Rammstein Deutschland lyrics with English translation

Album: Rammstein | Video: Deutschland | Single: Deutschland

Buy Rammstein song “Deutchland” on Amazon

Du hast viel geweint You have cried a lot
Im Geist getrennt In the mind apart
Im Herz vereint In the heart united
Wir sind schon sehr lang zusammen We have been together for a very long time
Dein Atem kalt Your breath is cold
Das Herz in Flammen The heart in flames
Du You
Ich I
Wir Us
Ihr You
Deutschland Germany
Mein Herz in Flammen My heart in flames
Will dich lieben und verdammen want to love you want to damn you
Deutschland Germany
Dein Atem kalt Your breath is cold
So jung so young
Und doch so alt and yet so old
Deutschland Germany
Ich I
Ich will dich nie verlassen I never want to leave you
Man kann dich lieben One want to love you
Und will dich hassen and want to hate you
Überheblich Overbearing (arrogant)
Überlegen Superior
Übernehmen to take over
Übergeben to surrender
Überraschen Surprising
Überfallen to attack (to assault, raid, invade)
Deutschland Deutschland über allen Germany Germany over everyone
Deutschland Germany
Mein Herz in Flammen My heart in flames
Will dich lieben und verdammen want to love you want to damn you
Deutschland Germany
Dein Atem kalt Your breath is cold
So jung so young
Und doch so alt and yet so old
Deutschland Germany
Deutschland Germany
Deine Liebe ist Fluch und Segen Your love is a curse and a blessing
Deutschland Germany
Meine Liebe kann ich dir nicht geben My love i cannot give to you
Deutschland Germany
Deutschland Germany
Du You
Ich I
Wir Us
Ihr You
Übermächtig Superior
Überflüssig Needles
Übermenschen Beyond-Man*
Überdrüssig Sick of
Wer hoch steigt, der wird tief fallen The higher you climb, the farther you fall
Deutschland Deutschland über allen Germany Germany over everyone
Deutschland Germany
Dein Herz in Flammen My heart in flames
Will dich lieben und verdammen want to love you want to damn you
Deutschland Germany
Mein Atem kalt My breath is cold
So jung so young
Und doch so alt and yet so old
Deutschland Germany
Deine Liebe ist Fluch und Segen Your love is a curse and a blessing
Deutschland Germany
Meine Liebe kann ich dir nicht geben My love I cannot give to you
Deutschland Germany
Lyric © Rammstein Translation © Affenknecht.com

Translation Notes:

* The term Übermensch (German for “Beyond-Man”, “Superman”, “Overman”, “Superhuman”, “Hyperman”, “Hyperhuman”) was used frequently by the Nazi regime to describe their idea of a biologically superior Aryan or Germanic master race.


  1. As some have noted, you could replace “Deutschland” with the name of nearly any country in the world. It could be replaced by “humanity”. The ugliest truth becomes beautiful by being true.

  2. People like @Trial are the reason that Rammstein disables comments on their YT videos.

    The song entirely excludes commentary on modern day Germany. It is solely about atrocities of the past.

    His interpretation is an asinine attempt from a foreigner to downplay these atrocities and blame modern-day “liberals” for it.

    His P.S. is standard incel ideology to boot.

  3. I’m with @Freja and @James. “Man kann dich lieben” means “One can love you” making the whole phrase
    “Man kann dich lieben und will dich hassen” mean “One can love you and want to hate you”. Showing the contradiction in the author’s feelings about his homeland, Deutschland.

    • “Man kann dich lieben
      Und will dich hassen”

      Correct English translation:

      “One can love you
      And wants[!] to hate you.”

      One and he, she, it
      of the `s` you get not rid. 🙂

  4. I think the song is about Germany and more about the people who are running it right now.
    I see the lyrical hero as a patriot, who loves his country

    My heart in flames
    want to love you want to damn you

    doesn’t want to leave but stay, still he is torn btw. his love and its cold breath – a metaphor for Germany’s policies right


    My heart in flames
    want to love you want to damn you

    Cold is its breath, because he means what his land has become under the rule of the left policies and globalism. Germany right now is on the way USA was, before Trump. You know like reverse discrimination and those set of policies against the majority in form of double standards in the application of rules for example.
    This is the “curse” he speaks of in:

    Your love is a curse and a blessing

    About “blessing” he speaks, because as a German he knows of all the virtues normal civic Germans share, all that history,

    tradition and positive side of being a German, but also all the burdens from the dark ages like in WWII or before:

    Sick of
    The higher you climb, the farther you fall
    Germany Germany over everyone

    Today, Germany’s politicians behave like that time and this is the way he describes it together with the

    destiny of anyone who goes in using the Knowledge and Power in such a distributive way:

    Sick of
    The higher you climb, the farther you fall
    Germany Germany over everyone”

    “so young
    and yet so old”

    In the last couplet he says he feels that old destructive energy even behind the new liberal mask of humanism.
    Because of this:

    “Your love is a curse and a blessing
    My love I cannot give to you”

    P.S. If one exchanges Germany for a girls name with such an energy, one could understand better what I mean. This kind of toxic girls do exist too – arrogant, but hot, sexy and good-willing, as long as they control your life. 🙂

  5. I’m here to point out some of the cool Easter eggs in the video that I have not mentioned. The scene in the DDR with the band as members of the East German Government, the Walls on the sides look like a Nuclear Reactor. Alluding to the Chernobyl Disaster that many day was the beginning of the collapse of the USSR. In the Execution scene, Germania is wearing an eye patch on her right eye, and as she looks away at the end, it is now on her Left eye. The following scene depicts the band as Left Wing Terrorists (The RAF) that terrorized West Germany in the 1970’s. Now Germany is looking towards the Left, once again highlighting the deep divisions that Germany has faced as a nation, even just in the last 100 years.

  6. It’s really deep song and I can clearly understand it there in Russland. We have so much dark pages in our history like GULAGs, holodomor, oprichnina et cetera and it’s really hard to be patriotic nowadays, because our government discredited patriotism and made it synonym to “prokremlin” that is actually an usurped. I want to believe that my country and all other countries will be free from binds that tied their their governments and over-govs like EU and all nations will celebrate freedom, first of all freedom of speech, minds and unions!

  7. I can easily put “Russland” instead of Germany. (Just would slightly change the uniforms and dresses in video sequence). The obvious step ahead in lyrics

  8. To the people who say ‘I’m proud to be British / American / German / French / whatever’ then this song should help you understand that really, your ‘pride’ is down to an accident of birth. Your ‘pride’ is a falsehood – are you proud of your Country’s past? Your ‘pride’ is based on propaganda. Bravo Rammstein for having the balls to write this song and make such a video. Doesn’t matter where you’re from, it’s where you’re gong that really counts.

    • It’s the eternal paradox. Thanks to colonization, very few places were left unscathed. The descendants of all of that terror, maltreatment and the like (the correct words are eluding me) are left to deal with that past. This song perfectly expresses that feeling.

    • Yes. Yes I am proud of my countries achievements. There was absolutely no accident in my parents coming here.

      Marxists attempt to shame people into hating their own heritage and inheritance. And that is 100% jealousy of their own failure to be even an employable human being let alone a constructive member of any decent society.

      Who rescues the rescuer, you destroy strong nations you destroy the people who ask that society for help

      And they’re about to have a very heavy hammer dropped on them yet again.

  9. Brilliant album and even more powerful seeing what the lyrics mean. The music says it all though.
    I think they are talking about the Germany of now as much as the Germany of the past. As in the UK there certain things going on shall we say that is dividing people and causing a rise in far right patriotism, nationalism and even extremism.
    The song Deutschland is superb, the love for your country but the pain of it’s imperfection sums up love in all ways. As mentioned here every country has its past good and bad. I think they want to get something important across with this album something we can all relate to.

  10. Regarding the term “Geist”, I feel a lot is lot by the translation to “mind”, when really the word also means both Ghost and spirit. Thus, in the original German the wording is far more ambivalent. Implying not only separation in mind [thought?], but also in history and in spirit.

    I also agree with “Richie” that “At heart united” is a far more accurate translation. “The heart” would only make sense if it was “Im Herzen”; but it is “Im Herz”.

  11. Correction: In the last chorus, it says “Dein hertz in Flammen” i German, which is translated to “My heart” in English, though it is supposed to say “Your heart”. Other lyrics claim it should be “Mein hertz in Flammen”, but I agree that it sounds far more like it is “Dein” in the last chorus.

    Additionally, I think that by not including the backing vocals in the translation a layer of the song is lost. While the backing lyrics essentially compliment the context of the main lyrics, they also tell their own tale:

    You have

    We are
    You are
    So cold
    So hot

    You can
    I know
    We are
    You stay

    You have
    You cry
    You love
    You hate

    You (Superior, needless [“superfluous” is what I think is really meant]
    I (Over-human, sick of “it” [weary of “it”])
    We (What increases in height, has a deeper fall [The German wording is an idiom, known in English as: The higher you climb, the harder you fall])
    Your (Germany, Germany over everyone [above all])

    Anyway, thought I’d put this out there. It’s amazing how Rammstein can both keep evolving and increasing in quality after so many years..

  12. To all who are saying that they feel bad for past events in their country, just name me one country that has a clean past.

  13. This song greatly addresses the ambivalence that many Germany probably feel about their country’s history. As a Hungarian, I often feel the same about our national history, but because of the many tragedies that occurred, many people feel that we were just the victims of fate, rather than being the perpetrators of some of the events that we faced the consequences of.
    Essentially, when it comes to reflecting upon our history, we just take the “Japanese route” – highlighting all the greatness, while ignoring any thing we may have been guilty of, or claiming we were just… Tugged along by fate. You know, the “just following orders” argument.
    I do love my country and my people, but at times, I feel like we flat-out REFUSE to learn from our history.

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