Rammstein Puppe lyrics with English translation

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Wenn Schwesterlein zur Arbeit muss When Sissy has to work,
Schließt mich im Zimmer ein she locks me in the room
Hat eine Puppe mir geschenkt She’s given me a doll,
Dann bin ich nicht allein then I’m not alone
Wenn Schwesterlein zur Arbeit muss When Sissy has to work,
Fährt sie nicht mit der Bahn she doesn’t take the train
Ihr Schaffensplatz ist gar nicht weit Her workspace isn’t far away,
Ist gleich im Zimmer nebenan it’s right in the room next door
Am Himmel dunkle Wolken ziehen In the sky, dark clouds gather
Ich nehme artig meine Medizin I take my medicine nicely
Und warte hier im Daunenbett And wait here in the down bed
Bis die Sonne untergeht Till the sun goes down
Sie kommen und sie gehen They come and they go
Und manchmal auch zu zweit And sometimes also as couples
Die späten Vögel singen The late birds sing
Und die Schwester schreit And my sister screams
Am Himmel dunkle Wolken ziehen In the sky, dark clouds gather
Ich nehme artig meine Medizin I take my medicine nicely
Und warte hier im Daunenbett And wait here in the down bed
Bis die Sonne untergeht Till the sun goes down
Und dann reiß’ ich der Puppe den Kopf ab And then I rip the doll’s head off
Dann reiß’ ich der Puppe den Kopf ab Then I rip the doll’s head off
Ja, ich beiß’ der Puppe den Hals ab Yes, I bite the doll’s neck off
Es geht mir nicht gut I’m not doing well
Ich reiß’ der Puppe den Kopf ab I rip the doll’s head off
Ja, ich reiß’ der Puppe den Kopf ab Yes, I rip the doll’s head off
Und dann beiß’ ich der Puppe den Hals ab And then I bite the doll’s neck off
Es geht mir nicht gut … nein I’m not feeling well…no
Dam-dam Dam-dam
Wenn Schwesterlein der Arbeit frönt When Sissy is indulging in the work,
Das Licht im Fenster rot the light in the window is red.
Ich sehe zu durchs Schlüsselloch I look through the keyhole
Und einer schlug sie tot and someone struck her dead
Und jetzt reiß’ ich der Puppe den Kopf ab And now I rip the doll’s head off
Ja, ich reiß’ der Puppe den Kopf ab Yes, I rip the doll’s head off
Und dann beiß’ ich der Puppe den Hals ab And then I bite the doll’s neck off
Jetzt geht es mir gut … ja Now I’m fine…yes
Ich reiße der Puppe den Kopf ab I rip the doll’s head off
Ja, ich reiß’ der Puppe den Kopf ab Yes, I rip the doll’s head off
Und jetzt beiß’ ich der Puppe den Hals ab And now I bite the doll’s neck off
Es geht mir sehr gut … ja I’m doing very well…yes
Dam-dam Dam-dam
Lyric © Rammstein Translation © Affenknecht.com

Translation Notes:
Lyrically and musically, this song, in our humble opinion, is one of Rammstein’s finest work. For fans who are familiar with lead singer, Till Lindemann’s poetry, they will recognize some of these lyrics already. “Puppe” is loosely based on Lindemann’s poem, “Wenn Mutti spät zur Arbeit geht” or “When Mommy Goes Off Late to Work,” from his 2013 collection titled “In stillen Nächten.”

“Puppe” is delivered as a first-person narrative, by a child whose sister works as a prostitute and witnesses her murder at the hands, it seems, of either a client or perhaps a pimp, which differs somewhat from the poem where the prostitute is the child’s mother. The song is altogether creepy and dark from beginning to end, but fans are instantly drawn, shocked even, at Lindemann’s sudden vocal dive into the very depths of that darkness as he screams:

Und dann reiß’ ich der Puppe den Kopf ab
Dann reiß’ ich der Puppe den Kopf ab
Ja, ich beiß’ der Puppe den Hals ab
Es geht mir nicht gut
Ich reiß’ der Puppe den Kopf ab
Ja, ich reiß’ ich der Puppe den Kopf ab
Und dann beiß’ ich der Puppe den Hals ab
Es geht mir nicht gut … nein!

The music alone is enough to drag us into a deep depression, and that is before we even dig into the lyrics. Fans who have even a basic understanding of German will totally comprehend the story. For those who don’t understand the language, all you get is the darkness of the music and the urgency of Lindemann’s vocals without getting the complete meaning of the song.

“Puppe” is its very own brand of darkness, sadness, anger, fear, and mental anguish that only Rammstein and Till Lindemann can deliver with a gut-wrenching brutal rawness one can find in other classics such as “Stein um Stein” and “Mutter” and that is simply unmatched in the music industry.


  1. I read somewhere that this was a true story actually happende in Berlin many years ago announced in a news paper About a murder of a prostitute. When they found her they also found a little Child anxious holding her teard up doll. Till read this artikel and Made this song.

  2. Taking into consideration the political nature and origins of Rammstein, its possible the sister was West Germany, the related but decadent neighbour, and the baby is East Germany, sedated but dangerous. After everything, only the unsedated baby remains…

  3. It a piece of art! I do love the message they deliver thru the dark,bitter and unpleasant reality it gives me goosebumps when i listen to this song, suddenly i put myself in that kid’s shoes! Directly all the feelings go to my heart♥️

  4. I interpret it as a the account of a child (most likely a young girl) being pacified with drugs by ‘Sissy’ who may or not be her actual sister being abused by a paedophilic group or person (family member?). This subject is visited again in ‘Hallomann’ in such a manner that is actually brings tears to my eyes its that powerful and harrowing ……

  5. I start to think about the wider implications of people who goes to prostitutes. I suspect that some of them, if not all, view the prostitutes not as human beings but dolls there for them to use and, as in the narrative of this song, kill. Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but I feel like Rammsteins lyrics seldom only have one meaning or interpretation.

  6. the word schwesterlein means 2 things in german; sister and nurse. in this song it should clearly be translated as nurse

    • I thought Krankenschwester was the word for nurse? I’ve never seen Schwesterlein be used to describe a nurse. Only Schwester but that is more for describing a nun type nurse. I could be wrong though.

    • I think the only reason there is any connection between the two words is the history of nuns offering medical aid. So there would be some conflation between Sister (as the word used when speaking with nuns) and nurse.

    • no not really schwesterlein is a nickname for sister in german krankenschwester is the word for nurse and in this song its his sister who prostitutes herself and gets killed in the process

  7. First of all I’m barely learning German but even I spotted 2 mistakes or at least didn’t make sense to me.. Schwesterlein means little sister not sissy..sissy is usually a guy who’s weak and timid and in the title Puppe does not translate to puppet but to doll..so I’m pretty sure there are more mistakes but Till Lindemann can really do a play on words ❤️

    • In many English -speaking places, Sissy = sis = sister as bro = brother. It’s not just meaning an effeminate man, but it IS the basis for it. He’s a sissy as in he’s one of the girls. So Sissy isn’t actually incorrect.

      • No it’s a play on words. It’s both sister and nurse. It’s literally the little girls sister (you can tell the song is from the perspective of a small girl because of the gender of the words used and the cutsey way they are used.) The fact that she gives her medicine is where the double meaning comes from. In English we call nuns sister and nurses sister It’s the same thing. It’s more correct to translate it as sister in the context of the song.

  8. Anyone have insight on what “dam dam” means? Is it something Germans say to calm down a little kid, like english “there there?”

  9. Am I the only one who thinks the line about “Taking my medicine nicely” refers to the sister actively drugging the child in order to pacify him so that he doesn’t become aware of what is happening in the room next door? It adds a much darker dimension to the torture the child is experiencing when interpreted in this manner.

  10. This song SLAPS. The raw emotion is brutal. I didn’t realize I needed this sound in my life and it’s a masterpiece. I hope they make a video for it.

  11. just think about what reffered as puppe is another baby brother/sister which mother is our characters “Schwesterlein”. And she told our character that its just a puppet and he can play while “sister has to work”.

  12. I found a little thing to fix in translation:
    Ich sehe zu durchs Schlüsselloch – I look through the keyhole
    The original text actually means: I’m watching through the keyhole. Not just looking through, but watching (continuously).
    I think it’s a different meaning.

  13. If Rammstein does another album after this it would be awesome for this song to have a part 2. The child is now older, but still has the body of the doll.


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