Buy Rammstein song “Ich Tu Dir Weh” on Amazon
Nur für mich bist du am Leben | You’re only alive for me |
Ich steck dir Orden ins Gesicht | I put medals into your face |
Du bist mir ganz und gar ergeben | You are entirely devoted to me |
Du liebst mich denn ich lieb’ dich nicht | You love me because I don’t love you |
Du blutest für mein Seelenheil | You bleed for my salvation |
Ein kleiner Schnitt und du wirst geil | A small cut and you’re horny |
Der Körper – schon total entstellt | The body – already totally distorted |
Egal, erlaubt ist, was gefällt | It doesn’t matter, whatever pleases is allowed |
Ich tu’ dir weh. | I hurt you |
Tut mir nicht Leid! | I’m not sorry |
Das tut dir gut. | It does you good |
Hör wie es schreit! | Hear how it screams! |
Bei dir habe ich die Wahl der Qual | With you I have the choice of torment* |
Stacheldraht im Harnkanal | Barbed wire in the urethral tract |
Leg dein Fleisch in Salz und Eiter | Put your flesh in salt and pus |
Erst stirbst du doch dann lebst du weiter | First you die but then you live on |
Bisse, Tritte, harte Schläge | Bites, kicks, hard blows |
Nadel, Zangen, stumpfe Säge | Needle, pliers, blunt saw |
Wünsch’ dir was, ich sag nicht nein | What you wish, I don’t say no |
Und führ’ dir Nagetiere ein | And insert rodents into you |
Ich tu’ dir weh. | I hurt you |
Tut mir nicht Leid! | I’m not sorry |
Das tut dir gut. | It does you good |
Hör wie es schreit! | Hear how it screams |
Ich tu’ dir weh. | I hurt you |
Tut mir nicht Leid! | I’m not sorry |
Es tut dir gut. | It does you good |
Hör wie es schreit! | Hear how it screams |
Du bist das Schiff, ich der Kapitän | You are the ship, I’m the captain |
Wohin soll denn die Reise geh’n? | Where should this journey go |
Ich seh’ im Spiegel dein Gesicht | I see your face in the mirror |
Du liebst mich denn ich lieb’ dich nicht | You love me because I don’t love you |
Ich tu’ dir weh. | I hurt you |
Tut mir nicht Leid! | I’m not sorry |
Das tut dir gut. | It does you good |
Hört wie es schreit! | Hear how it screams |
Ich tu’ dir weh. | I hurt you |
Tut mir nicht Leid! | I’m not sorry |
Das tut dir gut. | It does you good |
Hör wie es schreit! | Hear how it screams |
Ich tu’ dir weh. | I hurt you |
Tut mir nicht Leid! | I’m not sorry |
Das tut dir gut. | It does you good |
Hör wie’s schreit! | Hear how it screams |
Lyric © Rammstein | Translation © |
Submitted by EinHeisserSchrei
Translation Notes:
* Inversion of the German collocation “die Qual der Wahl haben” (the torment of choice, means to be spoilt for choice)
One thing is certain, I think Lindemann, if he read these comments, would probably laugh at how much effort people spend digging into his lyrics for the interpretation. I know the guy and can tell you, it is all about entertainment, pure and simple. He probably would never confirm or deny any of these interpretations. Just reading all the attempts is hilarious enough. Don’t take any of this too serious as it is not intended to be.
Best reply here.
Das ist hier die beste Antwort.
The man is a master lyricist. He is likely quite fluent in more than German and English.
Till by personality is a sweetest teddy bear. And best gentleman i have ever met
I kniw the guy very well
This song was perfect to send to my abusive ex. Tell Till I said thank you!
Can also be about how the state treats it’s citizens
Ich tu dir weh Literally translates to “I do to you woe”. It is a song about a sadomasochistic who is unable to control himself. It’s told as if one were watching oneself and not being directly connected to the actions being taken to harm oneself. The “captain” is inside the “ship” always.
I think it could be about loving self harm for the pleasure of pain, this can be assumed from several of the lyrics of this song but the one that points this out the most is the part where till says “ich seh’ im spiegel dein Gesicht ( I see your face in the mirror)”.
I can’t help but wonder if it’s about our love for life, when all that a long life brings us is suffering. In our culture, the only good life is one that lasts until we’re wearing wrinkles in our faces, our body’s contorted, and it hurts to even pee. And yet, that’s a successful life.
This song is about a relationship in which one is the tormentor and the other enjoys being tormented. Look around you-the life is full of examples of tormented women or men that play martyr and think that “bleed for the salvation of the other” With this behavior they actually infuriate even more the other person and at the end they win an upper hand in this twisted relationship. That is why Flake goes out at the end like a victor.
Rammstein songs do not stop to amaze me with their wisdom.
I think it’s also about rebirth or reinventing yourself, if you watch the show. Flakke is punished, and comes out reborn.
I find it strange that this song has little to zero comments about it. This song fully fills my carnal and sick mind. Given half the chance I would love to physically abuse someone this way.
For me, a song by a typical Borderline patient
He cuts himself and injuredall
always look immediately : to the symbolic Pain describe lines :
barbed wire in the urethral tract and introduce Rodents keyphrases
but the true and most important line are :
You are the ship, I’m the captain
Where should this journey go
I see your face in the mirror
You love me because I don’t love you