Rammstein Engel lyric with English translation

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Wer zu Lebzeit gut auf Erden Who in their lifetime is good on Earth
wird nach dem Tod ein Engel werden and will become an angel after death
den Blick gen Himmel fragst du dann you look to the sky and ask
warum man sie nicht sehen kann why can’t you see them
Erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehn First if the clouds have gone to sleep
kann man uns am Himmel sehn you can see us in the sky
wir haben Angst und sind allein we are afraid and alone
Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein God knows I don’t want to be an angel
Sie leben hinterm Sonnenschein They live behind the sunshine
getrennt von uns unendlich weit separated from us, infinite expanse
sie müssen sich an Sterne krallen (ganz fest) they must cling to the stars (very tightly)
damit sie nicht vom Himmel fallen so they won’t fall from the sky
Erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehn First if the clouds have gone to sleep
kann man uns am Himmel sehn you can see us in the sky
wir haben Angst und sind allein we are afraid and alone
Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein God knows I don’t want to be an angel
Erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehn First if the clouds have gone to sleep
kann man uns am Himmel sehn you can see us in the sky
wir haben Angst und sind allein we are afraid and alone
Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein God knows I don’t want to be an angel

This song is about how some people believe in angels, and that good people become them after death, but we wonder why we never can see them. The lyrics of this song can also be seen as doubting the existence of God. Near the end of each chorus, Till states, “God knows I don’t want to be an angel.”



  1. no one really knows .. i think that before becoming an angel , u have to meet judas.. there is no heaven without hell.. it can´t be translated .. its a question to people : do u want to be judas or one of the saints… because u can´t be a saint before meeting judas .. thats how i interpret this song..

  2. I have always felt that these lyrics convey an anti-prudish sentiment shared by most of us who live in insufferably sex-negative societies (e.g. America) It’s like “Fuck being an ‘angel.’ I don’t want to be swallowed up in self righteous, sexual repression in the hope that I will be seen as someone ‘pure’ after I’ve acheived room temperature! I want to be a real person who makes friends with his appetties-safely & responsibly fulfilling them with every consenting adult I can find until the day the rest of my body turns as stiff as my cock usually is (or ‘until the pussy is forever dry’ for the ladies.)

  3. Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein = God knows I don’t want to be an angel.

    And yes, that’s what they really sing. You can trust me, I live next to Germany and had 4 years of German class. Thank you. 🙂

    James lyrics posted two years ago are NOT correct at all. It hardly makes sense, sorry.

  4. I agree with charasmatic enigma. And like he/she said, its a farfetched idea, but for the rammstein english version it would make sense. But, seeing as I prefer the german version, as there seems to be more soul in it.
    And @ tutata49, please stay on topic of the song, as far as i know, the general populace dosent appreciate preeching of one’s beliefs.
    Un chanson tres fantastique.

  5. @Tutata49 –
    I’m not saying I do or don’t believe what I said about earth-dwellers’ souls having formerly been angels in Heaven. However, I know a couple of people who do believe this, and I think it’s fair to say that this song could be interpreted that way. …Also, I would greatly appreciate it if you didn’t state your personal beliefs as if they were facts.

  6. Angels are an entirely different order of creation; it is not true that some humans become angels when they die. Angels were created in perfection, and there is a limited number of them (this does not mean there is a small number of angels); while humans are the smallest of all creation. Perfection is every human’s goal, not their starting point.

    • I think the confusion arises bc some people have visions of dead humans dress in white garments and confuse them with angels. Another thing, angels do not necessarily have wings.

  7. Love this song; I think its about how none of us are perfect.
    The song states that we wouldn’t want to be angels anyhow because its even lonelier to be an angel then a human.
    Anyhow, you have no freewill as an angel so why would you ever want to be one??

  8. Dear Joe:
    The english version is not a translation. It is merely an adaption, so as to keep similar rhythm and rhyme. This is the same as with Du Hast. As the “catchphrase” in the english version is “You Hate”, this has mislead some to believe that this is the translation of Du Hast. However, Du HASST means You Hate. Sorry if you already knew, just trying to help. 🙂

  9. Small note:

    I think that some listeners have a point when they misinterpret the lyrics as “God, damn not an angel when I die!” when the actual lyrics read “Goddamn; not an angel when I die!”

    This lends itself to another, if a little farfetched, meaning to the lyric: if an earth-dweller’s soul was an angel in Heaven, the speaker does not want God to damn another angel for the sake of a mortal soul.

  10. The English version of this song was composed by Rammstein in order to appease the band’s publicist/producer in America, who felt that at least a couple very catchy songs in English would lead to a greater ability to reach new fans.

    This worked, of course, but with one problem: the band has admitted that they aren’t very fond of the English versions.

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