Rammstein Hallomann lyrics with English translation

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Hello man

Hallo kleines Mädchen, wie geht es dir? Hello little girl, how are you?
Mir geht es gut, sprich nicht zu mir I’m fine, do not talk to me
Steig einfach ein, ich nehm’ dich mit Just get in, I’ll take you with me
Und kaufe dir Muscheln mit Pommes Frites And buy mussels with French fries
Es ist schon warm und du bist schön It is already warm and you are beautiful
Und hast das Meer noch nicht geseh’n And you have not seen the sea yet
Du bist alleine, ich ganz allein You are alone, me alone
Sprich nicht zu mir, steig einfach ein Do not talk to me, just get in
Sing für mich, komm, sing Sing for me, come, sing
Hölle auf dem Ring Hell on the ring
Tanz für mich und dann Dance for me and then
Kommt zu dir der Hallomann Come to the Hallomann
Die Sonne scheint uns auch auf den Bauch The sun also shines on our stomach
Sag einfach nichts und mach es auch Just do not say anything and do it
Gib mir dein Wort, nimm meine Hand Give me your word, take my hand
Wir bau’n was Schönes aus Haut und Sand We make something beautiful out of skin and sand
Nichts wird danach wie früher sein Nothing will be like it used to be
Sprich nicht zu mir, steig einfach ein Do not talk to me, just get in
Sing für mich, komm, sing Sing for me, come, sing
Hölle auf dem Ring Hell on the ring
Tanz für mich, komm, tanz Dance for me, come, dance
Blondes Haar und Rosenkranz Blond hair and rosary
Hallo kleines Mädchen Hello little girl
Wir geht es dir? How are you?
Sing für mich, komm, sing Sing for me, come, sing
Frag nicht nach dem Sinn Do not ask for the meaning
Sing für mich und dann Sing for me and then
Auf den Wellen dein Gesang On the waves your singing
Lyric © Rammstein Translation © Affenknecht.com


  1. I think the correct translation would be “The “hello” man”, or “The man that says “hello””
    – sing for me, come sing
    Hell is on the ring
    Dance for me and then
    Comes to you the “hello” man

  2. I think the ending is him throwing her body into the ocean. He mentions earlier in the song how she has never seen the sea before. So the line “auf den Wellen dein Gesang” sounds to me like she is floating in the water but he still hears her singing. Or perhaps she isn’t dead yet and is screaming for help, and that to him is her “Gesang”.

  3. Jsyk “kommt zu dir der Hallomann” doesnt mean “come to the Hallomann” despite how it’s read. It’s “the Hallomann comes to you”. German word order is pretty flexible when you use grammar markers.

    Also given the context of the song, it could also mean “the Hallomann cums to you” since kommen can mean both come and cum in a sexual sense. He is watching her dance after all.

  4. Who committed this song text? It’s wrong af.
    It’s “Perlen auf dem Ring” not “Hölle auf dem Ring”.
    And Hallomann is NOT announcer. It is in the Norwegian language, but the song has nothing to do with Norway. It is about a man talking to a little girl, he greets her with “Hallo, kleines Mädchen” and he is just the “Hallomann” to her, because she does not know his name. She probably would respond with “Hallo, Mann” to emphasize that he is a stranger to her.

  5. It’s obviously a crass comment on the worlds largest pedophile organization – the Catholic Church.
    Perle auf dem ring – a typical catholic trinket is a ring of pearls and crucifix, also the word rosenkranz is rather a giveaway.
    And “komm sing” – confessional much?
    In addition, the fact that they [try to] silence their victims, make them insignificant and take no heed to their voices seems to be like letting them sail alone, carried away by waves of indifference.
    So I picture a creep in “holy garb” saying “hello my child, won’t you come inside….”

  6. I concur with Nippur. It does sound more like “Perle”, rather than “Hölle”, especially the first time.

  7. Lyrics: Helloman, not announcer as that is norwegian

    Hello little girl, how are you?I am good, don’t talk to me

    Just get in the car, I take you with me

    To buy you mussles with fries

    It’s warm outside and you’re beautiful

    And you have never seen the sea

    You are alone, I’m all alone

    Don’t talk to me, just get in the car

    Sing for me, come, sing

    Pearl on the ring

    Dance for me and then

    He will come to you – the helloman

    The sun shines onto our bellies

    Just don’t say anything and do it too

    Give me your promise and take my hand

    We build something beautiful from skin and sand

    Nothing will be the same afterwards

    Don’t talk to me, just get in the car

    Sing for me, come, sing

    Pearl on the ring

    Dance for me, come dance,

    Blonde hair and a crown of roses

    Hello little girl, how are you?

    Sing for me, come, sing

    Don’t ask for the meaning

    Sing for me and then

    On the waves floats your song

  8. Hello little girl, how are you?
    I’m fine, do not talk to me
    Just get in, I’ll take you with me
    And buy mussels with French fries
    It is already warm and you are beautiful
    And you have not seen the sea yet
    You are alone, me alone
    Do not talk to me, just get in

    Sing for me, come, sing
    Hell on the ring
    Dance for me and then
    Come to the Hallomann

    The sun also shines on our stomach
    Just do not say anything and do it
    Give me your word, take my hand
    We make something beautiful out of skin and sand
    Nothing will be like it used to be
    Do not talk to me, just get in

    Sing for me, come, sing
    Hell on the ring
    Dance for me, come, dance
    Blond hair and rosary

    Hello little girl
    How are you?

    Sing for me, come, sing
    Do not ask for the meaning
    Sing for me and then
    On the waves your singing

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