LIFAD deemed inappropriate for minors


Please be advised that Rammstein’s latest album, “Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da” has been ‘indexed’ as it is commonly referred to in Germany, meaning that the album cannot be sold to minors and cannot be stocked on store shelves.

The album will now only be made available for purchase behind the counter at shops that still carry the album. Word is that the tracks “Ich Tu Dir Weh” and “Pussy” along with some promotional imagery featuring guitarist Richard Kruspe spanking a female were cause for the Kreisjugendpfleger (district youth guardian) to act.

With the songs being indexed, the band will not be allowed to perform them live which could cause potential problems down the road as “Ich Tu Dir Weh” was reportedly scheduled to be the next single and a video has already been shot according to band members.

“Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da” is the first Rammstein album to be indexed. In 2007, religious groups, child welfare authorities and other ‘do-gooders’ petitioned the Kreisjugendpfleger to hold a hearing on indexing Rammstein’s entire back catalog. The review board dropped the petition allowing the albums to continue to be sold.



  1. I really hope that “Ich tut dir weh” will be played, because it is the best song on the album! Cheers to Rammstein! They stirred up things again! Rammstein forever!

  2. this stinks. they ban the songs of a band to protect the kids. in that case they should ban horror movies aswell or violent movies. We’re all gonna listen to jonas bros and watch the cosby show again because some religious dumbass wants to ???? i don’t know about anyone else, but i wont do that. and i’m willing to bet that they’re going to sing those songs live outside Germany

  3. but in Germany you walk into a gas station and the porn mags are at child eye level and after 10 pm you turn on dsf and there’s porn and then the radio is uncensored all the time anyway. WHAT THE FUCK do-gooders!

  4. What??? They can play “buck dich” live but they cant play “ich tu dir weh”? Just cause of TWO songs they are indexed?
    thats bull!!!!!And it sold behind store counters?
    How will people now its out their?

  5. well in my opinion this whole thing is against Democracy. noone has the right to oblige them not to play their songs, in front of their private fans, and in a place where one has payed to be there. it’s like u come to my house and u forbid me from having sex with my girlfriend… just bullshit…

  6. Wow. I wasn’t aware that one could, essentially, “outlaw” a song. That’s insane. It’s like the cases in the U.S., where people try to sue videogame developers because their games “corrupted their children.” Such bullshit. I can understand that it would not be allowed to play on public-access television, but to censor the independent performances, paid for by the band…that’s just too much.

  7. It only applies Germany. There’s no way the German government could do anything about Rammstein playing this song in other countries.

  8. This is absolutely shameful on the part of parents. Kids will find out about these kind of things at some stage for **** sake! Shame on all of you!!!

    I wonder does the idea of not being allowed play these songs live apply to only Germany or is it worldwide??

  9. They will play the songs live, but maybe not in Germany, that’s all. I think this is a ploy cause it was doing so well in Germany. The imagery really is not that bad – come on this is the country that routinely produces weirdos! (maybe this is why…)

  10. OH MY GOD…..these people need to get a LIFE!!!!
    political correctness gone MAD!
    its not rammsteins fault they have a huge audience (including minors)
    the REAL people who should be stopping their sons or daughters from buying the album is the PARENTS!!!
    why do the fans have to suffer by not being able to hear these lush songs live!!!! AFTER all – i think rammstein have done far-worse in the past (buck dich) !!!!
    …if the live show is too much…then only allow 18’s in—-

    music is MUSIC …and music is ones creation.


    (but i must say…good for rammstein for stirring it up 😀 – its what they do best) 😀

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