Russian police visited Till Lindemann in his hotel room


Till Lindemann is going to perform at a festival in the Tver region, the organizers said. The headliner of the event was supposed to be the band “Bi-2”, but the musicians were warned by the authorities about violations of sanitary norms.

The leader of the musical group Rammstein Till Lindemann, who came to Russia, was visited by law enforcement officers. This is reported by Telegram channels Baza and 112, as well as the Interfax news agency, citing a source.

Lindemann was staying at the Zavidovo holiday complex in Tver Region, the channels said. According to Baza, on the night of August 28 security investigators have conducted an investigation of his house, and the reason for their activities is unknown. Baza wrote that one of the Rammstein representatives was arrested after a conflict with the law-enforcement agencies.

A source of “Interfax” also reported that investigative actions were conducted in Lindemann’s room, and the musician himself was present at the event. According to a source of the agency, “the investigation was conducted within the framework of the application”. Later, the source of the agency said that Lindemann was written out to “avoid violations of anti-covids measures” in connection with the upcoming concert.

The lead singer of Rammstein is to perform at the “McLaren” festival in the Tver region on August 29, according to the website of the event. The organizer of the festival, the founder of the holding company “Afanasiy” Maxim Larin initially published on his page “VKontakte” photo of the musician with people in plain clothes, writing: “Friends, we could not hide Lindemann with his band. They were found and are being pressed now.” Larin later deleted the post.

RBC applied for a comment to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Tver region, to the administration of “Zavidovo”, to the organizer of the festival “Maklarin”, the founder of holding “Afanasy” Maxim Larin, to the PR managers of Rammstein and Lindemann.

Larin announced the festival in July. Then he said that the headliner would be the band “B-2”. However, on August 23 the musicians announced that they would not be able to perform at the festival, because they had received a warning “about the inadmissibility of holding this event” from the authorities of the Tver region, because of violations of sanitary and epidemiological norms.

Because of the spread of the coronavirus in the Tver region a restriction applies, according to which no more than 500 people can take part in mass cultural and sporting events simultaneously. At the same time the spectator seats and grandstands can be filled to 50%.

The organizer of the festival “McLaren” said on August 24 that the site will be divided into territories, between which it will be impossible to move. A maximum of 500 people will be able to stay in one area, “the permit regime will be like at the airport,” he promised.

In addition, Lindemann should perform on Red Square in Moscow as part of the military music festival “Spassky Tower”.

In mid-August, the Hermitage accused Lindemann of illegally selling NFT-tokens with images taken during the filming of a music video at the museum. The Hermitage said it had sent the musician a warning that he was violating the museum’s licensing policy, but received no response.

The police commented on claims against the leader of Rammstein who came to Russia

Law enforcement officers have no claims to the leader of the German metal band Rammstein Till Lindemann, who arrived in Russia to perform at a music festival in the Tver region. This is reported by TASS, citing a police source.

“To the leader of the band Rammstein the law enforcement authorities have no claims”, – they said, thus not confirming the information previously appeared in the media that Lindemann received an order about the inadmissibility of the violation of anti-code restrictions.

As the agency specifies, citing the press service of the music festival, the event with the participation of the German performer will not be canceled amid the interest of the law enforcement agencies. For the musical event, which may gather up to ten thousand spectators, in spite of the epidemiological situation, are being prepared in the normal mode. “The festival will take place as planned, including the participation of Till Lindemann,” – concluded in the press service of the event.

Earlier it was reported that the police came to the Rammstein leader Lindemann. But the policemen, who were seen in the room of the musician’s hotel in Zavidovo, Tver Region, asked not questions about the singer but about the festival organizer, businessman Maxim Larin.

According to REN TV, the police warned the entrepreneur of the illegality of the mass event and the responsibility he may incur in case of non-compliance with sanitary and epidemiological measures. But the businessman could “hide behind” the Rammstein frontman and benefit from the scandal.

Administrative case initiated against producer of Till Lindemann

Moscow. August, 28. INTERFAX.RU – During a night visit to a hotel in Zavidovo, Rammstein lead singer Till Lindemann was placed under administrative detention for violating immigration laws and can be deported from the country.

“Reiband was detained as part of the administrative proceedings. When crossing the Russian border, he stated the purpose of the trip was tourism, although in fact he was organizing concert activities,” an informed source told Interfax on Saturday.

A protocol on an administrative offense was drawn up against Reiband under Part 2 of Article 18.8 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (Violation by a foreign citizen or stateless person of the rules of entry into the Russian Federation or the regime of stay (residence) in the Russian Federation).

“Materials have been sent to the Konakovo city court,” said the source. – If the court finds Reiband guilty, he faces placement in a temporary detention center for migrants and deportation from the Russian Federation.

As was reported earlier on Saturday, citing an informed source, Lindemann himself was issued a warning not to violate anti-coveting measures in connection with a supposed concert in the Tver region, which was planned despite restrictions on the holding of public events.


  1. Using Baza and 112 as sources, seriously? Those channels are well known for making up false stories, typical anti-Russian propaganda.

  2. Just leave voluntarily Till, compose a song about it and publicise it! Its a Mafia State best avoided….a loss to ordinary fans though who need this sort of event badly……


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