Write a review, win a CD / DVD


As the Australian and South African shows are coming, we would like to ask you for a review. If you plan to visit one of the shows and want to write a review, you can send it to [email protected],

SUBMISSION CLOSED – the winner is Harley Brown with his review. Harley, let me know once the CD is out so we can send it to you!

including images taken legally (I am not sure what restriction may apply for these shows, but pictures taken off the stage shall be definitely OK). We will choose the best reviews and publish them. Author of the best article according to readers’ voting will win a CD / DVD (probably the upcoming “best of” album)

The deadline to submit reviews is February 20th 2011. The voting will end one month later on March 20th.

Rules: we accept only reviews written in English. We do not guarantee that your review will be published. The terms and conditions may change.

Update: all reviews will be available on this page.


  1. Went to the show in Cape Town. Was Awsome. Unfortunatly i was in the back, and was hard to even see the band, big screans would have been nice. On the day the ticket office opened i went online. I was not sure what tickets to take, so i called a friend, by that time most was sold out. A HUGE band like Rammstein could have filled a big stadium in Capetown.
    The Pyro tec’s were great, the show was great, was worth a 14 hour drive round trip.

  2. wow! I went to see Rammstein in Cape Town last night, awsome cannot decribe it. They did not dissapoint that is for sure. The concert was the way I like it. Intro music started, the curtain came down, the masive German flag came down and the boys rocked! They rocked hard, they rocked Rammstein style. They did not hold back on fireworks, lightning effects, props, ect. For a small arena like Grandwest they delivered pretty well. At the end of their set, they said thank you and left the stage. Massive applause and a hungry crowd got them back on the stage, 3 or was it 4 songs later again a thank you to Cape Town and then they left the stage. I got what I came for MUSIC no chit chatting, no politics, just hardcore music. WOW! (my apology for uppercase but lowercase does not do it)

  3. I know length won’t make something magically good, but is there a word limit of some kind?
    Just checking before I get writing. (:

    • There is no specific requirement and it is not necessary to attach pictures. Show effects description shall be included.

  4. I just saw their Auckland show in New Zealand last night, part of their Big Day Out Tour, is it ok if I send a review ?


    IT WAS AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!

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