Rammstein Führe mich lyrics with English translation

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Du bist mir ans Herz gewachsen You have grown in my heart
Wenn ich blute hast du Schmerzen When I bleed you have pains
Wir müssen uns kennen We must know ourselves
Ein Körper, zwei Namen One body, two names
Nichts kann uns trennen Nothing can disunite us
Ein Zweilaib im Samen A twinbody in semen
Wenn du weinst, geht es mir gut If you cry, it’s okay with me
Die Hand deiner Angst, füttert mein Blut The hand of your fear, feeds my blood
Führe mich, halte mich Lead me, hold me
Ich fühle dich, ich verlass Dich nicht I feel you, I won’t abandon you
Du bist mir ans Herz gebaut You are constructed at my heart
Zwei Seelen spannen eine Haut Two souls span one skin
Und wenn ich rede bist du still And when I speak you are silent
Du stirbst wenn ich es will You die when I want
Wenn du weinst schenke ich dir When you cry, I give to you
Kinder der Angst, Tränen von mir Children of fear, tears from me
Führe mich, halte mich Lead me, hold me
Ich fühle dich, ich verlass Dich nicht I feel you, I won’t abandon you
Zwei Bilder nur ein Rahmen Two pictures, only one frame
Ein Körper doch zwei Namen One body, yet two names
Zwei Dochte eine Kerze Two wicks, one candle
Zwei Seelen in einem Herzen Two souls in one heart
Führe mich, halte mich Lead me, hold me
Ich führe dich, ich verlass Dich nicht I lead you, I won’t abandon you
Lyric © Rammstein Translation © Affenknecht.com

Submitted by EinHeisserSchrei



  1. I think this is Rammstein’s version of a love song – with minimal schmaltz. (And some baffling lyrics that could mean they did not have that much time to fine-tune it or maybe not many words rhyme with “Namen”?) Could possibly be interpreted as: if anything’s going to happen here, you’re going to have to take the lead.

  2. Well, i think that song has some political background.
    I feel song has something about two German splited states. What do you think??

  3. Any idea who’s on the backing vocals?
    Kruspe or Landers?…
    I ask this as the backing vocals are quite prominent and sung beautifully too!

  4. Just a little correction:

    Du bist mir ans Herz gewachsen should be
    You are so precious/dear to me

    Great Band, great music! Sie halten niemals ein!

    P.S. the zwei-leib concept reminds me of Bückstabü:

    Zwei Seelen ‘ach in meinem Schoß,
    es kann nur eine überleben!

    and a little bit of ITDW:

    Ich seh’ im Spiegel dein Gesicht

    Rammstein is never easy 🙂

  5. My first reaction was siamese twins also,

    the “two-names” translation kinda gives it away, plus i think it’s refering to how hard it must be for people born as siamese twins and touches on some of the emotions that may be experienced, such as…

    “And when I speak you are silent,
    You die when I want”

    – could possibly mean something like “when i talk, you shut up” which could refer to the two twins trying to compete for attention. Despite how much they love each other, they feel bitter towards each other too, maybe they resent each other sometimes because they wish they could be alone but can’t because they are connected.

    That’s just what I thought anyways, lol

    Very cool song!

  6. Opposed to “Ein Zweilaib im Samen”, I hear more of “Ein Zweileib im zahmen” meaning a tame or controlled “zweileib”. Zweileib meaning what a previous commenter said, literally translating to a “two-body”. Seems to fit the song.


  8. If it were about a split personality “two names” Would be too corny for rammstein. i have to go with the siamese twins theory, a twin body in semen? sounds to real to be a split personality

  9. I think it is like how it is with smeagol and that other weird creature in Lord of the Rings!
    Most of the time the songs are about things that are more ‘common’ than, for example, the siamese-twins!

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