Rammstein Vergiss uns nicht lyric with English translation

Als wir uns zusammen steckten
Mit den Hüften, wie Insekten
Begann mich selber zu versprühen
Und das Feld fing an zu blühen
Die Saat war gut und früh das Jahr
Doch der Boden nicht fruchtbar war

Der alte Schoß wollte nicht empfangen
Und all die winzig kleinen Schlangen
Fielen durch das Lendengitter
Und befreiten ein Gewitter

Vergiss uns nicht
Weißt du noch, im März…?
Der Vater hat das Feld bestellt
Der Mutter brach das Herz

Die Kinder stiegen aus der Haut
Auf den Grund und sangen laut
Wo ich mich selber ausgesät
Mein Herz in toter Erde steht

Vergiss uns nicht
Weißt du noch, im März…?
Der Vater hat das Feld bestellt
Der Mutter brach das Herz

Vergiss uns nicht
Weißt du noch, im Mai…?
Der Vater hat sein Herz verlor’n
Der Mutter brach’s entzwei

Lyric © Rammstein
As we put us together
By the hips, like insects
I began to spray myself about
And the field began to blossom
The sowing was good and the season early
But the soil was not fertile

The old womb was unwilling to receive
And all the tiny little snakes
Fell through the loin grating
And unleashed a storm

Do not forget us
Do you remember, in March…?
The father took care of the field
The mother’s heart broke

The children rose from within the skin
Onto the ground and sang aloud
Where I had sown myself
There my heart stands in dead soil

Do not forget us
Do you remember, in March…?
The father took care of the field
The mother’s heart broke

Do not forget us
Do you remember, in May…?
The father’s heart had gone lost
The mother’s heart broke in two

Translation © Affenknecht.com

Translation submitted by Funkenstoss. Thank you.


  1. Die Kinder stiegen aus der Haut
    Auf den Grund und sangen laut
    Wo ich mich selber ausgesät
    Mein Herz in toter Erde steht


    This says to me that the cum drips out of the skin onto the ground and says “I am my father, I planted myself in that soil, little did I know I was killing myself by being buried into dead soil”.

    I would argue that “Der Mutter brach das Herz” means to say the mother breaks the heart after the father tended the field.

    Summary: Chorus is the sperm speaking back (hence the echo in the song). First and second verse are the father, and the following:

    Die Kinder stiegen aus der Haut
    Auf den Grund und sangen laut
    Wo ich mich selber ausgesät
    Mein Herz in toter Erde steht

    Vergiss uns nicht
    Weißt du noch, im März…?

  2. Vergiss uns nicht
    Weißt du noch, im Mai…?
    Der Vater hat sein Herz verlor’n
    Der Mutter brach’s entzwei

    In this section it makes more sense to me that the father has lost his love for the mother and/or his will to live. The final line seems to say more that the mother is broken in half. If this is the case, it would seem to me that because his seed did not grow for whatever reason, he decided to cut the mother in half. This would give it that old familiar Rammstein twist, to me.

  3. @Sheogath: Sauce for that please?

    @Mark: Who do you think you are calling people fucking idiots? A fucking little boy trying to be the smartest ass?

  4. File the farewell theories along with the Moon landings, Dark Side of the Moon matching the Wizard of Oz, Kennedy being killed by one gunman, Xfactor not being rigged, Muslims destroying the twin towers, and George Bush having a brain. All those statements are bullshit, and so is the idea of this being a farewell song. Fucking idiots.

  5. This is not a farewell song. They even said they are going to tour the hell out of this “made in Germany” album. Then they will make a new album then tour it and then they will decide where to go from there they said they may quit but no one can tell the future.

  6. So what HARRI? Everyone write his will years before dying, but when everyone knows about it, it means the person in question is dead. Do you get it?

    I just hope it’s not their farewell. But as pointed out before, they began to record Herzeleid in March, and they’re finishing their tour next May, which could be their last time together.

    I just hope they come back after a hiatus like many bands do. Of course, I hope we’re just overreacting about the farewell meaning of this song, but I just see a nice double meaning. Just like in Waidmanns Heil, for instance, because that song isn’t only about hunting, and we all know that, right?

  7. @LAAZ – That is an unbelievable synopsis! All I can say is – brilliant.

    With regard to the translation, well done Funkenstoss but a few things if I may (I know it’s annoying to have others correct you, I did the translations on LIFAD) –

    Der Mutter brach das Herz – The mother broke the (his) heart. Would this make sense whereby the father fertilised her egg (field) and she lost the child?

    Der Vater hat sein Herz verlor’n – would translate better as The father lost his heart

    I am in no way saying you are wrong because as we know, it’s not easy to properly translate Till’s lyrics, but only suggesting 😉

  8. @laaz
    i totaly agree with cause cause it was an unreleased song so it wasnt make the last years so.

    stil i hope they dont stop !!!!

  9. The more I listen to it, the more it seems to talk about Iraq War.

    It all begun with invasion in March 2003 and though the operation (the Sowing) was a success military-wise the country with a very old culture and traditions (the Old Womb) did not conceive and though the democratic government (the Children of the tiny little snakes) shed their skin (the withdrawal of coalition forces), they still fail to take full control of the country (because they were sown into dead soil in that regard).

    And it all fell apart in May 2005 with the leakage of the Downing Street Memo disclosing that Bush actually did not have that much of a casus belli and the coalition (the Father) Lost its Heart and begun to separately withdraw its forces while Iraq (the Mother) broke into two, fighting civil war among itself.

  10. Can anyone tell me why “Der Mutter brach das Herz”? I think ther must be “t” after “brach” – “Der Meutter bracht das Herz”.

    Ich brache
    du brachst
    er/sie/es bracht
    wir brachen
    ihr bracht
    sie brachen

    Therefor “Der Vater bracht”.

  11. The people who said it was about the band have a point, but when I first read it “miscarriage” immediately came to mind when I first read the lyrics. I’ve been waiting for the longest for these new songs to come out. Has Rammstein said anything about releasing a brand new album (of new songs, not the Best Of album)? And is Till still talking about retiring at 50?


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