Rammstein Spring lyric with English translation

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Auf einer Brücke ziemlich hoch On a bridge, quite high
Hält ein Mann die Arme auf A man holds his arms open
Da steht er nun und zögert noch There he stands and still hesitates
Die Menschen strömen gleich zuhauf Right away the people swarm in droves
Auch ich lass mir das nicht entgehen I won’t miss out on it either
Das will ich aus der Nähe sehen I want to see it up close
Ich stell mich in die erste Reihe I get into the first row
und schreie And scream
Der Mann will von der Brücke steigen The man wants to climb from the bridge
Die Menschen fangen an zu hassen The people begin to hate
Bilden einen dichten Reigen They form a dense crowd
Und wollen ihn nicht nach unten lassen And don’t want to let him down
So steigt er noch mal nach oben So he climbs back up
Und der Mob fängt an zu toben And the mob begins to rage
Sie wollen seine Innereien They want his innards
Und schreien And scream
Spring Jump
Erlöse mich Redeem me
Spring Jump
Enttäusch mich nicht Don’t disappoint me
Spring für mich Jump for me
Spring ins Licht Jump into the light
Spring Jump
Jetzt fängt der Mann zu weinen an Now the man begins to cry
Heimlich schiebt sich eine Wolke A cloud moves in secret
fragt sich Was hab ich getan Asking himself what have I done
vor die Sonne es wird kalt in front of the sun, it gets cold
Ich wollte nur zur Aussicht gehen I just wanted to see the view
die Menschen laufen aus den Reihen the people break ranks
und in den Abendhimmel sehen and look into the evening sky
Und sie schreien And they scream
Spring Jump
Sie schreien They scream
Spring Jump
Erlöse mich Redeem me
Spring Jump
Enttäusch mich nicht Don’t disappoint me
Spring für mich Jump for me
Spring ins Licht Jump into the light
Spring Jump
Heimlich schiebt sich eine Wolke A cloud moves in secret
vor die Sonne es wird kalt in front of the sun, it gets cold
Doch tausend Sonnen brennen nur für dich But a thousand suns burn just for you
Ich schleich mich heimlich auf die Brücke I creep onto the bridge in secret
Tret ihm von hinten in den Rücken and kick him in the back from behind
Erlöse ihn von dieser Schmach I redeem him from this shame
und schrei ihm nach and I scream to him
Spring Jump
Spring Jump
Erlöse dich Redeem yourself
Spring Jump
Enttäusch mich nicht Don’t disappoint me
Spring für mich Jump for me
Spring Jump
Enttäusch mich nicht Don’t disappoint me

“Spring” (Jump) is about a man who climbs high onto a bridge just to see the view. A crowd gathers, thinking that he wants to commit suicide and encourages the man to jump. The man tries to climb down but the crowd doesn’t let him. In the end, with people screaming at him, he is kicked off the bridge by a member of the crowd (Till’s “character” in the song), saving him, as they see it, from his shame (of being mentally unable to jump). The song has a very melodic, gentle and melancholy keyboard-based chorus, accompanied by Till’s trademark voice.



  1. When I read the translation, I think that the crowd is just his guilt persuading him to jump. He hears the people (his sins) shouting for him to take his life. He tries to climb down, but his angst is too powerful to let him walk away. When he gets kicked in the back and falls is when he succumbs to him redeeming himself…

  2. The man climbing the bridge did not intend to commit suicide. “Ich wollte nur zur Aussicht gehen… und in den Abendhimmel sehen” — just climbed up to see the view. The mob of people had a bloodthirst, wouldn’t let him down, and forced him off the bridge. Till often uses “the light” to symbolize death. By telling the person on the bridge to “Spring ins Licht”, Till’s character (and thus the crowd) is encouraging him to jump to his death rather than trying to get him down to safety. This song is about the public’s lust for blood and horror, raging against innocent people, and overall “mob mentality”. It is a commentary about the deep-seated ill nature of humankind towards one another.

  3. I think this song has a strong parallel to the story of jesus. Humanity is asking for him to die in order to ‘redeem’ them? ‘Jump into the light’ – something like ‘die, go to heaven and save us’. He starts having second thoughts – like the bible says – the human part of Jesus is afraid, wants to go back, but still he has to die so people sentence him to death.

  4. @Nizzy I like spring as run:) Although I am quite sure Rammstein meant only jump I am also quite sure they would be pleased with new meaning of their song. But you know I don’t think Till would shout run because Rammstein are not so humanist and in this song I think they want to show the cruelty of human as the part of the crowd and here cruelty is the synonim to the cowardice.

  5. the man wanted to kill himself then he changed his mind but the crowed wanted blood and they become violent…when you see blood u ask for more and your animal instinct moves..is that what this song about ????
    anyway great melody i love it…

  6. I would just like to add that I think one way of looking at this song is about how the news (and the populace in general) is always craving for more blood so their ratings go up…the news feeds on suffering.

  7. This is interesting to listen to when you consider that the swedish translation of “spring” is more akin to “run”.

  8. I don’t JJ.
    Hope I never have to see such a thing!
    I believe he really just wanted to see the vieuw, and got ‘killed’ by this crowd and by the one who kicked him.
    Unfortunately people do such things to each other in many ways.
    Nasty animals we are…
    Nasty song…

    And yet so very good..again.

  9. This is to Mac… I like the way how yours sounds and how the Description of the song sounds but i believe that it is about a man who wants to attempt suicide but he cant, so he tries to get down but the people dont let him. And “Till” goes to kick him off to “redeem him from this shame” that he cant kill his self. But i dont believe that “till” again was gonna jump or the others thought he was.
    everyone just wanted to see death! I think this song relates alot to this world. Teenagers like to see sniper kills on the internet and people like to enjoy real gore.(well not all)

  10. i dont know if anyone else sees it this way, but most R+ songs have more than one meaning, they way I see this song is he did go up to commit suicide, i got this from the line “A man holds his arms open, there he stands and still hesitates”. people tend to hold their arms out right before they jump, and what is he hesitating from in the first place? to jump. anyhoo, another part of this song i interpret is, after Till goes up and kicks the man off, the crowd still wants more, now they see Till up there and want him to jump, even though he only went up there to kick the first man off. and so it continues, in a circle.

  11. The translation needs fixing! Hassen in this context is “to mob” like birds mobbing a hawk. I would also rather translate “Schreien” as “shout” rather than “scream”, because “scream” has a connotation of fear. Also, my browser is rendering some of the Umlauts incorrectly (e.g. Enttäusch and Erläse).

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