Rammstein Donaukinder lyrics with English translation

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Donauquell dein Aderlass Donau Spring your bloodletting/bleeding
Wo Trost und Leid zerfließen Where comfort and sorrow dissolve
Nichts Gutes liegt verborgen nass Nothing good lies hidden, wet
In deinen feuchten Wiesen in your damp meadows
Keiner weiss was hier geschah No one knows what happened here
Die Fluten rostigrot The floods (are) rusty red
Die Fische waren atemlos The fishes were breathless
Und alle Schwämme tot And all sponges dead
An den Ufern in den Wiesen At the banks in the meadows
Die Tiere wurden krank The animals became sick
Aus den Augen in den Fluss Out of the eyes into the river
Triebabscheulicher Gestank (the) stench (of) vile urge
Wo sind die Kinder Where are the children?
Niemand weisst was hier geschehen No one knows what happened here
Keiner hat etwas gesehen Nobody saw anything
Wo sind die Kinder Where are the children?
Niemand hat etwas gesehen No one saw anything.
Mütter standen bald am Strom Soon mothers stand at the stream
Und weinen eine Flut And cry a flood
Auf die Felder durch die Leiche On the fields through the dead body
Stieg das Leid in alle Teiche The sorrow climbed into all ponds
Schwarze Fahnen auf der Stadt Black flags on the city
Alle Ratten fett und satt All rats fat and satisfied
Die Brummen giftig allerort The poisonous humming everywhere
Und die Menschen soviel fort And the people so far away
Wo sind die Kinder Where are the children?
Niemand weisst was hier geschehen No one knows what happened here
Keiner hat etwas gesehen Nobody saw anything
Wo sind die Kinder Where are the children?
Niemand hat etwas gesehen No one saw anything.
Donauquell dein Aderlass Donau Spring your bloodletting/bleeding
Wo Trost und Leid zerfließen Where comfort and sorrow dissolve
Nichts Gutes liegt verborgen nass Nothing good lies hidden, wet
In deinen feuchten Wiesen in your damp meadows
Wo sind die Kinder Where are the children?
Niemand weisst was hier geschehen No one knows what happened here
Keiner hat etwas gesehen Nobody saw anything
Wo sind die Kinder Where are the children?
Niemand hat etwas gesehen No one saw anything.
Lyric © Rammstein Translation © Affenknecht.com

Submitted by Dill


The song deals with an accident near Baia Mare, in Romania, which occurred on 30th Januar 2000.

Extremely heavy rainfall on 30 January caused a dam to breach, causing 100.000 m³ of water to flood a goldmine and carry with it app. 100 ton of heavy metals and sodium cyanide into the nearby river Donau (German name for the Danube). The poison was carried along the river, causing havoc in several countries; drinking water became poisoned, and people fled the rivers’ surroundings to escape the deadly poison, which quickly destroyed all life in and around the river itself.

Lots of children were obviously affected by this disaster, but the name ‘Donaukinder’ (‘Danube Children’) more probably refers metaphorically to the fish in the river, seen as the ‘children’ of the Danube/Donau; the fish obviously suffered most directly the full force of this disaster and the absence of fish in the river is the most obvious consequence of the disaster. Hence, the song rhetorically asks: ‘Wo sind die Kinder?’ (‘Where are the children?’). Furthermore, the German name for Baia Mare, where the breach occured, is ‘Frauenbach’, meaning ‘Woman-River’, which sustains the metaphor of comparing River/Fish to Mother/Children.


  1. From listening to this I’m pretty sure it’s “Deiche” (dikes) not “Leiche” (dead body) and “Brunnen” (wells) not “Brummen” (humming). The phrases make much more sense in the context of the song with those water related words too. Should be changed to

    Auf die Felder durch die *Deiche*/On the fields through the *dikes*


    Die *Brunnen* giftig allerort/The poisonous *wells* everywhere

  2. Just a little extra information: the poisonous solutions was carried directly to river Tisza (Theiß in german), and through that later to Danube (Donau, Duna).

  3. Transylvania is Hungary, not Romania. It does not matter what the treaty of Trianon says, you cannot displace an ethnic population with mere lines on a map.

  4. “Schwämme” –> *Schwäne –> Swans
    “Aus den Augen” –> *Aus den Auen –> from the wetlands
    “Triebabscheulicher Gestank” –> *trieb abscheulicher Gestank” –> flew a putrid smell
    “Niemand weisst” –> *Niemand weiss
    “durch die Leiche” –> *durch die Deiche –> through the banks
    “Die Brummen” –> *Die Brunnen –> the fountains
    “Menschen soviel fort” –> *Menschen zogen fort –> People moved away

  5. Hi there :o) I’m really grateful for this site and the translations you’ve gone to such trouble to provide here. Thank you! I’m with GenericFan on that 8th line in above: where it reads “Und alle Schwämme tot”, I’m hearing “Und alle Schwäne tot” – all the SWANS, rather than sponges – which makes a lot more sense to me given that Till is referring to a river not the sea…? Cheers! Jay

  6. Pretty sure it should be “Und alle Schwäne tot” and not “Und alle Schwämme tot”. Swans, not sponges.

  7. I just wanted to point out that Europe banned cyanide mining processes on May 2010. Rammstein released this album in 2009.

    Leading up to the ban, many environmental groups were battling against companies who kept trying to start up new gold-cyanide mining projects in Romania. Some Romanians wanted them, as they were promised to generate billions of dollars. Some Romanians, and most of the countries around them, were very against this due to the negative environmental impacts.

    Rammstein sings about natural elements in a lot of their songs. Them feeling a connection to this river being polluted makes perfect sense.

  8. @TheAustrianDude: Kind of funny how every criticism you threw out has been addressed in the comments already. For example, the Augen/Auen thing, that was in the very first comment. Also, if you had read most of them, you would have seen that the concentration camp/nazi thing was pretty resolutly ended. At least read all of the comments before you decide to be a dick.

  9. and the owner of this “factury” was a Australian/Romanian Companie. not be a kiddy: “wä wö it wasnt a romanian” it was you 🙂


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