Album: Rammstein | Video: Deutschland | Single: Deutschland
Buy Rammstein song “Deutchland” on Amazon
Du hast viel geweint | You have cried a lot |
Im Geist getrennt | In the mind apart |
Im Herz vereint | In the heart united |
Wir sind schon sehr lang zusammen | We have been together for a very long time |
Dein Atem kalt | Your breath is cold |
Das Herz in Flammen | The heart in flames |
Du | You |
Ich | I |
Wir | Us |
Ihr | You |
Deutschland | Germany |
Mein Herz in Flammen | My heart in flames |
Will dich lieben und verdammen | want to love you want to damn you |
Deutschland | Germany |
Dein Atem kalt | Your breath is cold |
So jung | so young |
Und doch so alt | and yet so old |
Deutschland | Germany |
Ich | I |
Ich will dich nie verlassen | I never want to leave you |
Man kann dich lieben | One want to love you |
Und will dich hassen | and want to hate you |
Überheblich | Overbearing (arrogant) |
Überlegen | Superior |
Übernehmen | to take over |
Übergeben | to surrender |
Überraschen | Surprising |
Überfallen | to attack (to assault, raid, invade) |
Deutschland Deutschland über allen | Germany Germany over everyone |
Deutschland | Germany |
Mein Herz in Flammen | My heart in flames |
Will dich lieben und verdammen | want to love you want to damn you |
Deutschland | Germany |
Dein Atem kalt | Your breath is cold |
So jung | so young |
Und doch so alt | and yet so old |
Deutschland | Germany |
Deutschland | Germany |
Deine Liebe ist Fluch und Segen | Your love is a curse and a blessing |
Deutschland | Germany |
Meine Liebe kann ich dir nicht geben | My love i cannot give to you |
Deutschland | Germany |
Deutschland | Germany |
Du | You |
Ich | I |
Wir | Us |
Ihr | You |
Übermächtig | Superior |
Überflüssig | Needles |
Übermenschen | Beyond-Man* |
Überdrüssig | Sick of |
Wer hoch steigt, der wird tief fallen | The higher you climb, the farther you fall |
Deutschland Deutschland über allen | Germany Germany over everyone |
Deutschland | Germany |
Dein Herz in Flammen | My heart in flames |
Will dich lieben und verdammen | want to love you want to damn you |
Deutschland | Germany |
Mein Atem kalt | My breath is cold |
So jung | so young |
Und doch so alt | and yet so old |
Deutschland | Germany |
Deine Liebe ist Fluch und Segen | Your love is a curse and a blessing |
Deutschland | Germany |
Meine Liebe kann ich dir nicht geben | My love I cannot give to you |
Deutschland | Germany |
Lyric © Rammstein | Translation © |
Translation Notes:
* The term Übermensch (German for “Beyond-Man”, “Superman”, “Overman”, “Superhuman”, “Hyperman”, “Hyperhuman”) was used frequently by the Nazi regime to describe their idea of a biologically superior Aryan or Germanic master race.
@Cris Thomas, Mein = My
Germany – my love
I can’t give you
=Rammstein, basically german-guilt for nazi-past.
-Germany, I cannot love you and I condemn you-
As if Africans were somehow more noble than Europeans.
Put into perspective the Germans have not behaved any worse than any other human group. Atrocities, genocide, conquest, brutality and barbarity in all of its forms. Tribal mass-murder in Africa, the religious wars in Europe between Catholics and Protestants where the populations of whole towns including babies had their throats cut, the dreadful deeds of the Islamists in the present day, The extermination of native Americans, the genocides carried out by the Turks, the ancient Romans way of subduing nations with ruthless slaughter. Ever since the dawn of human history and the beginning of wars human beings have done horrific things to each other and slaughtered each other in vast numbers. Human beings everywhere on the planet have done it and it will continue to happen.
thanx! greets to yall.
Beautiful song, lovely translation.
Two tiny things that might help: Überdrüssig as ‘sick of’ ends with a preposition’. In this context I would translate as ‘weary’ or even ‘wearied’. The translation of überflüssig is probably just a typo, but it should be needless (not needles) or possibly pointless.
I would propose an asterisk next to the translation for “Ihr” to explain the fact that it is specifically “You (plural)” which we don’t really have an equivalent in proper English. The closest I know of is “y’all.”
Überdrüssig should mean “weary” or “sick” since it’s an adjective like the above examples and the use of “sick of ” would imply it’s continued to the next line , which is not . also there is a typo with needless 2 lines above .
Not a bad translation, but could use some work to sound more natural.
Also, man kann dich lieben = one can love you
Überflüssig = Superflous
In response to the maker of the translations notes, the concept of the Übermensch was actually a concept conceived by Nietzsche. It was a concept that meant that a man better than others (an Übermensch) justified the existence of all other humans. This links back to the line “Deutschland, Deutschland über allen”. They are both not putting down anyone else, they are simply stating their supposed superiority (i suspect a bit of sarcasm in the lyrics). But the concept was corrupted by Hitler as a way to justify the extermination of non-Aryans. LOS RAMMSTEIN, WIR SIND ZURUCK
Ubs last refrain again Dein Herz in Flammen = Mein herz in flammen
Man kann dich lieben would be one can love you no?
@Cris Thomas: Thank you, corrected
On the last Refrain
Mein Atem kalt does it means My breath is cold instead of Your breath is cold?
[…] Lyric and translation here. […]