)
Greetings from Germany
You must arise for the journey.
why isnt barbie girl on here
Quite a few of these translations are by Jeremy Williams and taken from his Herzeleid site, where he explicitly stated they may not be used without permission or posted on fan sites. So, you do have his clear and unambiguous permission to use his translations here, right?
Why do I never see the album “Euphoria” in Rammstein album lists?
Because that is a bootleg compilation album. It’s not an official release
typing error? Du Riechst So Gut, not Reichst
Reise,Reise is Arise,Arise. Not Travel,Travel….
The lyrics for “Schtiel”, a song written by the Russian band Aria but performed by Till and Richard are not on here. They released it as a single in 2003 for the 100th anniversary of Harley Davidson and performed it in Moscow at the anniversary party. Here is a Youtube video for the song: , and a link to a page that has the lyrics in English and Russian (bottom of the page)
I bought the double cd Rammstein in Amerika which is brilliant. I am puzzled why Buchstabu is censored on the listing of tracks. Anyway, it is word without a specific meaning in German.
Me too. Totally weird.
It’s not censored. That’s actually the way it is titled sometimes because it is a gibberish word.
What about holzmichel?
This is not a Rammstein song
Would be cool, if their was demo lyrics here 😉 like Was ich liebe etc