Rammstein Liese lyrics with English translation

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Sonntag auf der Ammerwiese Sunday at Bunting Meadow
hütet Gänse brav die Liese Liese virtuously herds the Geese
Da kommt Jakob angerannt, Then Jakob comes running up
hält eine Sichel in der Hand holding a sickle in his hand
Diese schiebt er hin und wieder This he pushes here and there
dem Lieschen unter Rock und Mieder Little Liese under her skirt and bodice
Er will sie kosten, will sie zwingen He wants to taste her, wants to force her
und der Bub’ wird dazu singen and the boy will sing then
Liebe Liese, lass die Gänse, Dear Liese, let the geese be,
ich will von deiner Haut probieren I want to try your skin
Vom Blute rostig ist die Sense, The scythe is rusty from the blood,
bist du freundlich nicht zu mir if you are not friendly to me.
Der Jakob darf vom Lieschen lecken Jakob is allowed to lick little Liese
und sie wird nach Birne schmecken and it shall taste like pear
Sich kleine Härchen aufgestellt, Small hairs erected
eilen sie zum Weizenfeld they hurry to the wheatfield.
In der Goldflut gut versteckt, In the golden flood* well hidden
hat er die Liese angesteckt He has infected Liese
Hält bis zum Abend sie eng umschlungen He held her until the evening, embracing her tightly
und hat in das Kind gesungen and sung into the child
Liebe Liese lass die Gänse, Dear Liese, let the geese be,
ich will von deiner Haut probieren I want to try your skin
Vom Blute rostig ist die Sense, The scythe is rusty from the blood,
bist du freundlich nicht zu mir if you are not friendly to me.
Liebe Liese, lass die Gänse, Dear Liese, let the geese be,
ich will von deiner Haut probieren I want to try your skin
Vom Blute rostig ist die Sense, The scythe is rusty from the blood,
bist du freundlich nicht zu mir if you are not friendly to me.
Lyric © Rammstein Translation © Affenknecht.com

* a metaphor for the wheatfield


Submited by Caleb Wilson


  1. @Scott
    “Vom Blute rostig ist die Sense, bist du freundlich nicht zu mir” is likely to be punctuated this way because it sounds so intonationally, and not like a question & answer “Bist du freundlich? Nicht zu mir”. I might be wrong, but that’s how it sounds to my ear. Could we throw some light on the issue by looking into the album’s booklet with the lyrics where it’s written properly? I don’t have it so you could do that to make sure. 🙂 And well, irregardless of the punctuation marks here, I guess you’re right about the idea. On having listened to it for several times, I think it Is probably about rape – that Vom-Blute-rostig-ist-die-Sense thingy is too conspicuous for it to be consensual sex. I just like to see the good in people, you see. 😛
    But as an afterthought on your remark that it’s inconsistent for him to threaten her if they are doing it by mutual consent. What if he hadn’t had a girlfriend before and didn’t know how to approach her so he started off by intimidating her? Just a possibility. 🙂

    I hope that you’re pretending to be this absolutely lost and challenged fellow (notice my political correctness) to assume that I assume that I am the only one right here. In which case, it’s kind of funny, I suppose, though not extremely, as it reminds me of the existence of those that aren’t faking it… As I was saying, it’s open to interpretation and my inference is purely arbitrary. I’m just allergic to bullshit, so I had to say that. Of course, everyone has the right to interpret this in his own way, however it doesn’t take away the fact that you’re an idiot if you come to a such stupid conclusion as necrophilia, just as, for example, your interpretion that the TV talks because someone sits inside of it would not speak in favour of your “geniosity” either. And you know, your saying that you should’ve not complained because it’s just retarded, yet then doing precisely this. Um… What does it make you then? Anyway, I admire your courage to publicly declare your mental state.

  2. Dear Lily. Please – go fuck yourself. There are endless possibilities to interpret any song out there, and I think everybody deserves the right to interpret this in their own way, may it be far out of the box. Talking about keeping opinions to yourself while puking out some of your own is plain stupid.

    Not that I should talk – complaining about complaints – on the internet. That’s just retarded. I should probably shut up and go to bed.

    On the subject, my interpretation is that the song is about rape or loss of virginity in a painfull way. Or maybe screwed-up-talker-kind-of-love. It also sounds to me like the people are young. It is sung/told like a childrens story i feel by Till’s voice. Also having the characters named feels like a typical childrens-story. Notice how the songs about adults often are told in first or second person, with no names to them. That makes this feel kind of “childish” in the storytelling (with fucked up content though). My two cents. Peace.

  3. @Lily,

    About the last lines of the chorus; “Vom Blute rostig ist die Sense, bist du freundlich nicht zu mir” does it not matter how it’s written? We’ve assumed that it is written and punctuated this way, but it could be something like “Vom Blute rostig ist die Sense. Bist du freundlich? Nicht zu mir”. Listening to the song, to me it feels like Till isn’t intending the two lines to be related. It would be a contradiction if he were threatening to rape her when they are having consensual sex. Whilst “Bist du freundlich? Nicht zu mir” might not be grammatically accurate, it wouldn’t be the first time Till has manipulated words to rhyme, “make sense” etc. As you say, open to interpretation. Just a thought…

  4. The translation does have a couple of inaccuracies, but it’s quite decent. The comments on the lyrics, on the contrary, make me wonder whether I should just laugh or… well, I’ll just laugh. It’s utterly stunning what an amount of people who listen to Rammstein just happen to be total retards. While the overall content and metaphors are quite open to interpretation, like if the song has anything to do with a rape or not, though it’s quite evident if you look carefully into it that it just concerns a boy badly desiring a girl, trying to talk her into having sex with him and eventually succeeding (by mutual consent), but necrophilia? Are you nuts? Have you ever heard of metaphor? Seriously, if some people out there seem so lost and mentally-challenged, you’d better stick to listening to something adequate of your intellectual level, Ke$ha, Britney Spears etc., or else please, please, please keep your insightful opinion to yourself because it makes me cringe and offends my brain that such gross idiotic implications can be drawn from this lyrics.

    *Elgore & Edrana are completely right. “Vom Blute rostig ist die Sense,
    bist du freundlich nicht zu mir” = “Blood will turn the Sickle rusty,
    if you are not nice to me.” It’s just a simple first conditional sentence with omitted “if”, which causes inversion, equivalent, for example, to saying “We would have had much fun, had it been not for the rain.” Lies+chen – with ‘chen’ being just an affectionate diminuition here. And “Miede” is indeed something of the corset type garments, not panties.

  5. I agree with James.

    and about the pear, this could be a metaphor for the penis. She’s gonna taste the pear (and not she tastes LIKE pear) which means oral sex or just penetration. what do you think?

  6. “Sense” is not “sickle”, but “scythe” technically speaking. Which makes it even more probable that it is a metaphor for a penis.

    “Probieren”, cf “to probe” (I don’t mean that “probieren” literally means “to penetrate”, just a hint as to what nuances are in the word “probieren”).

    “Goldflut” could obviously be sperm.

    I believe Jakob at first forces him onto her, but after he licks her, her hairs stand on end (=she is aroused) and she follows him to the wheat fields.

    That she tastes like pears is probably just a way to say that Jakob thought it was a pleasant experience to lick her, with the pear representing something good and sweet.

    “Freundlich” could be the contrast between being a “friend” or something more.

    “Das Kind” is mentioned in relation to the “Goldflut” and might have something to do with that he has impregnated her.

  7. “kleine Härchen aufgestellt” > Herchen aufgestellt?

    little gentlemen erectet> refers to….you now what…
    Or am i twisted?

  8. I also am thinking this is about the deflowering of a virgin.

    He is being forceful but she is willing.

    I think freundlich is being mistranslated here. I think it is intended to mean something far closer to innocent than friendly (but unschuldig wouldn’t really work in the line).

    The whistling also is the same as on Roter Sand which has me wondering if the girl talked about in that song is the same as the one in this song.

  9. Doesn’t it seem more fitting to conceive of this song as a deflowering of a virgin? His “sycthe” being his penis and the “blood” from her rent maidenhead. “Cutting” her implies the seduction.

    I also do believe this is seduction, not rape. He wants to force himself upon her, but she runs willingly with him into the wheat fields.

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