Rammstein Zeig dich lyrics with English translation

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Exmustamus Exmustamus *
Crucifixus Credo
Murisuri Murisuri
Extraspection Extraspection
Exmustamus Exmustamus
Crucifixus Credo
Lumine Light
Extraspection Extraspection
Verlangen verfluchen Curse desires
Verdammen Versuchung Damn temptation
Verdammnis versprechen Promise damnation
Verüben sie Verbrechen Commit crimes
Verheißung verkünden Proclaim promise
Vergebung aller Sünden Forgiveness of all sins
Verbreiten und vermehren Spread and multiply
Im Namen des Herren In the name of the lord
Zeig dich Show yourself
Verstecken verzichten Conceal, renounce
Verbrennen und vernichten Burn and destroy
Verhütung verboten Contraception forbidden
Verstreuen sie Gebote Spread commandments
Verfolgung verkünden Announce persecution
Vergebung der Sünden Forgiveness of sins
Verbreiten, sich vermehren Spread, multiply yourselves
Im Namen des Herren In the name of the lord
Zeig dich Show yourself
Zeig dich Show yourself
Versteck dich nicht Don’t hide
Zeig dich Show yourself
Wir vermehren das Licht We multiply the light
Zeig dich Show yourself
Kein Engel in der Not No angel when in need
Kein Gott zeigt sich No god shows himself
Der Himmel färbt sich rot The sky turns red
Verfehlung verfolgen Track misconduct
Verführung vergelten Reward temptation
Vergnügen verpönt Pleasure frowned upon
Verlogen und verwöhnt Hypocritical and spoiled
Als Versehen sich when accidentally
An Kindern vergehen abusing children
Verbreiten und vermehren Spread and multiply
Im Namen des Herren In the name of the lord
Zeig dich Show yourself
Zeig dich Show yourself
Versteck dich nicht Don’t hide
Zeig dich Show yourself
Wir verlieren das Licht We are losing the light
Zeig dich Show yourself
Kein Engel in der Not No angel when in need
Kein Gott zeigt sich No god shows himself
Der Himmel färbt sich rot The sky turns red
Lyric © Rammstein Translation © Affenknecht.com

Translation Notes:
* The words here at the beginning are not real words but are meant to sound like Latin. “Extraspection” could be a typo for the word “Extrospection,” which means to look and observe outside oneself (the opposite of introspection, which means to look within). If you recognize any of these words in another language, please let us know and we’ll update the translation.


  1. My question, and I’m not fluent in German obviously, but how does “Herren” translate to “Lord” wouldn’t it be “Hergott?”

  2. It is some kind of reversed exorcism (“in the name of Lord- show yourself”- are words use during this process) but aimed rather for God instead of devil. Poet demands Theophany from God who in his opinion is nothing difrent from devil (By aiming exorcism for God). It points out that acts that Church is supposed to fight with are commited by this institution, when you identify God with church puzzle snaps into its place. That’s tricky and very convincing.

  3. I still like Halleluja more, but Zeig Dich is great follow-up 😛 pretty much the same topic I believe, this time in more dynamic tempo.

    Im just wondering why is Till singing again about pretty much the same stuff… maybe cos nothing really changed in the meantime? 🙂

  4. You can even go further on the interpretation of the quasi- Latin words: the ones related to the supposed spirituality of religion are garbled, ‘extraspection’, others are just made up looking Latin, whereas the ones related to the physical world are actual Latin words: ‘Lumine’, ‘Crucifixus” (which I think literally means ‘crucified’, whereas ‘credo’ is the name of the musical piece describing Christ crucified)
    The real world do exist, as do the acts of the church, Latin language or not. The rest is intelligible / crap / lie / …

  5. I believe this song is having a dig at religion saying how it claims to be amazing, forgiving and accepting but it’s deceiving, there’s a lot that goes on in religion to show that it’s far from amazing. That’s what I genuinely feel this song is about.


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