Rammstein Frühling in Paris lyrics with English translation

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Im Lichtkleid kam sie auf mich zu In a dress made of light she came up to me
ich weiß es noch wie heut’: I know like it was today*
Ich war so jung, I was so young
hab’ mich geniert Feeling awkward
doch hab’ es nie bereut. But still I never regretted it
Sie rief mir Worte ins Gesicht, She shouted words into my face
die Zunge lustgesträubt; The tongue bristled with lust
verstand nur ihre Sprache nicht; It was only her language I didn’t understand
ich hab’ es nicht bereut. I didn’t regret it
Oh non rien de rien Oh no, there’s nothing at all**
Oh non je ne regrette rien Oh no, I regret nothing**
Wenn ich ihre Haut verließ – When I left her skin
der Frühling blutet in Paris. Spring bleeds in Paris***
Ich kannte meinen Körper nicht I didn’t know my body
den Anblick so gescheut Too shy to look at it
sie hat ihn mir bei Licht gezeigt She showed it to me in the light
ich hab es nie bereut I’ve never regretted it
Die Lippen oft verkauft, doch weich The lips often sold but soft
und ewig sie berühr’n And touch them eternally
Wenn ich ihren Mund verließ When I left her mouth
Dann fing ich an zu frier’n Then I began to freeze
Sie rief mir Worte ins Gesicht, She shouted words into my face
die Zunge lustgesträubt; The tongue bristled with lust
verstand nur ihre Sprache nicht; It was only her language I didn’t understand
ich hab’ es nicht bereut. I don’t regret it
Oh non rien de rien Oh no, there’s nothing at all**
Oh non je ne regrette rien Oh no, I regret nothing**
Wenn ich ihre Haut verließ – When I left her skin
der Frühling blutet in Paris. Spring bleeds in Paris
Ein Flüstern fiel mir in den Schoß A whisper fell into my lap
und führte feinen Klang And would lead a fine sound
hat viel geredet nichts gesagt Speaking a lot and saying nothing
und fühlte sich gut an And it felt good
Sie rief mir Worte ins Gesicht She shouted words into my face
und hat sich tief verbeugt And took a deep bow
verstand nur ihre Sprache nicht; It was only her language I didn’t understand
ich hab’ es nicht bereut. I don’t regret it
Oh non rien de rien Oh no, there’s nothing at all**
Oh non je ne regrette rien Oh no, I regret nothing**
Wenn ich ihre Haut verließ – When I abandon her skin
der Frühling blutet in Paris. Spring bleeds in Paris
Lyric © Rammstein Translation © Affenknecht.com

Submitted by EinHeisserSchrei


Translation Notes:

*This is the German version of the English phrase “I remember it like it was yesterday”.
**These lines are originally from the Edith Piaf song “Non, je ne regrette rien” which came out in the 1960s and was (and still is) hugely popular in France.

***Wordplay with the a bit similar sounds of blutet and blühte (flourished)


  1. Hi all,

    Not only this song is incredible, but most of your comments too! Internet is so full of crap and it’s amasing to witness so much knowledge in your comments when you try to make an educated guess of this song. As there are some Germans here, I wonder why this question was not addressed to the band? I’m pretty sure there should be something on the web.

    • Rammstein doesn’t explain their lyrics on purpose and the lyrics are written to be interpreted in multiple ways. Guess they want everyone to have their own interpretation of their songs.

  2. I’ve got very different view of this song. In June 1981, in Paris, a Japanese man, Issei Sagawa, murdered and canibalized a girl, who helped him earlier to learn French. What is most disturbing, he was send back to Japane, where hasn’t been sentenced but… let loose. Unbelievably, he become a celebrity for what he did, publishing his memories etc. It is known that Issei was shy of his body, and considered european woman as some kind of ideal, so his crime was a “spiritual awaking” for him. And of course he doesn’t regret anything. More info here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Issei_Sagawa

  3. In the Little Black Rammbook, available on Amazon, I translate the song in its original rhyme & beat, like this:

    A veil of light, she came to me
    Like it was yesterday,
    I was so young
    My nerves took hold
    But soon they went away.

    She beckoned me, and to my face
    Spoke words in lustfelt tongue,
    Of language I knew not a trace
    Regrets? I have not one.

    Oh no, no regrets
    No, I have no regrets.

    When I left her silken fleece
    Spring was blooming in Paris.

    I didn’t know my body then
    I hid from those I knew,
    She showed it to me in the light
    I don’t regret the view.

    Her lips were soft, though often sold
    And moved in time to please,
    When I left her open mouth,
    I started then to freeze.

    Her words spilled out into my face
    Spoke in a lustfelt tongue,
    Her language I knew not a trace
    Regrets? I have not one.

    Oh no, no regrets
    No, I have no regrets.

    When I left her silken fleece
    Spring was blooming in Paris.

    A whisper fell into my lap
    And made a gentle sound,
    We talked a lot, but said not much
    Was good to be around.

    She shouted words into my face
    And over did she bow,
    Her language, I knew not a trace
    I don’t regret it now.

    Oh no, no regrets
    I don’t regret it at all.

    When I left her silken fleece
    Spring was blooming in Paris.

  4. Can’t rammstein make a song without melancholic references?
    The song would have been great (two virgins deflowered) without the prostitute reference (selling her lips), which leads to the murder explanation of blood.

  5. Bender696, this song is about exactly what it sounds like. The relation between a male and a female. Don’t try to translate it into something it is not. Rammstein does not sing about Nazism, as Rammstein are not Nazis. Also, why would Till say he did not regret it? He had nothing to do with it, I am sure he was not even born at the time.

    Nice try though.

  6. this song is about the german invasion of france back on their nazy regime… and i personaly dont think this song is about a soldier in particular but more about the general situation back then… they came in paris like it was their whore not understanding their language and abused them using force not realising their own strenth…

  7. @Swindy

    [quote]Ok, but I hafta note Till sings “je ne regrette DE rien”. You can to not notice that listening to the studio version of the song, but it’s obvious when heard at the concert of the eternal band. Gotta take notice.
    The point is you can say both “ne regrette rien” and “ne regrette de rien”, to my knowledge of French; that’s also stated by inimitable Edith Piaf. But Till sings the way he does! 8#[/quote]

    he says Je ne regre.. tte rien

  8. It is rather difficult following Rammstein’s lyrics when your German is as poor as mine is, but it’s rather clear that the narrator (Lindermann) presents himself as a bisexual sadomasochist in Rammstein’s sexually oriented music. Lyrically this song lacks any emotion other than lewd eroticism, and contains references to blood and “hardcore” sex. To better understand the song, I’ll try to abridge the narrative. A naked woman approaches an awkward young man who feels physically inadequate to satisfy her. She eases his anxieties with her vociferous vulgarity and her indifference towards his body. The following sexual acts are described in two, possibly three, stages: the first involving her vagina (her lips), the second implying fellatio (his lap). The third could imply either anal or rear penetration (bows). Throughout the song we are left clues as to the sadistic nature of the encounter, the most recurring one being a bleeding Spring in Paris. This is not a geographical reference as it refers exclusively to the metaphor in the preceding line (leaving her skin). Therefore, spring bleeding in Paris is a metaphor. As Spring represents birth, this could be a reference to the bloody birth of his sadistic sexuality, or it could refer to a bleeding vagina in orgasm; probably both. In my opinion, this is a song about sexual discovery, and a young man’s courageous leap towards exploring his sadistic impulses. He goes on to say he does not regret doing something so extreme. As conjecture, this song could have been inspired by the narrator’s frustration at women who left him due to his overbearing violent sexuality and their lack of understanding thereof. . . Purely conjecture. Please forgive the lack of references in this article; I think it’s self explainatory.

  9. @ Richard
    I agree with you.
    My take on the song…
    Man reminiscing about his younger day in Paris with a prostitute.

    He gets graphic by saying he fucked her so raw that when he pulled out of her, she bled.

    Til is relating the acts to us. I see no love in the lyrics, only his memories of the encounter. That’s the intrigue of Rammstein’s music. It can be translated in one way, yet with some knowledge of both “new” and “old” German style of literature, the same words can be understood quite differently.

    Either way, I luv this band 🙂

  10. Why would her name be Fruhling? Is Fruhling even a French word?

    It seems to be about a man getting picked up by a whore and letting her have her way with him. He doesn’t regret it.

    The music seems to be happy to be about killing her. The Spring Bleeds in Paris is probably a metaphor imo. Probably sunset or something

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