Lyrics of Rammstein song “Zick Zack” | Zigzag and English translation

Schöner, größer, härter Nicer, bigger, harder
Straffer, glatter, stärker Tighter, smoother, stronger
Deine Brüste sind zu klein Your breasts are too small
Zwei Pfund Silikon sind fein Two pounds of silicone are fine
Säcke schneiden von den Augen Cut sacks from the eyes
Nase fräsen, Fett wegsaugen Mill the nose, suck fat off
Wir entfernen rasch zwei Rippen We quickly delete two ribs
Schlauchboot basteln aus den Lippen And insert a tube into your lips
In die Wangen, in die Stirn In the cheeks, in the forehead
Botox rein bis ins Gehirn Botox just into your brain
Zick Zack, Zick Zack, schneid es ab Zigzag, zigzag, cut it off
Zick Zack, Zick Zack, kurz und knapp Zigzag, zigzag, short and sweet
Alles Schlaffe überm Kinn All sagging above the chin
Kann man in den Nacken ziehen Can be pulled in the neck
Implantate ins Gefräß Implants in the face
Und wir liften das Gesäß And we lift your buttocks
Messer, Tupfer, Vollnarkose Knife, swab, general anesthesia
Sieben Kilo Reiterhose und Seven kilos of riding pants and
Bauchfett in die Biotonne Belly fat in the bio bin
Der Penis sieht jetzt wieder Sonne Now the penis sees the sun again
Zick Zack, Zick Zack, schneid das ab Zigzag, zigzag, cut it off
Tick Tack, Tick Tack, du wirst alt Tick tack, tick tack, you will be old
Deine Zeit läuft langsam ab Your time is running out slowly
Wer schön sein will, der muss auch leiden Who wants to be beautiful, must suffer
Aus- und weg- und abschneiden Cut it off, cut it out, cut ut away
Nadel, Faden, Schere, Licht Needle, thread, scissors, light
Doch ohne Schmerzen geht es nicht It can’t go without pain
Wangen straffen, Jochbein schnitzen Tighten the cheeks, carve the cheekbones
Sondermüll in Lippen spritzen Splash the waste into lips
Falten rascheln am Skalpell Wrinkles rustle on the scalpel
Vorhaut weg, sehr aktuell Foreskin gone, very relevant
Ist die Frau im Mann nicht froh Isn’t the woman in the man happy?
Alles ganz weg, sowieso Anyway, everything is gone
Zick Zack, Zick Zack, schneid das ab Zigzag, zigzag, cut it off
Tick Tack, Tick Tack, du bist alt Tick tack, tick tack, you will be old
Deine Zeit läuft langsam ab Your time is running out slowly
Wer schön sein will, der muss auch leiden Who wants to be beautiful, must suffer
Eitelkeit ist nie bescheiden Vanity is never modest
Nadel, Faden, Schere, Licht Needle, thread, scissors, light
Doch ohne Schmerzen geht es nicht It can’t go without pain
Schöner, größer, härter Nicer, bigger, harder
Straffer, glatter, stärker Tighter, smoother, stronger
Lyrics © Rammstein


  1. Two corrections.

    “du wirst alt” translates to “you are getting old” (not “you will be old”, that would be “du wirst alt sein”)

    And then there is this:

    Ist die Frau im Mann nicht froh
    Alles ganz weg, sowieso
    Isn’t the woman in the man happy?
    Anyway, everything is gone

    That does not quite get it. The first line is not a question.
    Actually that part translates to:

    When (if) the woman in(side) the man isn’t happy,
    everything must go completely anyways

    “Die Frau im Mann” is a figure of speech that can refer to vanity, vanity beeing seen as female personality trait. But in this context and with the following line, to me it pretty clearly refers to transgender. Literally “the woman inside the man”. And if she is not happy, as in not beeing happy with the male body, then everything has to go completely (=the penis).

  2. A couple of small corrections to the translation and remarks:

    Schlauchboot basteln aus den Lippen – Craft the lips into an inflatable boat

    In die Wangen, in die Stirn
    Botox rein bis ins Gehirn
    – into the cheeks, into the forehead inject Botox (all the way) into the brain

    Reitehose – refers to the fat that some people accumulate on their bum and thighs giving them an appearance as though they’re wearing riding breeches.

    Du bist alt – you are old


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