Lyrics of Rammstein song “Dicke Titten” and English translation

[Strophe 1] [Verse 1]
Ich leb’ alleine schon viele Jahre I’ve lived alone for many years
Das Leben stumpf, der Alltag grau Life is dull, everyday life is grey
Verlier’ Geduld, Verstand und Haare I lose patience, sanity and hair
Ich hätte gerne eine Frau I would like to have a wife
Und die Hoffnung will mir schwinden And the hope wants to wane
Eine Partnerin zu finden Finding a partner
Die mir ebenbürtig ist Who is coequal to me
Nein, da ist kein Glück in Sicht No, there’s no luck in sight
[Refrain] [Chorus]
Sie muss nicht schön sein She doesn’t have to be beautiful
Sie muss nicht klug sein, nein She doesn’t have to be smart, no
Sie muss nicht reich sein She doesn’t have to be rich
Kein Modell mit langen Schritten Not a model with long strides
Doch dicken Tittеn But big tits
[Strophe 2] [Verse 2]
Wie eine stеtig offene Wunde Like a constantly open wound
Aus der Seele tropft das Blut Blood drips from the soul
Einzig Trost sind kleine Hunde Only consolation are little dogs
Ein feines Fräulein wäre gut A fine miss would be good
Ein feines Fräulein wäre toll A fine miss would be great
Ich bin auch gar nicht anspruchsvoll I’m not demanding at all
Ich bin auch gar nicht wählerisch I’m not picky at all
Am Ende der Geschicht At the end of the story
[Refrain] [Chorus]
Sie muss nicht schön sein She doesn’t have to be beautiful
Sie muss nicht klug sein, nein She doesn’t have to be smart, no
Sie muss nicht reich sein She doesn’t have to be rich
Doch um eines möchte ich bitten But I would like to ask for one thing
Dicke Titten Big tits
[Bridge] [Bridge]
Ich bin auch gar nicht anspruchsvoll I’m not demanding at all
Doch große Brüste wären toll But big boobs would be great
[Refrain] [Chorus]
Sie muss nicht schön sein She doesn’t have to be beautiful
Sie muss nicht klug sein She doesn’t have to be smart
Sie muss nur reich sein She only has to be rich
An Fettgewebe, bitte, bitte In adipose tissue, please, please
Sie wird nichts bei mir vermissen She won’t miss anything from me
Sie braucht mich auch gar nicht küssen She doesn’t even have to kiss me
Braucht mich nicht mit Trauben laben Doesn’t need to comfort me with grapes
Sie muss nur Riesentitten haben She only has to have huge tits
Dicke Titten Big tits


  1. I know im very late on this but another meaning i found to this song after the video was being blind (as Till is portrayed) to all around you being what you want & not seeing the worlds beauty (like him stepping on the plant & not seeing the scenery & the big buck that he had help to shoot as he couldnt see beautiful but also could represent not seeing himself as this powerful handsome man anymore, even with the help to see what others see

  2. I’m just gonna say this. This song is already weird enough. But it just sounds so good. Sad but true meaning. When I introduced this song to my friend, it was funny of there reaction when they herd the drums because they thought it was just a normal song. When he says “Doch Dicke Titten” It sounds powerful after that “So-called-peaceful-moment” in the song. I just wanna say this song is creative and super good.

  3. You really have to read between the lines when rammstein drops a full production to set you back in time, im so glad i live in this timeline! Danke !!!!

  4. Honestly I’m kind of sad that the literal translation of “Dicke Titten” didn’t catch on. “Fat Tits” sounbds so much better to me

  5. No, Karl, they sure donot! Lord, some Rammstein fan I am… going to see them in Minneapolis, and I didn’t even know they had a new album out…! XD

    • I am a native speaker. “Ebenbürtig” means equal. “Ebenbürtig” is old german similar to “gleichauf” oder”gleichwertig”. Born would be “geboren” (past) oder “gebähren”. Habe a nice day 😉

  6. “Sie wird nichts bei mir vermissen” means “She will miss nothing with me” (not “She won’t miss anything from me”).

    And I know “Fettgewebe” as “fat tissue”, but saw that adipose tissue is correct too (but sounds really weird to me).

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