Rammstein Wiener Blut lyrics with English translation

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Komm mit mir, komm auf mein Schloss Come with me, come into my castle
Da wartet Spass im Tiefgeschoss Fun waits for us in the basement there
Leise, leise woll’n wir sein Gentle, gentle, we want to be
Den Augenblick von Zeit befrei’n Liberate the moment from time
Ja, das Paradies liegt unterm Haus Yeah, paradise lies under the house
Die Tür fällt zu, das Licht geht aus The door falls closed, the light goes out
Seid ihr bereit? Are you ready?
Seid ihr soweit? Are you good to go?
Willkommen in der Dunkelheit Welcome…to the darkness!
In der Dunkelheit To the darkness!
Keiner kann hier unten stören No one can disturb us down here
Niemand, niemand darf uns hören No one, no one must hear us
Nein, man wird uns nicht entdecken No one will discover us
Wir lassen uns das Leben schmecken We enjoy life
Und bist du manchmal auch allein And (because) you are alone sometimes
Ich pflanze dir ein Schwesterlein I plant you a little sister
Die Haut so jung, das Fleisch so fest The skin so young, the flesh so tight
Unter dem Haus ein Liebesnest Under the house, a love nest
Seid ihr bereit? Are you ready?
Seid ihr soweit? Are you good to go?
Willkommen in der Dunkelheit Welcome…to the darkness!
In der Dunkelheit To the darkness!
In der Einsamkeit To the loneliness
In der Traurigkeit To the sadness
Für die Ewigkeit For eternity
Willkommen in der Wirklichkeit Welcome to reality
Und wanderst du im tiefen Tal And when you walk through a deep valley*
Seid ihr bereit? Are you ready?
Und sei Dein Dasein ohne Licht And if your life (existence) was without light
Seid ihr soweit? Are you good to go?
Fürchte kein Unglück, keine Qual Fear no misfortune, fear no torment
Macht euch bereit Prepare yourself
Ich bin bei dir und halte dich I am with you and I hold you
Ich halte dich in der Dunkelheit I hold you in the darkness!**
In der Dunkelheit In the darkness!
Lyric © Rammstein Translation © Affenknecht.com

Submitted by EinHeisserSchrei


Translation Notes:

* In German, this refers strongly to the 23rd Psalm (”Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil”)

**Double meaning: Ich halte Dich in der Dunkelheit can simply mean I hold you in the darkness (like hugging), but also I keep (or detain) you in the darkness (like you keep a bird in a cage).

This song was purely inspired by the Fritzl case.



  1. as if someone thinks that joseph fritzl story was from australia haha trust an american to get australia and austria mixed up haha

  2. I remember hearing from that story. What a sick story. What did go trought this man head to do that to is own daughter?? I can’t understand it.
    I like it when Till sings: “Willkommen in der Dunkelheit
    In der Dunkelheit”. It has lots of power and anger!!! The guitars are loud and i like it a lot, lots of drive!

  3. i thought this song was actually somewhat sexual, in a good way, when i first heard it and was translating it in my head..but when i realized it was based on the fritzl case and read up more on the case, it’s definitely a lot more creepy. and @Sam–the girl and the ‘downstairs children’ did have the ‘necessary amenities’, like electricity and water and food and tv, but no natural sunlight, and supposedly he would make them behave by threatening to shut off the electricity to the garage and the basement. and it seems like i read that he also made a sort of ‘solitary confinement’ chamber where there wasn’t light, and he’d send the kids there if they were being bad or making noise or something. nonetheless, i do really like this song. i heard schneider say in an interview that he’s scared of this song too, haha.

  4. the 1st time i heard this song i didnt like it, but on the 2nd time i was hooked, on the intro with the eerie sounds it makes me feel sad and alone, so it really does live up to the heavyness of the song, which is incredible!!!

  5. I really love how Rammstein used samples of wolf sounds, it really makes you feel like being trapped out in the wilderness.

    I was looking forward to this song, seeing how well Rammstein did with Mein Till. This does not dissapoint, really expresses the tragedy of what happened well.

  6. “Fürchte kein Unblick, keine Qual” – no, he sings this:

    “Fürchte kein Unglueck, keine Qual”

    which translates as:

    “fear no misfortune, fear no torment” 😉

  7. “in der Dunkelheit” is not in two ways, just one: “in the darkness”

    if you meant “in” as movement, it would be “in die Dunkelheit” 😉

    “Den Augenblick von Zeit befrei’n” should be something like: “for a moment (we are) liberated from time”

    cheers from Metallica fans!

  8. Well, i love the song, just has many say creepy, and i get thinking of all that happen. I think for this guy, should be cut to pieces, and make him suffer has long at possible. He is not a human.

  9. Und bist du manchmal auch allein = And (because) you are sometimes alone

    is not correct there is nothing there that could possibly mean because and bist do means “are you?” not “you are” and auch means “as well” or too/also.

    best translation in my opinion: and are you sometimes lonly as well?
    I plant in you a little sister

  10. RE: Jonathan UNITED STATES

    It was actually a case in AUSTRIA and NOT Australia. Please get your facts right!
    Terrible story, great song.Reminds me of Stein um Stein.


  11. Ohh, thanks for every body for helping me realize what is that song about… 🙂
    I thought about it a lot and finally I was happy to find that site and get to know more about the backgrounds of the songs

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