When to expect Haifisch?


Many of you are deperately looking forward to the upcoming single which was announced to be Heifisch from the most recent album Liebe ist für alle da. According to beatblogger.de the date shall be April 9th, 2010. However it is essential to read following info from another source (Gauntlet.com):

The single / video has no official date. But they are actually meeting with label peeps this week to hammer it all out. So all rumors you have heard on a date being confirmed are just speculation although April is the month from what I have been told. No asking anymore questions as I know whats next and I can’t say, it is for the band to announce. The new single isn’t indexed so the official site will be able to promote and post news when they are ready.


  1. hyde i remember the shooting clip in castle if it has vampires i am sure that the next video of haifisch will be buckstabu.This song have screams and the lyrics suits with this clip

  2. I have a small theory – all of you surely know that Rammstein were shooting a clip in german castle, there were rumors about coffins, vampires; let’s say something like DRSG98. And now, do you think that dark castle scenes fit for the Haifisch song? Definitely not. So I believe Haifisch clip will be different, and the clip for Bückstabü, Waidmann’s Heil or LIFAD is already finished, and we may expect it to be released in summer.

  3. the clip will be awesome. But i think the next single will be liebe ist fur alle da.In my opinion it would be small and crazy clip…..is brilliant hit.Anyway LIFAD is my favourite album.

  4. Liebe ist fur alle da is no longer on the setlist (replaced by Du riechst so gut) so I doubt that will be a single. Sorry

  5. I was hoping that Haifisch was gonna be a rumor single. Don’t get me wrongs its a great song but i was more hoping for Waidmanns heil or Liebe ist für alle da.


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