First professional pictures from the 2009 Rammstein tour

Few photographers took incredible pictures from Lisabon concert and now you can see it online on their pages. Strong warning: Most of the arenas don't...

Rammstein first concert in 2009, Portugal – Lisbon

The time has finally come and Rammstein will start their tour just today (8th November, 2009). The first concert will take place in Lisbon...

Lets make some statistics together!

For those of you who use, feel free to join our new group Affenknecht to find out what are the favorite tracks of...

LIFAD deemed inappropriate for minors

Please be advised that Rammstein's latest album, "Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da" has been 'indexed' as it is commonly referred to in Germany, meaning...

New photographs by P.R. Brown, shooting of the video

You can see some until now "unseen" pictures at There is an article about shooting a new video in the castle Marquardt (the article...

Rammstein’s next single will be Ich tu dir weh

In a radio interview, Paul and Flake confirmed that they shooted a new video for the song Ich tu dir weh. The video was...

Rammstein setlist revealed at first of three warm-up shows

61 forum member 'konkelo' has reported back the setlist played at tonight's show. The show is one of three being performed and this week...

Win A Trip To Berlin To See Rammstein!

Metal Hammer are giving one lucky winner and a friend the chance to see Rammstein at their final Berlin date on December 21. The...

Making of the video Pussy


LIFAD Bonus Disc Translations

We have seen quite a bit of interest in the lyrics and translations for the bonus tracks. This section of the site will be...

LIFAD Translations Complete

I've spent the last couple of days translating the 11 tracks from the main LIFAD album. Hope everyone enjoys them! Remember, the translations are...