Rammstein Amerika lyrics with English translation

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We’re all living in Amerika We’re all living in America
Amerika ist wunderbar America is wonderful
We’re all living in Amerika We’re all living in America
Amerika, Amerika America, America
Wenn getanzt wird will ich führen When there’s dancing I want to lead
auch wenn ihr euch alleine dreht even if you’re whirling around alone
Lasst euch ein wenig kontrollieren Let yourselves be controlled a little
Ich zeige euch wie es richtig geht I’ll show you how it really goes
Wir bilden einen lieben Reigen We’re making a nice round dance
Die Freiheit spielt auf allen Geigen Freedom is playing on all violins
Musik kommt aus dem Weissen Haus Music is coming out of the White House
und vor Paris steht Micky Maus and Mickey Mouse is standing in front of Paris
We’re all living in Amerika We’re all living in America
Amerika ist wunderbar America is wonderful
We’re all living in Amerika We’re all living in America
Amerika, Amerika America, America
Ich kenne Schritte die sehr nützen I know moves that are very useful
und werde euch vor Fehltritt schützen and I will protect you from missteps
Und wer nicht tanzen will am Schluss And whoever doesn’t want to dance at the end
weiss noch nicht dass er tanzen muss doesn’t know yet that they must
Wir bilden einen lieben Reigen We’re making a nice round dance
Ich werde euch die Richtung zeigen I will show you the way
Nach Afrika kommt Santa Claus Santa Claus is coming to Africa
und vor Paris steht Micky Maus and Mickey Mouse is standing in front of Paris
We’re all living in Amerika We’re all living in America
Amerika ist wunderbar America is wonderful
We’re all living in Amerika We’re all living in America
Amerika, Amerika America, America
We’re all living in Amerika We’re all living in America
Coca-Cola, Wonderbra Coca-Cola, Wonderbra
We’re all living in Amerika We’re all living in America
Amerika, Amerika America, America
This is not a love song This is not a love song
This is not a love song This is not a love song
I don’t sing my mother tongue I don’t sing my mother tongue
No, this is not a love song No, This is not a love song
We’re all living in Amerika We’re all living in America
Amerika ist wunderbar America is wonderful
We’re all living in Amerika We’re all living in America
Amerika, Amerika America, America
We’re all living in Amerika We’re all living in America
Coca-Cola, sometimes war Coca-Cola, sometimes war
We’re all living in Amerika We’re all living in America
Amerika, Amerika America, America

“Amerika” was the second single released from Reise, Reise. It deals with the worldwide dominance of the culture of the United States. It is sung largely in German with a chorus partly in English: We’re all living in Amerika, Amerika ist wunderbar, We’re all living in Amerika, Amerika. It has received mixed reviews: some perceive it as anti-American, others as being opposed to globalization. The band views it as a satirical commentary on Cocacolonization.


The video shows the band in Apollo-era space suits on the Moon with shots of other cultures acting like Americans. The end of the video shows that the band have actually been in a fake Moon set in a studio, complete with film crew, a reference to the Apollo moon landing hoax accusations. Till Lindemann, Rammstein’s lead singer, wears a space suit with the name “Armstrong” on it – a reference to Neil Armstrong, the first man on the Moon.


  1. Whoever started this debate should feel proud. I am American, and I do enjoy the life of an American. I do stand for freedom of speech, religion, and rights of all types. I do not, neither do most youth in America, support the government. Go back a couple generations, yell at them for racism, facism, and such. We the youth, do no support them, and we are actually fighting for rights of all humans. I am not racist, homophobic, facist, or biased. I love all races and countries. I love to travel and see other countries. I would love to move to a different country. I may, in my distant future. For right now, however, I am worried about my country. I am trying and fighting to make it a better place!

  2. Germany:
    in WWII, Germany was a racistly run country under the rule of Adolf Hitler. Hitler is considered one of the worst men in history. Hitler brainwashed the majority of the German public that all problems are caused by the Jews; so they were sent to the concentration camps, along with communists, polish people, and lots of others. It was almost impossible to not be in one of Hitler’s hated categories; he believed in a group called the Arian race; a superior race of people, all of European decent, non Jewish, blond hair and blue eyes. Ironicly Hitler was none of these things (except European).

    America is by no means a perfect country; in fact its ‘perfecton’ will probably be its downfall. Truth is that a lot of American peope are very biased and racist; only in American schools do I hear racist and Jew jokes, blond jokes, sexism joks. Trust me i live in america and have been to other countries. Honestly america could very easily become the next Nazi country; the way the public eats up government lies and propoganda like its friggin candy. Also, America is one of the biggest homes to Pseudo Nazi groups, the KKK (which originated in America), and other racist groups. Conservatives also arent big fans of people who abide by conformity (boy with long hair, girl with short hair, etc).

    This song is about how the majority of America is stuck up and full of them selves, thinking that they’re at the top of
    the world (which they might be} but they bigger they are the harder they fall and were already starting to. America also has one of the worst legal systems ever. America by itself contains 25% of all prisoners IN THE WORLD. so many of these people are innocent that its crazy. also several people given the death sentence have been later found to be completely early. also if youre in court and you have a visible tattoo dont expect to get out without a sentence. a lot of Americans are very biased.

    No country is without faults. Its just America does a better job hiding them. People need to open their eyes.

    • The vast majority of Amerikans are not in the KKK or any other hate group. Und name the countries which do not have any people of the sort. This is a bit of a theory, but Europe did get attacked in this recent war on religious terrorists. And people from many countries have helped in fighting back against the terrorism. (This is not against the poster. Just adding to conversation.) But, Europe is perhaps too close for leading much in this (sometimes called) “America’s war.” And we had the planes stolen and rammed into our skyscrapers, which essentially set off this whole recent heavy military operation. We tried to stay out of at least one of the two of WWI and WWII, except financially perhaps, until it seemed necessary or ultimately unavoidable. We don’t want any more Stalins or Hitlers or Saddams or Mussolinis (etc.) in any country, including our own. And we might not want to “lead the way” all the time either. Not that we have though. But how long do you sit idly by in these world events when you know you could do something for the good? If you are president or king or part of a leadership team, what would you do when you see atrocities in the world?

  3. can we all forget our nationalistic morals and come together to enjoy the music? how in the world is that so difficult?

  4. And one more for all Americans. I am Ukrainian. In Ukraine our politicians fight every day and we have demonstration at least twice a week, we do not have a democracy at all and we are still sometimes supposed as a part of Russia. But I LOVE my country. A lot of my friends want to immigrate. Many to USA. So please add some patriotism in your heart! I know USA isn’t perfect. But neither is any other country! I disrespect people who doesn’t value what they were given.

    • I love you and hope you are ok. I think some nationalism is ok, as long as it is not overdone. I personally can’t wait for the day when there is no more war and all natural impulses and feelings are dealt with in more peaceful or healthy ways, like through sports and the arts. Speaking of arts, that is basically why many have come to this site – for the artform of music and maybe reading and discussion brought us here. God bless planet Earth and long live Rammstein!!!

  5. @tzahal I am sorry but are you stupid or what?! USSR have lost more people then USA and Germany had!!! And now you accuse USSR in smth?! My grandpa have been killed and he died while destroying GERMANIAN army, not JAPANESE!!!

    @Dave (Holland)In my country w have a saying: “First think 7 times and then do”. America sometimes forgets to think. Yeah I know US wants as better but somehow it ends as always (I mean bad) 🙂

  6. I love how so many Americans say that “all germans are nazis”, then you so nifty manage to point out that just because you’re government has done shitloads of stupid and downright outrageous and discriminating stuff, doesn’t mean you’re like that. If you do not manage to understand that it does not only go for you (i know that is hard for americans), but it’s that for most people who have a twisted government including old nazi germany. And at least the majority voted for Bush (even though i didn’t find that too trustworthy) as president, while Hitlers way to power was based on corruption and exploitation of the current situation in Europe.

    I’m sorry to generalize you, i’m well aware that there are many enlightened americans out there, but it’s the same with so many americans calling all russians communists. Do you think they all agreed with their government, who killed and tortured everyone who didn’t agree with them? How america is today frightens me, and i’m quite sure that your nurturing of incompetence, foreign-fright, racism and violence will cause more than just a small war.

    • I am an American and don’t know anybody who said that all Germans are Nazis. Honestly cannot believe that any of would say that unless being sarcastic. There may be a few. Old war sentiments have surely existed but have largely been dying off with those more of the day (more than half a century ago).

  7. As for the inventor of computers, the first thermostat computer was made in Manchester, England wiki computers and read the artical…

  8. Why is it that almost noone who decides to bash America takes the time to mention or at least think about the fact that most “American” family’s ancestor’s are immagrants from other countries? So to say people are inferior just becuase of the country they come from means that most of the time, people are possibly bashing their own country in a way.

    *This comment is not directed torawards Rammstein or the song.*

  9. Rammstein Cannot be Nazis anyway most of them Come from East Germany which is Mostly a Communtist Country (left Wing) and not Right Wing (Nazi)

    Give Them a Break on this Nazi thing and Just Enjoy the Music ..cos i Do !!

  10. I love America for it’s character. Where Europe thinks and ponders alternatives and never gets to solutions, America acts.

    As for culture, Europe is superior in every way and America remains that colony with only 400 years of history (our buildings here are older).

    And THAT is what this song is about: America’s ‘culture’ that spreads over the world, is taking for granted everywhere, and wipes out original cultures. Not really America’s fault though…

    • America has a lot of culture. A great deal of it came from other places. And a very substantial portion stems from Europe, in particular descendants of Germanic tribes. Maybe the whole humans of Earth are related – just some closer than others. Ich liebe Rammstein!

  11. Not only that but amercia has many beautiful aspects which many people also seem to be oblivious to because of their preconceived perceptions. Take the time to think before you spt out loads of ignorant, foolish, hypocritical comments.

    RAMMSTEIN ROCKS!!! (again^2)

  12. America is also a great place and there is more to it than what you people perceive. You only see the concept which is is displayed by media and generalizations which people oblivious to the truth say. America has done a lot for many people. YOU WOULDN”T EVEN HAVE A BLOODY COMPUTER TO BE ON THIS SITE MOCKING THE VERY COUNTRY WHO’S TECHNOLOGY YOU TAKE FOR GRANTED! Where would we be without america.

    Rammstein is right when they say. AMERIKA IST WUNDERBAR
    RAMMSTEIN ROCKS!!! (again)

  13. OMG some of you people are so naive. Not all germans are nazis. World war 2 was not started because the germans were all malevolent people, it was started because of a corrupt government being placed in charge. All you racist incompetent fools can just shut up. I like germany and I like german people, they don’t deserve to be frowned upon by people like those of you who are racist, naive, foolish, incompetent, idiotic & stupid. They are equal to all people. If any of you actually knew any history you would be aware of this.


  14. Good on ya LadyCrove. I don’t know about u guys, but i’m sick of Rammstein beng called Nazi. I’ve been to America for exchange and they have a certain four letter word for the six topguns. Nazi’s they may be but brilliant ones at that. America arn’t the scum of the orld, they’re just made so in movies and songs. They media make it look like they’re the ones ontrolling all life on earth. WRONG. They can just have CRTAIN opinions that range from timeto time. Amerka is a god sent song. I’ve heard Germans call Rammstein Nazi’s so don’t blame America. Every country has done things they regret. Australia made concentration camps in he Baor War, as did England AND Amerika. Let this song be a song of joy and happiness, not Nazi-izum and stupidity. STOP POINTING THE FINGER YOU MORONS. As LadyCrove said, get over your nacionalism and enjoy the music.

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