Because all concerts in Europe are almost sold out at the official partners, the management of the band decided to plan new concerts for...

Time to find out what you want

To improve the services of this website please answer the bellow poll. Thank you very much! And if possible, write to comments what is your...

Fialik: The musically best record …

In the current "METAL HAMMER" you'll find an interview with Rammstein-manager Emanuel Fialik. The article tells you about the way ticket are sold...

Rammstein Tickets 2009

Anyone interested can purchase, without further restriction, a maximum of 2 tickets for the band's concerts in Germany. Tickets range from 56,00€ to 78,00€...

Rammstein in Guitar Hero 5

In case you were waiting for your favourite group to appear in the new Guitar Hero 5, you will be really happy about this...

Do we have the name of the upcoming Rammstein single?

After "Verbot" and "Affenknecht", there are two new names spreading on internet: "Seid Bereit" (English: Be Ready) and "Liebe ist für alle da" (English:...

Affenknecht report, May 2009

Please be advised that this report is the first in the history of this website. Its purpose is to find the weak parts of...

Rammstein Tour Termine für 2009 bekannt

Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Tour zusammen mit Daten und Städten angekündigt wurde. Um mehr zu lesen, folgen Sie diesem Link: Rammstein Termine 2009 Am 12....

Rammstein Tour dates for 2009 announced

Please be advised that the tour has been announced together with dates and cities of show performance. To check it follow this link: Tour dates...

Rammstein Affenknecht – is it the new single?

Update: Please be advised that this news includes unconfirmed information and is 99 % fake. Don't take it seriously, we just want to keep...

Verka Serduchka – Du hast

Here is some funny video. If you are bored and still waiting for the new album of Rammstein to come out, you can watch...