Yukon: Mein gehasster Freund (English: Yukon: My hated friend) is a newly announced book featuring Till Lindemann and Joey Kelly, two men of extremes. One is the frontman of Rammstein and at the same time the lyricist. The other is a member of the Kelly Family and the extreme athlete. How do they experience this trip? Two prominent names – who are the people behind it? What connects two different personalities?
Grandiose landscapes, breathtaking portraits, and sweeping texts by Till Lindemann show these contradictions in a newly introduced book.
The book is curretnly only avaialble for a pre-order on German Amazon. The book is currently in German.
Product info
- Hardback edition: 192 Pages
- Publishing company: NG Buchverlag GmbH; Edition: 1 (release date 10. October 2017)
- Language: German
- ISBN-10: 3866906404
- ISBN-13: 978-3866906402
Link to pre-order (German): https://www.amazon.de/dp/3866906404/