Affenknecht hacked


Yesterday many fans wrote me that I was spreading some bullshit information about Richard Kruspe leaving Rammstein. Some people issued threads to my life. I was wandering what was happening and as I was not in my country (I am now in USA) , and I had restricted access to internet I was really scared when I saw what some unknown hacker did to my site.

Richard Kruspe is really NOT leaving Rammstein. One of the smart fans (Jebaa, Pjork) wrote these reasons:

  • 1. There is not source.
  • 2. ““there isn”˜t anything.
  • 3. Nowhere read that article.
  • 4. Who is “Farin Urlaub”?
  • 5.
  • 6. That article is fucking ridiculous.
  • +7. Till’s last name wasn’t spelled correctly (Lidemann instead of Lindemann) this mistake was fixed few hours later according to logs.

The other thing that this hacker did to my site is that he somehow managed to block the finish section in Google. Now if you want to access this language section with Firefox browser, it will not display the page but just a warning message.

I regret what happened on this site and hope that nobody had heart attack after reading such nonsense. Maybe this violator could be the same person who informed us last year about Till Lindemann departure (it was also a HOAX).

My next steps will be to upgrade this site to avoid any violations in future. I also must fix the finish section in order to provide all fans from Finland with fresh information (thank you Sinnlos for informing me about this problem). And the last thing I want to do is to take legal steps against all people who threatened to kill me (in case they don’t explain their behavior) because of the fake information on this website.

Rammstein members are now working on the new album (NO Farin Urlaub). The new album can already be preordered on German Amazon: Neues Album 2008

Thank you for understanding the situation and I hope you will keep visiting this webpage (we managed to reach 1 000 000 visitors in two years history this week). I will do my best to administrate this portal in the way you appreciate it the most.

External – admin


  1. broh, that is not a appropriate way to get visitors for your site. if you were right and the hacker wrote that, the first should do was deleting that.

  2. This is a good forum run by good people to bring discussion and true info about the band. Someone definately hijacked the site and ran false claims.
    Plus if you want info go to Rammstein official website obvious or verify it, this forum is to discuss and help others finding info like concerts among other goers that wouldnt be on the website.
    Looking forward to the new updated forum, and hope the losers gets hacked. Like i said be rest assured the website is run by great people and are trutworthy THROUGH THEIR LOCALITY AND DEDICATION FOR THE BAND, BELIEVE ME.

  3. What kind of sick joke was it supposed to be?

    I say we all figure out where the bastard lives and go hang 'em.

  4. Those stupid hackers just want to scare people by saying Richard leaves Rammstein. They're liars too.

  5. Yeah, the hacker needs shooting dead!!!

    By the way sorry for the whole violence thing on you. Many apologies for that. I went a little mad with that.

    Btw…Im not some crazed fan….Honest 🙂

    Happy to know Richards still with Rammstein 🙂

    • Ok, i just read that comment back and it reads bad, but theres no edit or delete button. I want to make it clear that the only "threat" was the comment of where i mentioned killing the hacker. Not against you (that bit came out wrong) Just to set that straight! 🙂


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