Rammstein Führe mich lyrics with English translation

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Du bist mir ans Herz gewachsen You have grown in my heart
Wenn ich blute hast du Schmerzen When I bleed you have pains
Wir müssen uns kennen We must know ourselves
Ein Körper, zwei Namen One body, two names
Nichts kann uns trennen Nothing can disunite us
Ein Zweilaib im Samen A twinbody in semen
Wenn du weinst, geht es mir gut If you cry, it’s okay with me
Die Hand deiner Angst, füttert mein Blut The hand of your fear, feeds my blood
Führe mich, halte mich Lead me, hold me
Ich fühle dich, ich verlass Dich nicht I feel you, I won’t abandon you
Du bist mir ans Herz gebaut You are constructed at my heart
Zwei Seelen spannen eine Haut Two souls span one skin
Und wenn ich rede bist du still And when I speak you are silent
Du stirbst wenn ich es will You die when I want
Wenn du weinst schenke ich dir When you cry, I give to you
Kinder der Angst, Tränen von mir Children of fear, tears from me
Führe mich, halte mich Lead me, hold me
Ich fühle dich, ich verlass Dich nicht I feel you, I won’t abandon you
Zwei Bilder nur ein Rahmen Two pictures, only one frame
Ein Körper doch zwei Namen One body, yet two names
Zwei Dochte eine Kerze Two wicks, one candle
Zwei Seelen in einem Herzen Two souls in one heart
Führe mich, halte mich Lead me, hold me
Ich führe dich, ich verlass Dich nicht I lead you, I won’t abandon you
Lyric © Rammstein Translation © Affenknecht.com

Submitted by EinHeisserSchrei



  1. IMO, it is too obivious that the song is about siamese twins. Too obivious to be true. You have to thing about it longer to see that it is about personality.

  2. I agree with Spare201, it definitely seems to be the personality to me. If it were siamese twins, wouldn’t they both be able to speak? Maybe I’m looking at the lyrics too much.

  3. It refers to duality of personality. You have a persona you operate within day to day and then their is your darker half you keep hidden. Two inseperable halves of the same being. ego and id.

  4. for me, this song is also about siamese twins. i’m 90% sure Till also meant siamese twins.

    and like stated above; twinloaf is mistake. Zweilaib is litterly a “two-body”

  5. i love this song, i love the album. haha the first time, when i heard the song i thought that it was ghost, or somekind of deamon, wich was in the person 🙂 🙂
    Rammstein forever!

  6. PavleG 🙂 haven’t seen your message while i was posting… I’m happy tha I’m not alone with this “strage” idea

  7. Maybe it’s silly, but first my imagination while reading translation was – Siamese twins…
    Yeah, Till’s vocal here is unbelievable!

  8. because then you will be blinded to anyone but yourself. isnt thats what love is? makes you care unconditionally for that one person? 😉 and i think ill stay a romantic its a more fun way to live. hope is the last thing that dies

  9. You be romantic, I’ll be practical. I stopped believing in those a long time ago; we create our own reality. If we wish for someone to be close on that level and they are like-minded, it will happen. That is the law of relativity. The real twin and soul mate is yourself. If you can’t fall in love with the reflection in the mirror, how can you feel anything real for anyone else?

  10. well being a romantic that i am i actually thought it was about soul mates for some reason. the thought of it talking about one single person didnt even came across… heheh but totally kick ass song! i think it might actually be my favorite especially for the vocal parts ..beautiful! very dark and deep^^

  11. Split personality? 😉 It reminds me of a wedding tradition where two candles light a unity candle to show the unity that is suppose to bring between two individuals. It also reminds me of those halloween pictures where you look one way and it’s normal and you look the other way and it’s a psychotic animal:) The whole body thing sounds like a very interesting form of communion to me;)

  12. Correction:


    In German, there’s “Leib” and “Laib”. Number two means loaf, number one means body.
    In this case, number one is right.

  13. This song, more than previous ones, reminds me of Laibach’s “Sympathy for the Devil”… Till’s vocal is just a phenomenon here.

  14. It’s fucking awesome just as the resf of the songs and the previous albums.Like Pink Floyd describes the deep positive feelings of human soul , Rammstein does the contrary.They remind us how cruel animal the human is…
    All Heil to Rammstein!


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