Important: postponed Munich show


The regional administrative department of the state capital of Munich has forbidden the sold-out Rammstein concert planned for 20 November 2011. A Bavarian court has rejected the application of the local concert-presenter, Propeller Music, to hold the concert on Totensonntag (a Sunday devoted to commemoration of the dead). Why a Rammstein concert is banned appears entirely arbitrary, when dozens of other concerts are allowed to take place. Administrative records in Munich show that in the past years approximately 130 concerts of all musical styles have taken place on “stillen Tagen” (the so-called “quiet days”).

The Rammstein concert is postponed to Tuesday, 22 November 2011. All tickets sold for the 20 November 2011 concert remain valid and so entitle entry to the concert on 22 November 2011. Whoever is prevented from attending the concert on 22 November 2011 can return his or her ticket by email to [email protected] to receive the refunded purchase price.



  1. i believe its the name of the band “rammstein” , “ramstein” (the horrible accident that happened in the town of ramstein) killed many people so the name of the band may be found disrespectful to the day.


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