Rammstein Halt lyrics with English translation

Buy Rammstein song “Halt” on Amazon

Ich bin jetzt anders, Now I am different
sie haben mich geändert You have changed me
Doch ich bin immer noch der Meinung: But I still hold that
Es gibt zu viele Menschen There are too many people
Ich kann sie nicht ertragen, I cannot bear them
sie quälen mich mit Scherzen They torment me with their jokes
Doch das Übel an Geräuschen Still the evil of noises
ist das Schlagen ihrer Herzen! Is the beating of their hearts
Halt! Bleibt stehen! Stop! Don`t move
Halt! Bleibt stehen! Stop! Don`t move
Ich kann es nicht, nicht ertragen! I cannot, cannot bear it
Halt! Hört auf zu schlagen! Stop! Stop beating
Seht ihr nicht, mir geht’s nicht gut Don`t you see? I`m not too lucky
Doch sie pumpen weiter Blut und Still you pump blood and
Wie sie sich vermehren, sie kommen über mich in Scharen You grow in number, Coming over me in flocks
Ich kann sie nicht ertragen I cannot bear you
Versuch sie auszumerzen I`m trying to get rid of you
Es dröhnt in meine Schläfen das Schlagen ihrer Herzen In my dreams I hear the thunderings of your heartbeats
Halt! Bleibt stehen! Stop! Don`t move
Halt! Bleibt stehen! Stop! Don`t move
Ich kann es nicht, nicht ertragen! I cannot, cannot bear it
Halt! Hört auf zu schlagen! Stop! Stop beating
Stillgestanden in der Brust In a standstill in my chest
Ein totes Herz ist kein Verlust A dead heart is no loss
Rührt euch nicht! Don`t move
Niemand quält mich so zum Scherz No one will torment me for fun
Ich lass’ die Sonne an euer Herz I shall bring light to your heart
Niemand quält mich so zum Scherz No one will torment me for fun
Ich bringe Licht an euer Herz I am leaving light in your heart
Die Entscheidung fällt nicht schwer The decision is not difficult
Ich geh jetzt heim und hole mein Gewehr! I`ll go home and bring my rifle!
Halt! Bleibt stehen! Stop! Don`t move
Halt! Bleibt stehen! Stop! Don`t move
Niemand quält mich so zum Scherz No one will torment me for fun
Ich lass’ die Sonne in euer Herz I am leaving light in your heart
Lyric © Rammstein Translation © TommiK for Affenknecht.com


  1. What nonsense! Rammstein should rally the Germans against the barbarian invaders. I’ll write some lyrics for you.

  2. I would say that this song is telling that what drives the person who does a school massacre to do such a terrible thing is often bullying. He goes crazy from it. Not only is he bothered by the bullies, but all the others who back up the bullies’ behavior by laughing at him. Their laughter is fuel to the bullying, because that makes the bullies feel like it’s all fun. And they want to make the others keep laughing.

    So he wants revenge against everyone.
    The light he is bringing to their hearts of course symbolizes bullets

  3. @ mr AA and Maria
    Guys, I fear that the ‘sound’ of your “opiniong exchange” might make someone want to fetch their rifle, even calmer someones than the poetic persona in Halt . ^^

  4. To me, this song reflects the horror of the third world immigration contaminating Germany, and the will to pick up a rifle and drive them off. Also being haunted by the heartbeats of the invaders.

    • To me, this song reflects the horror of the German will to pick up rifle and drive them off
      Also being haunted by the heartbeats of the Masters.

    • Wow, talk about hearing what you want to hear. NOWHERE in that song is there even the vaguest, most roundabout reference to immigrants or foreigners of any sort. You hear something written in the voice of an emotionally disturbed person who is so distressed by the presence of other humans that he/she goes home and gets a rifle to start killing, and you attach your own hatred and your own desire to silence a few non-German heartbeats. I’m sincerely glad there’s an ocean between us.

  5. Dear Maria,

    Maria I thank you graciously for allowing me announce that I have successfully won this argument. My weapons of choice: the truth and a superior intellect.

    No, joking aside I will leave the ball in your court by adding – will you agree to disagree?


    Mr A A.

  6. Dear A.A.

    Indeed, Eifersucht is nicht kleidsam, remember that. Selfreflection is, however, a virtue.
    It seems like agree to disagree is not an issue anymore, it’s about you wanting to have the last word / say. Go ahead, I’ll leave it to you.



  7. Dear Maria,

    Selective understanding of what I’ve said is not an excuse. You can’t pick and choose what you like and what you don’t. I have stated very clearly how Halt is a reference to the Columbine Massacre but you’ve decided to cover your ears when you start to hear something you find upsetting. I don’t feel inclined to spell it out to you again.

    Writing in German isn’t going to make me see your argument any differently and I don’t need reminding of some line from a Sehnsucht song. I wasn’t aware this was a competition to find out who is the greatest Rammstein fan by seeing who understands the most Deutsch. But here’s an German phrase nevertheless – Eifersucht ist nicht sehr kleidsam. You’d be wise to heed that one Maria.

    You don’t need to become verbally abusive, it’s detrimental to your case here.


    Mr A A.

  8. Dear mister A.A.

    Es kocht die Eifersucht ?

    You never proved me wrong, don’t worry. Be careful not to drown in your self-pity.



  9. Dear Maria,

    You needn’t behave spitefully towards me, I’ve already gathered that you have a vindictive streak from your previous comments. You’re just bitter because I’ve proven you wrong and you feel humiliated. But yes, I would like to show that at the end of our pleasant little conversation on this page we agreed to disagree and left it there.

    You naive and spiteful girl,

    Yours benevolently,

    Mr A A.

  10. Dear AA
    I wrote a song for you, entitled “bite me, bite me, bite me”

    You sad, lonely man,


  11. Dear Maria,

    I have no interest in furthering this fruitless argument. You haven’t shown us any proof of Halt being a song about a subject or an event. I on the other hand have; with several factual references. End of discussion.

    It’s okay, you needn’t feel sympathy for me merely because I am wasting my time teaching someone who doesn’t want to be taught.

    Kindest regards,

    Mr A A.

  12. Dear AA,

    If you had read that and watched this, instead of considering it a lecture, you would have found that those were the examples I meant, so I did give examples.

    I feel a bit sorry for you,

    Kind regards,


  13. Dear Maria,

    Yes, I have my opinion which is based on truth and I’ll stick to it thank you very much.

    Yes, you have been lecturing me about being a proper Rammstein fan by telling me to watch this and read that, assuming that I haven’t done so already and that I don’t pay enough attention to the lyrics.

    Some kids died in a Californian high school today, maybe Rammstein wrote a song about that? It’s absolutely ridiculous – you say ‘Halt’ isn’t about Columbine it’s about another high school massacre but you won’t say which one or give an example.

    You’ve never defended Rammstein? So you’ve never had to correct some idiot who erroneously calls them ‘nazis’ or makes nasty comments about them merely because they’re German? I have.

    You’re just sore because you haven’t got me to produce an aggressive response. It has nothing to do with your perception of me being defensive and sensitive.

    Mr A.A.

  14. @AA
    Dear sir,

    We disagree. Nothing wrong with that. You keep up your opinion, I’ll keep up mine.

    Where on earth did I lecture you on being, or how to be, a Rammstein fan ??? Is it a competition ?? “I’ve seen them live over 60 times and you” ? (I actually did, but that doesn’t matter, does it, just lucky I live close by).
    I don’t think so.
    I don’t have to defend them to anyone, or being a fan. Never have, never will.

    I simply love them and their music, not in that order persé.

    We. just. disagree.

    Your last reaction makes clear why you’re acting so defensive and sensitive, thank you for that. It explains a lot and good luck with that.
    Didn’t mean to offend you, seriously. Had I known, I would’ve left it alone a couple of reactions ago.

    Kind regards,


  15. Dear Maria,

    I do not have a fixation on the Columbine Massacre and I am not American, I am British. So when you’re insulting America you won’t be insulting me. And finally I don’t like conspiracy stories, I like plain facts. But even that hasn’t become clear to you.

    Songs such as ‘Wiener Blut’, ‘Mein Teil’ & Donaukinder’ all have real-life themes. ‘Halt’ is no exception. It isn’t merely a coincidence because of the facts I have previously stated linking ‘Halt’ with Columbine, plus the fact that the band were associated with Columbine Massacre before the song was written, which gave them a lot of media attention. Another fact – bad news gets the most interest, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Rammstein’s album sales were boosted because of it. Probably the same thing happened after the media found out that the terrorists in the Beslam school massacre listened to their songs on their personal stereos.

    They’ve put enough hints in the lyrics of ‘Halt’ and in the track length for fans to see that it has something to do with Columbine without making it so blatant that the media and the haters could have used it against the band.

    I don’t need a lecture about how to be a Rammstein fan, I’ve been a fan for about 10 years. I have defended them when people have called them fascists by showing them the facts disproving their ignorant comments. I have been bullied myself because I am a fan, but this no longer bothers me. But what does is when someone comes along and actively tries to be provocative by saying things which are blatantly untrue, hoping to get an aggressive response for their own entertainment.

    Yours informatively,

    Mr A.A.

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