Till Lindeman leaving Rammstein

It has been announced that after Rammstein finishes up their newest album, Till Lindemann is said to leave the band. He is going to...

Emigrate – Debut Album & Interview

THERE ARE certain words that music lovers are inclined to approach with caution: "˜drum' & "˜solo' are two of them, a juxtaposition that can...

Feeling B. – Grün & Blau

GRÃœN & BLAU (Green and Blue in English) - is the name of coming FEELING B-Compilation, which will include a book and a CD....


Here comes the translation of the interview from previous post. Translated by das kamikaze-zopfgummi. Thank you very much! FRAGE: "žMr. Kruspe, you are known as...
Richard Kruspe

Interview with Richard Kruspe

Website www.motormusic.de released interesting interview with Rammstein guitarist Richard Z. Kruspe Bernstein. Unfortunately the whole interview is in German. For those of you who...

Rammstein Newsletter informs about some interesting facts

All Rammstein fans who are subscribed to newsletter just obtained very interesting information: RAMMSTEIN are alive! After more than a year break the band has...

Rumours about Rammstein’s new album

Now that we all (un)patiently wait for new Rammstein productions, knowing that they are in studio's working....every piece of information may be seen as...

TILL seems to be a Gourmet

It seems that Till Lindemann - Rammstein's frontman - spent a day in some Japanese Restaurant Ichiban in San Pedro - Costa Rica,...

Till Lindemann and Richard Kruspe in Russia

On 14th of April the vocalist and the guitarist of Rammstein had been in Russia for a party in a club Nocturno. It does...

A new exciting contest for R-E members

Hello everybody, Now it's the right time to work a little to our identity, so we decided to design ourselves some promo materials, as some...

Rammstein Fan dies at Virginia Tech recent massacre

" ...Maxine wanted to take German so she could understand the lyrics to Rammstein..." Terrifying news that were posted recently, announce that on the...