What to expect from the upcoming 2019 Rammstein album


The internet is now flooded with more and more information about the upcoming Rammstein album that should be released in 2019 (perhaps April?).

Rammstein members Paul Landers and Richard Kruspe talked about the upcoming album of Rammstein.

Richard stated:

“We tried a lot of different things this time. Sometimes we felt like, ‘This could be an interesting song, even though maybe it’s not a typical Rammstein song.’

In music, there are thousands of ways to go, and sometimes it’s hard to say [which ways are] the right ones or wrong ones. There’s much more out there than our own ego.”

Paul added:

“The first phase was getting back into the groove of making music again and getting the band chemistry together again, getting close to each other.

Because the band are not under contractual obligations to bring out albums at any specific interval, this has been more of a voluntary process – following fate, and not trying to determine it. And things are looking good!”

“We tried a lot of different things this time,” Richard notes, while still refusing to go too deep into specifics. “Sometimes we felt like, ‘This could be an interesting song, even though maybe it’s not a ‘typical Rammstein song’. In music, there are thousands of ways to go, and sometimes it’s hard to say [which ways are] the right ones or wrong ones. There’s much more out there than our own ego.”

Rammstein Is ‘Done’ Recording New Album. It Will Likely Be Accompanied By 5 Music Videos, Richard Kruspe Says

“I’m very proud of what we’ve achieved,” the guitarist says.



  1. Go see them, if you can find a job to earn some pocketmoney. Just be on time and buy a ticket to one of their concerts closest to you and arrange it so you really GO there. Convince a friend or a parent to come with and arrange your way there and the way back or a place to stay the night afterwards. Just do it. It’s not cheap but totally worth it. I’ve seen them once and I’m going to see them a second time in the summer.
    But whatever you do, don’t wait for an ideal timing or situation because they’re not going to come by that often at this point in their career. If they’re at a festival, get a day-ticket and go there. If they’re doing a solo concert, definitely go.

  2. their last album…. this brings tears, will they still tour? ive never got to see them, im too young, (16) and its the one band i want to see.

  3. the only thing i’m hoping is i know every rammstein album has been 11 songs, thats not counting any bonus or addition add ons, but i really hope this album is longer than 11 songs, we’ve been waiting 10 years, they’ve said they had countless songs, i obviously don’t want a bloated album and will still be fine with 11 amazing songs, i just wish!!!!!!!! for like a 16-17 song album, with maybe a limited edition that gives 3-4 more like they did with LIFAD.

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