Rammstein Mein Land lyrics with English translation

Buy Rammstein song “Mein Land” on Amazon

Wohin gehst du, wohin? Where are you going, where?
Ich geh mit mir von Ost nach Süd I’m going from East to South
Wohin gehst du, wohin? Where are you going, where?
Ich geh mit mir von Süd nach West I’m going from South to West
Wohin gehst du, wohin? Where are you going, where?
Ich geh mit mir von West nach Nord I’m going from North to West
Da kommt er angerannt As he comes running
Mit der Fahne in der Hand With the flag in his hand
Mein Land, Mein Land My Country, My Country
Du bist hier im meinem Land You’re here in my country
Mein Land, Mein Land My Country, My Country
Du bist hier im meinem Land You’re here in my country
Mein Land My country
Wohin gehst du, wohin? Where are you going, where?
Ich geh mit mir von Nord nach Ost I go with me from North to East
Wohin gehst du, wohin? Where are you going, where?
Ich geh mit mir von Ost nach West I go with me from East to West
Wohin gehst du, wohin? Where are you going, where?
Ich geh von Land zu Land allein I go from country to country alone
Und nichts und niemand And nothing and nobody
lädt mich zum bleiben ein ever invites me to stay
Mein Land, Mein Land My Country, My Country
Du bist hier in meinem Land You’re here in my country
Mein Land, Mein Land My Country, My Country
Du bist hier im meinem Land You’re here in my country
Meine Welle und mein Strand My waves and my beach
Jaaaaaaaaaah Jaaaaaaaaaah
Eine Stimme aus dem Licht A voice from out of the light
Fällt dem Himmel vom Gesicht falls down from heavens face
Reisst den Horizont entzwei Tears the horizon in two
Wohin gehst du, hier ist nichts mehr frei Wherever you go, there’s nothing left free
Das ist mein Land This is my land
Das ist mein Land This is my land
Das ist mein Land This is my land
Mein Land, Mein Land My Country, My Country
Du bist hier in meinem Land You’re here in my country
Mein Land, Mein Land My Country, My Country
Du bist hier in meinem Land You’re here in my country
Meine Welle und mein Strand My wave and my beach
Mein Land My country
Vertrieben, Mein Land expelled (from), My Country
Vertreiben, Mein Land Banished (from), My Country
Vergessen, Mein Land Forgotten, My Country
Nirgends kann ich bleiben Nowhere can I stay
Mein Land My country
Lyric © Rammstein Translation © Affenknecht.com

Translation submitted by RAK. Thank you.



  1. As being extremely good friends with native Germans and family living there. I’m gonna have to say this is a subtle f*** you to the Turks. But ya know everyones got their own opinions. (But to be honest those f***ers are trying to take over my families home land).

    • Lol, I know what you mean. However, people only come to those European countries for money. You have to remember that.

      Where do you live, boyo.

    • Flake’s part at the intro kinda sounds Turkish too. I think you’re definitely right.
      But what’s up with this part? :
      I go from country to country alone/And nothing and nobody ever invites me to stay.

  2. It is unclear on whether Rammstein is for or against the anti-immigrant sentiments. It looks like in the lyrics that the immigrants are the perpetrators, though it could be simply just the way I see it (or prefer). Lyrics wise (not in interviews), Rammstein always make their stand ambiguous on sensitive subjects.

    Note that there is a social problem of Turks and Arabs not integrating well (cannot speak German, etc) into the society of Germany. So I’m not entirely convinced that this song is a criticism of anti-immigrants.

    Whichever side they are on, I like the lyrics which touches on one of the topics that I’m currently very concerned with.

  3. It looks like it is two versions of the song? I found one on the net before the official release that are 4:38 minutes long and the official release i purchased today are 3:52 long. The lyrics are a little different. Can´t find anything on the net about it.

  4. I think Tyler, Matjiaz, and Revvji all have good points about the interpretation(s). From the lyrics and the hilariously tacky video, it can be read on so many levels simultaneously: goofing on Baywatch; satirizing/attacking anti-immigrant sentiments (and specifically Swiss anti-minaret/muezzin laws); referencing the band’s own feelings of alienation (fits with what they’ve said before in interviews); and mocking American surfers’ territorial “locals only” behavior (meine Welle!). In defense of Americans, at least we don’t seem to be quite as territorial about space on the *beach* as Germans are – just the rideable waves.
    I also like how, at the beginning, they show off that they can write surf music (a bit reminiscent of the surf guitar in “Haifisch”).
    As powerful as I find the song, the video just keeps cracking me up – Lindemann’s slow-mo Hasselhoff sprint down the beach, the people in lobster and monster costumes, the quick self-parodying armpit reference to the original “Du Riechst So Gut” video…and they *would* have to make a crass pun out of the differing American and German pronunciations of the letter “y” when filming at Sycamore Cove. Write catchy riffs, include political/social statements that most of your fans won’t catch, and épater le bourgeois!

  5. I believe these men have good hearts and progressive politics, but do it in a subtle way. I like this. I think that it is very hard to write a song that is politically obvious, and not also sanctimonious. I read from their songs that they are are sympathetic to outsiders, gays, refugees etc,but have a defiant attitude that means they will always put sexy/sexist / controversial stuff in videos for the fun of it. I for one believe in their progressive, but Fuck You approach to things. If your smart enough to understand their lyrics and music, their subtle(?) left wing beliefs should be clear.

  6. @Tyler

    Could be.
    I like to think of it as a kind of anti-racism song. Or rather about countries refusing entry to asylum seekers..

    Great song, regardless of the meaning. If it were to be released on a full scale new album, I think it would be something like ‘Pussy’ on LIFAD. Great as a single to promote the album and play on the radio, but the best stuff are the other songs. ‘Mein Land’ sounds way better than ‘Pussy’ though..

  7. at least i hoped they will change the action movie-like thrumpets but they didnt do anything to them. they degraded the brigde too by removing the second part of it when ‘mein land’ is first sung. the only thing they upgraded is the solo-like part but they made the solo shorter by removing the only-guitar part of it.
    also the horrible action movie thrumpets got into the chorus too.
    another thing is, that the guitar riff would be actually quite nice, if it wouldnt go through the whole song non-stop

  8. Love it. Though my German is garbage, I think it’s ‘du bist hier *in* meinem Land’, and it isn’t consistently ‘im’ above.

  9. I feel like Till’s talking about the band, always traveling from country to country for tours and never being able to stay, then when they finally get back to their own country, Germany, they’re shunned and abused by the media.

    But we all know that Rammstein owns Germany, it’s their country, after all 🙂

    Nice job boys, hope you bring your show to the states!

  10. ewww NO NO NOOOOooooo!!!!
    dont put the allmighty in the same sentence as five finger death poo. – they BAD!

  11. I have been a Rammstein fan scince i was 5 and am really glad they’re still making music. I just celebrated my 13th birthday and got the Volkerball dvd. I wonder what excuse i can use to get this one…

    Liebe ist wie eine Blume, sogar die schönste Art stirbt.

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