Ich Tu Dir Weh – a word about censorship


Rammstein and the freedom of speech in Germany…

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  1. He says the same thing about 3 different times. If you can find someone a little less annoying and redundant and someone who isn’t a complete tool, go ahead. But maybe the news column is a news column for a reason…

  2. I completely agree with all of the points in the video and I would love to see more videos like this. I’d like to hear other’s thoughts on Rammstein and whats going on right now.

  3. I think what he had to say was very true. Regardless of the fact that he lit up half way thru the video and held it there like an idiot. At least here in the US we watch something on tv and it would say veiwer discretion is advised for yada yada reasons. Thats the way it should be for everything, if you know full well what your getting into or listening to then why ban that you can listen to it. You know the consequences you make the desicion. And the fact of the younger kids getting ahold of the CD, any idiot knows you can go on ebay and just order it and get it shipped where ever in the world.

  4. Censorship is good, You just have to censor the really bad things.
    Not a song of Rammstein, there are a lot things in this world that require more censor then Rammstein..

  5. Totally agree with that guy. Whole idea of censorship is foolish. How many of us have played Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto and thought,”Wow! I really need to do this in real life!”,….I imagine none of us…hopefully 😛

  6. it’s a good point, but it’s kind of drawn out to a pointless expansion of the allready covered topic, and I don’t respect the fact that he got dressed up like a bro and lights a ciggarette in the middle of the video just to look cool, HOWEVER, i agree completely with his point!

  7. I would enjoy more videos like this in the future. I also completely agree, censorship is a terrible concept. It’s like telling us we don’t don’t have or own ideas on morals or we aren’t capable of raising our own children. In fact, I believe censorship is pointless as it is up to the parent to raise their children properly and be aware of what they’re listening to. I understand censoring swear words and porn, but not to the point where something becomes unavailable almost completely. What the BPjM (‘Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien’ or ‘Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons’)has done to Rammstein is taken away their freedom of expression. The BPjM has said to Rammstein: “We don’t like what you have said so we won’t let you say it” Why not just take away their ability to vote too. It’s also kind of trying to take away the peoples right for choice in the kind of products they buy. You can’t force people to live a certain way or have certain ideals. But I guess people have been doing that for centuries so I’m not sure why I’m surprised. I’m glad we don’t have anything like the BPjM in Canada, at least thea I’m aware of.

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