Buy Rammstein song “Ich Tu Dir Weh” on Amazon
Nur für mich bist du am Leben | You’re only alive for me |
Ich steck dir Orden ins Gesicht | I put medals into your face |
Du bist mir ganz und gar ergeben | You are entirely devoted to me |
Du liebst mich denn ich lieb’ dich nicht | You love me because I don’t love you |
Du blutest für mein Seelenheil | You bleed for my salvation |
Ein kleiner Schnitt und du wirst geil | A small cut and you’re horny |
Der Körper – schon total entstellt | The body – already totally distorted |
Egal, erlaubt ist, was gefällt | It doesn’t matter, whatever pleases is allowed |
Ich tu’ dir weh. | I hurt you |
Tut mir nicht Leid! | I’m not sorry |
Das tut dir gut. | It does you good |
Hör wie es schreit! | Hear how it screams! |
Bei dir habe ich die Wahl der Qual | With you I have the choice of torment* |
Stacheldraht im Harnkanal | Barbed wire in the urethral tract |
Leg dein Fleisch in Salz und Eiter | Put your flesh in salt and pus |
Erst stirbst du doch dann lebst du weiter | First you die but then you live on |
Bisse, Tritte, harte Schläge | Bites, kicks, hard blows |
Nadel, Zangen, stumpfe Säge | Needle, pliers, blunt saw |
Wünsch’ dir was, ich sag nicht nein | What you wish, I don’t say no |
Und führ’ dir Nagetiere ein | And insert rodents into you |
Ich tu’ dir weh. | I hurt you |
Tut mir nicht Leid! | I’m not sorry |
Das tut dir gut. | It does you good |
Hör wie es schreit! | Hear how it screams |
Ich tu’ dir weh. | I hurt you |
Tut mir nicht Leid! | I’m not sorry |
Es tut dir gut. | It does you good |
Hör wie es schreit! | Hear how it screams |
Du bist das Schiff, ich der Kapitän | You are the ship, I’m the captain |
Wohin soll denn die Reise geh’n? | Where should this journey go |
Ich seh’ im Spiegel dein Gesicht | I see your face in the mirror |
Du liebst mich denn ich lieb’ dich nicht | You love me because I don’t love you |
Ich tu’ dir weh. | I hurt you |
Tut mir nicht Leid! | I’m not sorry |
Das tut dir gut. | It does you good |
Hört wie es schreit! | Hear how it screams |
Ich tu’ dir weh. | I hurt you |
Tut mir nicht Leid! | I’m not sorry |
Das tut dir gut. | It does you good |
Hör wie es schreit! | Hear how it screams |
Ich tu’ dir weh. | I hurt you |
Tut mir nicht Leid! | I’m not sorry |
Das tut dir gut. | It does you good |
Hör wie’s schreit! | Hear how it screams |
Lyric © Rammstein | Translation © |
Submitted by EinHeisserSchrei
Translation Notes:
* Inversion of the German collocation “die Qual der Wahl haben” (the torment of choice, means to be spoilt for choice)
I wouldn’t mess with religion here.. There are not many songs where Till’s message is religious anyway..
Leid is not song
Lied is song
So it’s correct; tut mir nicht leid means; i am not sorry..
Could it be that we’re limiting ourselves to direct perception in the lyrics? Doesn’t Till use abstract symbolism in his messages? What if this song is about how the devil works…the demon runs the ship…the man allowed him aboard. People can want evil in their lives, and don’t see where it leads them.
How is ‘tut mir nicht leid’ im not sorry, when leid is ‘song’?
The best song on this album.This lyrics with Till’s voice….what can I say ?
this is the best song from the last album
i think that the medal part means that the writer is inserting seine teil in the other persons mouth, but the writer is so “proud” of his thing, that he calls it a medal/trophie…
now, i think it could be talking of just one person, cause it never specifies that there are 2 different ppl there, and just to mention, i’ve seen a guy to put his own dick in his mouth and eat his cum in a movie, yeah it was horrible, but since then i knew that that was possible, so the first part i explained could be also done by one single person to himself
Can anyone tell me what lenses Till is wearing? Are those white/ silver white out/ zombie? please leave a reply.
Incredible song! Even if it is about S&M it points out real feelings, a thing I love about music. One dedicated Rammstein fan <3
God bless them!
I’m sure it’s just me, but the first 5 notes of this song always make me hear “Everybody Wants To Rule The World” in my head. I’m not comparing Tears For Fears to Rammstein, of course, since after those initial notes the song takes off and is the best song of the album.
And I agree that the song is about S&M. It could be metaphorical, but S&M is all we can get from the lyrics.
A thought comes to mind:
“Ich steck’ dir Orden, ins Gesicht” — the speaker is congratulating the person whom he is torturing (whether it be himself or someone else) and honoring him with a medal… which he jams right into his victim’s face. This seems, to me, to fit in with the depravity of the whole thing.
This is my new favorite song for the time being, and I love the lyrics.
…except the rodents part. That was ewie.
Maybe this song is about self mutilation on a mental level. I have met a few people myself who seemed so obsessed with hating who they are that it becomes an obsession. It would almost seem like they actually enjoy it too. We all have our inner demons but some people tend to criticize themselves more than others. Take for example a girl who sees models on the television. She then starts critcizing herself for not having a perfect body, so to solve this she then becomes bulimic in hopes that she will one day be perfect.
In the end maybe this song isn’t about physical violence but mental instead.
This is probably Rammstein’s best song off their new album.
My German isn’t that great though, but I’ll know the entire song soon enough. One of the reasons that I like this song so much is it’s catchy and easy to sing along to, even if you don’t speak German.
Ok, why does Nazism have to come up every time a German does ANYTHING? This song is about sadistic and masochistic behaviour, possibly self-inflicted. It’s not about the Holocaust, or Hitler, or the Jews, or anything to do with WWII.
I personally enjoy how Till writes his lyrics to be intentionally ambiguous. You get out of it what you put into it. They might have twisted imaginations, but don’t we all? They just make a fortune from theirs. More power to him. No different from the sfx makeup artists on Saw (who are all lovely guys and only slightly twisted).