Ich tu dir weh video released


As you may already know, the very new video has been released today. We brought you some links of interest:

Watch the video here, see your video page here, videography updated, discuss on forums or just read the translated lyric.

The single will be available in January.


  1. Also, it’s weird because in the interview he says that he basically had his cheek gauged and put a wire through there, so that the white light could come be projected, BUT, in the ”Du bist das schiff” part, he doesn’t have the line through his gauge, and the light is Still there.. hmmm

  2. His piercings don’t look bad in my opinion just makes him look tougher.. I’m nooot very sure if that IS in fact a forked tongue, but if it is wow… balls.. btw HAHA at Rich-Rules and shush to Stella.. These videos are great.

  3. the lighting in the mouth is from LCD lights and he got a piercing for that video its not computer generated…its 100% real and his tongue is forked.

  4. I saw these guys live last year, so I can say that the light isn’t computer generated as he first came on stage with it in his mouth. The stage show was amazing for these guys, especially during Engel where Till had the huge angel wings. (:


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