Lindemann Blut lyrics with English translation

Blut (Blood)

Aus dem herzen in die hände
Eine linie bis zum ende
Von dem schädel in die beine
Rotes band uns stets vereint

Jeden tag und jede stunde
Sind auf ewig wir verbunden
Ihr schwimmt im leibe, mir im körper, im gesicht
So das blut im herzen spricht

Fein gekettet an die kinder
Muss euch hegen, muss euch binden
Euch zu lieben meine stumpfe pflicht
Ob ich will nun oder nicht

Ich trage euch in mir umher
Jeder tropfen tonnenschwer
Kalte finger im genick
Haftet sich an mein geschick
Lass es rein, lass es raus

Und spricht die klinge in der not
Wenn das blut im leib gerinnt
Wenn der farbenlose tod
Mich in die kalten arme nimmt
Lass es rein, lass es raus

Lyric © Lindemann
From the heart in the hands
A line to the end
From the skull in the legs
Red band always united us

Every day and every hour
We are connected forever
You swim in my body, in my body, in my face
So the blood speaks in the heart

Finely chained to the children
I must cherish you, I must bind you
To love you my blunt duty
Whether I want it or not

I carry you around in me
Every drop weighs tons
Cold fingers in the neck
Adhere themselves to my skill
Let it in. let it out

And speaks the blade in need
When the blood clots in your body
When the colourless death
Takes me in cold arms
Let it in, let it out

Translation ©

Song meaning: please add the meaning of the lyrics to the comment section to discuss it with other fans.


  1. I was under the impression that the lyrics in “Home Sweet Home” reference Till’s father’s death from stomach cancer. As for Blut, I get Deutschland vibes. Instead of speaking about his love/hate relationship with Deutschland, though, he may be speaking about the trauma that can be passed down “by blood” in each generation and the challenges it presents. Especially in these verses:

    Fein gekettet an die kinder
    Muss euch hegen, muss euch binden
    Euch zu lieben meine stumpfe pflicht
    Ob ich will nun oder nicht

    Ich trage euch in mir umher
    Jeder tropfen tonnenschwer
    Kalte finger im genick
    Haftet sich an mein geschick
    Lass es rein, lass es raus

    Perhaps these words came while Till was preparing for “Mike Oldfield im Schaukelstuhl: Notizen eines Vaters” to be re-released with his interview afterward?

  2. Hey to all Lindemann fans!!!! I just wanted to get some feedback on what the song Blut is about. I was thinking the song is about suicide, but I might be wrong. What is your interpretation of the song? I also love the song Home Sweet Home by Lindemann too. That song is about breast cancer I believe. You know what brings a smile to my face when I listen to Home Sweet Home? It’s when Lindemann sings the words vicious and violent. He pronounces those two words like it has a W instead of a V. I’m not making fun of Lindemann at all because I think his grasp of a lot of languages is pretty damn good. But yes, in German the W’s are pronounced like a V instead of a W. So I think when he tries to sing the words with a V it’s the same thing. I think it’s awesome though.


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