Rammstein Deutschland lyrics with English translation

Album: Rammstein | Video: Deutschland | Single: Deutschland

Buy Rammstein song “Deutchland” on Amazon

Du hast viel geweint You have cried a lot
Im Geist getrennt In the mind apart
Im Herz vereint In the heart united
Wir sind schon sehr lang zusammen We have been together for a very long time
Dein Atem kalt Your breath is cold
Das Herz in Flammen The heart in flames
Du You
Ich I
Wir Us
Ihr You
Deutschland Germany
Mein Herz in Flammen My heart in flames
Will dich lieben und verdammen want to love you want to damn you
Deutschland Germany
Dein Atem kalt Your breath is cold
So jung so young
Und doch so alt and yet so old
Deutschland Germany
Ich I
Ich will dich nie verlassen I never want to leave you
Man kann dich lieben One want to love you
Und will dich hassen and want to hate you
Überheblich Overbearing (arrogant)
Überlegen Superior
Übernehmen to take over
Übergeben to surrender
Überraschen Surprising
Überfallen to attack (to assault, raid, invade)
Deutschland Deutschland über allen Germany Germany over everyone
Deutschland Germany
Mein Herz in Flammen My heart in flames
Will dich lieben und verdammen want to love you want to damn you
Deutschland Germany
Dein Atem kalt Your breath is cold
So jung so young
Und doch so alt and yet so old
Deutschland Germany
Deutschland Germany
Deine Liebe ist Fluch und Segen Your love is a curse and a blessing
Deutschland Germany
Meine Liebe kann ich dir nicht geben My love i cannot give to you
Deutschland Germany
Deutschland Germany
Du You
Ich I
Wir Us
Ihr You
Übermächtig Superior
Überflüssig Needles
Übermenschen Beyond-Man*
Überdrüssig Sick of
Wer hoch steigt, der wird tief fallen The higher you climb, the farther you fall
Deutschland Deutschland über allen Germany Germany over everyone
Deutschland Germany
Dein Herz in Flammen My heart in flames
Will dich lieben und verdammen want to love you want to damn you
Deutschland Germany
Mein Atem kalt My breath is cold
So jung so young
Und doch so alt and yet so old
Deutschland Germany
Deine Liebe ist Fluch und Segen Your love is a curse and a blessing
Deutschland Germany
Meine Liebe kann ich dir nicht geben My love I cannot give to you
Deutschland Germany
Lyric © Rammstein Translation © Affenknecht.com

Translation Notes:

* The term Übermensch (German for “Beyond-Man”, “Superman”, “Overman”, “Superhuman”, “Hyperman”, “Hyperhuman”) was used frequently by the Nazi regime to describe their idea of a biologically superior Aryan or Germanic master race.


  1. Germania is black in the video so that she represents the colors of the German flag (black, red, and gold). It’s been too long since the video to still not know that…

  2. I wouldn’t use ‘the’ in the translation of
    ‘Im Geist getrennt
    Im Herz vereint’
    And would use instead:
    ‘In mind separated
    At heart united’ to reflect the use of the genitive case

  3. As an Israeli Jew, I can tell you that all the people and organizations who criticized Rammstein for this song’s video are totally wrong and simply can’t see the message behind this fantastic piece of art. Using the Nazi symbolism in art is totally ok, if it’s good enough for the Transformers movie which was filmed in London a couple of years ago, it’s good enough for Rammstein’s video.
    It’s not easy for today’s Germans to deal with the dark past of their country, and this is what this video is all about – dealing with the past.
    Till’s facial expression, when he sings “Deutschland über Allen” dressed up as a Jew in a concentration camp, says it all (3:58).

  4. I always feel a bit sad for today’s Germans. Although I only visited for a couple of weeks and only spoke with a handful of people, I could tell they still feel shame. I tried not to drill our hosts about politics too much, but it would seem they are very afraid to be patriotic. I noticed they do not hang German flags around like we would hang American flags all over in the USA. They are afraid it will breed worse things, and I totally understand. I also see an effort though to thwart all kinds of extremism at its roots. They are forever vigilant, afraid to be complacent, in case things get out of control. We in America also have similar guilts, and I think most developed and mostly-white countries do. We all have a dark past of killing and enslaving in the name of wealth, land, and/or religion. We must do better as people. We do not have to beat ourselves up, but we must not forget either.

  5. [PLEASE PARDON MY LANGUAGE] I was so surprised to see the black actress as the central figure of the music video. Not that there’s anything wrong with using a black actress – it’s just that knowing this is Rammstein, I feel there has to be a meaning for them to cast her. I mean, why not a white actress, or an Asian one – or anyone else at that?
    Then I read the lyrics and watched the video again – and I feel that I’ve found my answer: Because SHE IS GERMANY. She represented Germany the way the band (or Till) sees it – a proud nation with a DARK history – one that they love so much but also resent just as much.

    What do you guys think? Too much speculation?

  6. In the last stanza, the second line is “dein Herz in Flammen”. would that line translate to “your heart in flames”?
    what an amazing song, it hits me right in the heart along with the video.

  7. Something i feel a lot – proud of being English but not proud of some things England did in the past or currently – and certainly not pride to the point i feel better than others because of where i was born. I think the song is pretty clear for a Rammstein song. And actually quite positive for the future (with warnings from the past to be heeded)

  8. Rammstein — Deutschland sense of the clip

    In the clip the history of Germany from the most ancient times to our time and even the future is displayed. Germany was torn apart at all times by contradictions (and at the beginning of the first millennium, both in the Middle Ages and during Modern times, and at the time of the German Empire, the Third Reich, the GDR and Germany. The history of Germany is a history of gloomy crimes and big technological achievements. The main sense of the clip Rammstein — Deutschland — caution to modern Germans, privates and belonging to elite that something is wrong in Germany. The way elected by Frau Merkel according to participants of group conducts not there, it is possible even to death of Germany.

    Actually such attempt to go against “policy of the party” also caused negative tons. \” Humiliated and the oskorbleena \” try to find in the clip the insults of the victims of the Holocaust, justification of Nazis which are absent there or modern intolerance to migrants.

    It is not surprising that so huge and talented work caused a storm of emotions. And it means that the German phoenix is capable to rise from the ashes.

    Also Europe will shudder.

  9. I like how Germania, as a Nazi, has the patch over her right eye in the video. “Auf dem rechten Auge blind sein”. So many Easter Eggs in this video!

  10. The song is good (wildly misunderstood as usual), but the video is kick ass!! I think people who don’t know any better just hear German and see Nazi imagery and just assume that the message is Neo-Nazi in nature, when in actually is not at all.

  11. Hi, first time poster on here. In Coventry and Liverpool they say ‘yous’ which kind of correlates with Ihr? I actually don’t speak any German which I haven’t picked up from Rammstein, hence looking on this site for the lyrics. Here is my two penneth-worth on the meaning of this song. I think they are singing about a deep feeling of being German and connected to Germany’s past, stretching back 1000s of years. This is a double-edged sword, as Germany has been an asset to the planet at times, and even very recently been a source of shame to humanity. Therefore, Germans cannot be overtly patriotic because of the associations of patriotism with Nazism. To sum up, the Nazis, the Germanian barbarians, the Stasi, the Teutonic Knights, and the Holocaust victims, were all Germans and part of this collective past. I think England needs a song like this. I feel deeply connected to the soil of England and almost feel my roots here going back 1000s of years (backed up by a recent Ancestry.com DNA test). England has clearly contributed greatly to world civilisation, but it has also been responsible for great injustice and atrocities, even fairly recently. A video for England Uber Allen could start with Angles and Saxons replacing the Celts in England, with Shakespeare and William Wilberforce juxtaposed with Empire and Bloody Sunday, for instance. England has a further edge of conflicted identity, with the image of the bowler hatted and stiff upper-lipped banker contrasting with Sid Vicious and football hooligans. So, gone on a bit but feel better for writing down my thoughts somewhere.

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