Ripe fruits from Stockholm

On is following text to read: No words can describe how happy we were to receive an official invitation to a listening of the...
Olivier Riedel

Schneider at Drum Chanel, Olivier at party

You can watch quite good interview with Schneider, the Rammstein drummer, at Drum Chanel. If you still don't have enough Rammstein, there are some new...

Rammstein Verbot – is it the first single?

While the band still works on the fine-tuning of the upcoming album, preparations for the release of the first single are at full speed....

Till and others seen at the Fashion Rock Night

On Sunday 31st January 2009, Till, Richard, Schneider and other people connected to them were seen at the Fashion Rock Night which took place...

Flake selling his Smart car

Christian Flake Lorenz, the Rammstein keyboardist, is selling his Smart on Ebay Germany. The vehicle has an absolutely unique painting of the design that...

First and most important chapter of the new Rammstein record is complete

Hello folks, it is now a longer time without any news, it is Christmas time and nobody is interested in Rammstein (at least it...

Album to be released in late 2009

We have finally some official info about the release date of the upcoming Rammstein album. All registered fans received an email recently saying following: While...

Rammstein started doing things!

Finally we have some new information from the official source. On website there is now following text available: Now that the band has finished...

Christoph Schneider uses now Sonor Hardware

Sonor is proud to announce that from now Christoph Schneider uses exclusive Sonor Drums and hardware! Christopher is most probably known as a drummer of...

Exhibition – Rammstein conserved

If a real Rammsteinfan hears the name Daniel and Geo Fuchs, then he immediately thinks about the artwork of the Mutter album from 2001....

Flux from Oomph talks about Rammstein

Interview: "Oomph!" guitarist Flux talks about the evolution of his band and the other goals. He also said something about Rammstein. Question: People always say,...