Rammstein Stirb nicht vor mir (Don’t Die Before I Do) lyrics with English translation

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Die Nacht öffnet ihren Schoß The night opens her lap
Das Kind heißt Einsamkeit The child’s name is loneliness
Es ist kalt und regungslos It is cold and motionless
Ich weine leise in die Zeit I cry softly into time
Ich weiß nicht wie du heißt I don’t know what your name is
Doch ich weiß dass es dich gibt But I know that you exist
Ich weiß dass irgendwann I know that sometime
irgendwer mich liebt someone will love me
He comes to me every night He comes to me every night
No words are left to say No words are left to say
With his hands around my neck With his hands around my neck
I close my eyes and pass away I close my eyes and pass away
I don’t know who he is I don’t know who he is
In my dreams he does exist In my dreams he does exist
His passion is a kiss His passion is a kiss
And I can not resist And I can not resist
Ich warte hier I wait here
Don’t die before I do Don’t die before I do
Ich warte hier I wait here
Stirb nicht vor mir Don’t die before I do
I don’t know who you are I don’t know who you are
I know that you exist I know that you exist
Stirb nicht Don’t die
Sometimes love seems so far Sometimes love seems so far
Ich warte hier I wait here
Your love I can’t dismiss Your love I can’t dismiss
Ich warte hier I wait here
Alle Häuser sind verschneit All the houses are covered in snow
Und in den Fenstern Kerzenlicht And candle light in the windows
Dort liegen sie zu zweit They lie there together
Und ich And I
Ich warte nur auf dich I only wait for you
Ich warte hier I wait here
Don’t die before I do Don’t die before I do
Ich warte hier I wait here
Stirb nicht vor mir Don’t die before I do
I don’t know who you are I don’t know who you are
I know that you exist I know that you exist
Stirb nicht Don’t die
Sometimes love seems so far Sometimes love seems so far
Ich warte hier I wait here
Your love I can’t dismiss Your love I can’t dismiss
Stirb nicht vor mir Don’t die before I do

“Stirb nicht vor mir // Don’t die before I do” is uniquely different compared to Rammstein’s other songs. It is dominated by clean, arpeggiated guitars, with no distorted guitar to be found on the track. “Stirb nicht vor mir” is a duet, featuring Sharleen Spiteri from the British band Texas on vocals along with Till Lindemann. Till sings in German as usual, but Sharleen’s lyrics are in English.


A strictly German version may be released sometime in the future. Christian “Flake” Lorenz expressed dissatisfaction with the current song in an online chat with fans: “I hope that we can release the German version. The English version is not good, IMO. I don’t know how English speakers feel about it. For me it’s just embarrassing. In the German version, Bobo sings it.”

When asked about up-coming music videos in a recent interview, Richard mentioned that the next video will be for Stirb nicht vor mir, saying: “We will do one more for the duet with Sharleen.”


  1. @DIS
    I agree whole heartedly…that’s how I see it as well. A love that transcends time and space…that haunts your soul as you pass through the ages. Another song, with this theme… you may enjoy is ‘Somewhere’ by Within Temptation.

    I’m not quite sure why some don’t like the English version. I think that version is amazing.

  2. I would say it was about two people who are soulmates, but will likely never meet, as they live in different parts of the world. The singer is british, but in my envisioning, the character is an American, therefore having an ocean to seperate the two soulmates. It’s a sad song about love never found.

  3. I love this song too. I think that its interesting that (it seems to me, anyway) they made the woman the one to save him, since he is waiting for her, and not the other way round. I also like the fact that it is in two languages – like it possible for love to transend not only time but distance, etc.

  4. UM yeahhhhhh… I found this person and i wish i didnt because he is a total SACK-licker!!!!! I still like the song tho- it rocks out.

  5. ok question if this song actually became true in the way that you dream about a person you have never meet and then one day you go to help your sister out by working at this sport club and you meet the guy that has been in your dreams and you go after them then on ur 2 days after ur 6 mnth anno they break up with you and your deeply in love with them do you wait for them to return to you?

    • Exactly. But, in this case, they literally mean that they won't stop waiting or looking until one of them is dead, but until one of them dies, they won't. Hence the title "Don't Die Before I Do".

  6. this song is beautiful. for me, it is about knowing that the person who has haunted your dreams is really out there somewhere but you can't find them…you feel them because they are a part of you and hopefully, this time, you will find them. this love transcends time.

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