Rammstein Ich Tu Dir Weh lyrics with English translation

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Nur für mich bist du am Leben You’re only alive for me
Ich steck dir Orden ins Gesicht I put medals into your face
Du bist mir ganz und gar ergeben You are entirely devoted to me
Du liebst mich denn ich lieb’ dich nicht You love me because I don’t love you
Du blutest für mein Seelenheil You bleed for my salvation
Ein kleiner Schnitt und du wirst geil A small cut and you’re horny
Der Körper – schon total entstellt The body – already totally distorted
Egal, erlaubt ist, was gefällt It doesn’t matter, whatever pleases is allowed
Ich tu’ dir weh. I hurt you
Tut mir nicht Leid! I’m not sorry
Das tut dir gut. It does you good
Hör wie es schreit! Hear how it screams!
Bei dir habe ich die Wahl der Qual With you I have the choice of torment*
Stacheldraht im Harnkanal Barbed wire in the urethral tract
Leg dein Fleisch in Salz und Eiter Put your flesh in salt and pus
Erst stirbst du doch dann lebst du weiter First you die but then you live on
Bisse, Tritte, harte Schläge Bites, kicks, hard blows
Nadel, Zangen, stumpfe Säge Needle, pliers, blunt saw
Wünsch’ dir was, ich sag nicht nein What you wish, I don’t say no
Und führ’ dir Nagetiere ein And insert rodents into you
Ich tu’ dir weh. I hurt you
Tut mir nicht Leid! I’m not sorry
Das tut dir gut. It does you good
Hör wie es schreit! Hear how it screams
Ich tu’ dir weh. I hurt you
Tut mir nicht Leid! I’m not sorry
Es tut dir gut. It does you good
Hör wie es schreit! Hear how it screams
Du bist das Schiff, ich der Kapitän You are the ship, I’m the captain
Wohin soll denn die Reise geh’n? Where should this journey go
Ich seh’ im Spiegel dein Gesicht I see your face in the mirror
Du liebst mich denn ich lieb’ dich nicht You love me because I don’t love you
Ich tu’ dir weh. I hurt you
Tut mir nicht Leid! I’m not sorry
Das tut dir gut. It does you good
Hört wie es schreit! Hear how it screams
Ich tu’ dir weh. I hurt you
Tut mir nicht Leid! I’m not sorry
Das tut dir gut. It does you good
Hör wie es schreit! Hear how it screams
Ich tu’ dir weh. I hurt you
Tut mir nicht Leid! I’m not sorry
Das tut dir gut. It does you good
Hör wie’s schreit! Hear how it screams
Lyric © Rammstein Translation © Affenknecht.com

Submitted by EinHeisserSchrei


Translation Notes:

* Inversion of the German collocation “die Qual der Wahl haben” (the torment of choice, means to be spoilt for choice)


  1. The lyrics to this song are amazing. who needs another stupid love song about a girl. Rammstein has recently become one of my favorite bands. very talented group

  2. @ Anna, I like that you have a broad imagination. It is something that seems to be cut down in children through public schooling. Most of the time it is seen that through upbringing children are scorned for thinking outside of the box because its not what the taught material is looking for.

    @ Shadow, I do enjoy your outlook on this song. A very interesting way to look at it. Though not entirely sure how it fits i will be lookin into it more to see if I can grasp it in my mind.

    Overall I do believe this is a bit of a S&M. More of one succumbing to the will of another. And more of an infatuation. “Du liebst mich denn ich lieb’ dich nicht” follows my though on the infatuation. One wanting the other so much that even though they are not wanted, they will do anything in their power to obtain them thus loving them more for putting up a challenge. And as well “Du bist das Schiff, ich der Kapitän” follows my thought on succumbing to the will of another, being as one would be so enthralled as to let another make decisions for them. Use them as a puppet. Allow them to control their life, actions, decisions. As for the mutilation. Perhaps thats just what the figures are in to and they wrote it that way to give it more of a dark and eerie feel and sounds. And it fits due to the strange and obscure nature of Rammstein.

    Im not 100% on some of the lyrics however as a whole it is a very beautiful song. Extremely well written, As dark and mildly depressing as it is, everytime I listen to it I still find myself swaying back and forth and getting in to it. As Christoph stated in the “making of” video for the Music video of this song. The entire band agreed that this is musically the strongest song on the album and I do have to agree. Currently one of my favourite songs

    Alot of you do have some very interesting and valid thoughts on meaning of this song. However, Till being the amazing poet he is and this being poetry, It can be taken however the listener, reader, viewer, cares to take it. It is majority of what it means to them. Same is it means something to the writer, different than what the critic would take from it. He is very good with the way he writes in one being able to take more than one meaning from his lyrics.

    Tons of Kudos to Rammstein for being as amazing and talented as they are.

    – Brandon

  3. Well, the first thing that came to mind when I listened to this and watched the lyrics, was actually a totalitarian state “speaking” to a zealot.
    Imagine it, the state doesn’t really ‘love’ you, but you’re willing to get hurt. If you get hurt, that only makes you more proud and wanting for more. Sounds very much like some totalitarian movements and countries in the history.

    Love Rammstein and their lyrics’ many meanings 🙂

  4. dude that is awsum. Im a musician myself and i TOTALLY get this song. Its a stab (heh heh… stab) at popular social belief. the Idea of masochism is often rejected and treated with disgust. Yet that is EXACTLY what human behavior is today. What rammstein does, as-well as Marilyn Manson, is expose the worst human mentality. They cause discomfort on purpose because no one listens otherwise, and they do it with some kick ass metal XD. They bring on the shock factor. If you take the lyrics literally and act on um, well A). you probably shouldn’t be listening to them or B). your an idiot and you do it anyway. Leave art to the open minded!!

  5. Wow, I certainly believe this song is about extreme self-performed masochism…

    You are entirely devoted to me (it’s your own body)
    You love me because I don’t love you (masochists hate their bodies)
    You bleed for my salvation (masochists like to see their bodies’ suffer)
    A small cut and you’re horny (this also supports above)
    It doesn’t matter, whatever pleases is allowed (more self-harm = better)

    Also, you’re the ship and I’m the captain (ship = body, captain = mind)

    From now some people might think it’s masochism along with sadism, but…

    I see your face in the mirror… it’s yourself

  6. i’ve been using a translator tool from firefox — it helps a lot- my god they’re so moving that i’m learning german to understand better. i didn’t know they were so amazing!


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