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  • i hate people hurting and killing animals...
    i wish they could get in the shoes of them if thats how to say that. since they think they are so much better just by being born as human

    i dont know why i have to think this much about it but when someone kills a poor fly becouse they are in their house or whatever i wish i could see them being the fly while someone else beats them

    and when i see people tell that animals only exist to serve as food for us, or when i read what actually happens in a slaughterhouse its like i lose faith in humanity. and unfortunately im not vegetarian =/ i wouldnt get much stronger if i wouldnt eat meat, but at least i eat very little.. and its not like it would matter for poor already dead animals that i buy their dead flash from shops or not... at least my brother is fully vegetarian

    what about you others? =o


    • I have to eat now, don't know what


      • Originally posted by You View Post
        i wouldnt get much stronger if i wouldnt eat meat, but at least i eat very little.. and its not like it would matter for poor already dead animals that i buy their dead flash from shops or not... at least my brother is fully vegetarian
        This is a kind of myth, actually!

        My girlfriend ate meat for the last time around 12 years ago. I eat meat once a month, if so. We are quite fit; not eating meat (or just a bit in my case) doesnt' stop us doing kickboxing, where, believe me, you need to be fit, flexible, and have endurance. We also climb, do long walks, run... and of course work everyday.

        I just miss the taste of good meat, and that... I have it in Asturias, where meat is better and so does animal welfare.

        My lunch today was, for example, half a baguette with brie cheese, salad leaves, roasted Spanish peppers and slices of tomato. So delicious! I didn't think about adding any meat, it wouldn't fit. What I save in meat, I spend it in good vegetables and fish, and anyways is always cheaper.

        This is our choice, and we don't blame anybody for doing different. Actually, my girlfriend doesn't bother if I cook sometimes some good steak, or I eat a tasty chorizo. But I am pretty sure my "meat consumption" is below 2-3% of the average in the UK, where meat in meals is a kind of obsession.

        «The trouble with the world is that the stupid is cocksure and the intelligent full of doubt»
        Bertrand Russell.


        • I went to Florida when I was 11 & one night we went to a steak house, the way they presented the menu to you was to bring out chunks of raw meat and they explained the animals had come from the field the restaurant was overlooking and they'd been slaughtered close by etc etc. I thought I was going to be sick. I didn't touch meat for about 5 years after that. In my experience being a vegetarian did affect my health negatively, for example I had to start taking tablets because my Iron count in my blood was really low but the level never really went back to normal until I started eating meat again no matter what I tried. I do still eat vegetarian meals a lot though.

          @You I totally agree.
          I used to work at a community farm and we had a horse that we'd saved from being slaughtered. She'd been taken to the abattoir but for some reason they'd said she wasn't suitable to be slaughtered for her meat but they were just going to slaughter her anyway. She's an absolute gorgeous horse & they'd branded her with a huge S that was red raw when we first found her & 4 years later it's still noticable, they'd also clipped her ears. I don't know how anyone could do that. Luckily we manage to rehome her at the farm but she was so traumatized, she was so nervous and easily spooked.

          @Jorge that lunch sounds gorgeous
          ‘Eins, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, AUS!’


          • Indeed it was! Next time, I will make a photo...

            Now I am cooking stuffed peppers, with couscous, tuna, onion and a tomato souce on top. That will be in the oven for 40 or so, and ... well, hehe, enough...

            Meat is not the only source of Fe in the human diet. Legumes and cereals contain a lot. My sister also had a problem with Fe in her blood, and the solution was to increase her consumption of legumes and fish. A problem with tablets is how they are diggested. Same for vitamin complexes: Usually they don't do much. At the end of the day, it is all a question of eating as many different things as possible, trying to get a balanced mix of proteins, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals... as possible.

            I was quite skeptic about it. I always heard "Vegetarians don't get enough protein and minerals...", but the truth is that "mostly", our body don't understand of origins: protein is protein, vitamins are vitamins, and so on. Regardless where you are taking them from, they work.

            Like many other things, it is annoying to get labels for everything. If you don't eat meat, you are a vegetarian (even though you just estate you don't eat meat...). But nobody gets a big label on top for not eating vegetables, which actually is really bad for yourself. I actually know a "vegetarian" who doesn't eat vegetables!

            I don't really understand why the big fuzz about "vegerianism". Many people don't ever eat fish and they never get their own label...

            Oh, these peppers riecht so gut...
            «The trouble with the world is that the stupid is cocksure and the intelligent full of doubt»
            Bertrand Russell.


            • Do you not care about cruelty to fish? They are caught and left to drown out of water and some are beaten with a club to pummel their brains. Do you consider them to be less than meat animals, or in YOU's case treated with less compassion than a fly?


              • Note for myself: Don't visit Aff before lunch again


                • Originally posted by Art in Heaven View Post
                  Do you not care about cruelty to fish? They are caught and left to drown out of water and some are beaten with a club to pummel their brains. Do you consider them to be less than meat animals, or in YOU's case treated with less compassion than a fly?
                  I understand this is for me (as part of the messages specificaly mentions YOU... so the rest is for me, isn't it?

                  I haven't mention cruelty at all, if you are suggesting I eat meat less and less because of cruelty. I have just described what I eat, not questioning or judging what others do.
                  Last edited by Jorge; 05-04-2012, 04:05 PM.
                  «The trouble with the world is that the stupid is cocksure and the intelligent full of doubt»
                  Bertrand Russell.


                  • Ok, thanks Jorge, and I'm glad you understood what i was saying. I have known and admired the stance of many veggies, but have been puzzled by the fact that some proffess to hate the cruelty to cattle and other livestock but happily eat fish.
                    I'm not a veggie and I enjoy eating meat but I also am particular about the source and the life the animals had.


                    • Originally posted by Art in Heaven View Post
                      Do you not care about cruelty to fish? They are caught and left to drown out of water and some are beaten with a club to pummel their brains. Do you consider them to be less than meat animals, or in YOU's case treated with less compassion than a fly?

                      i hate fishing =o sorry for not mentioning but im not really thinking about it... wastes a lot of time and kills poor fishies. even if they get dropped back they still get pierced.. and if they are bleeding they are more likely to get eaten by stufffs

                      i also hate every kind of hunting (by human methods). they just shoot animals for fun, or in some cases to eat them. and i dont know how its called when they teach dogs and stuff to retrieve the corpses or make them fight the animals even with outnumbering(like 5 dogs against a poor foxy or something D: dont know how else to say that) and even if the animals would be able kill all of them the hunter can just shoot them
                      i hate those videos when hunters are holding up showing a killed animal proudly : (

                      by the way yep i like flies :3 and i hate if people consider them nothing or underestimate them or how i should say :O and if they kill them of course..


                      • I agree. Fox hunting is appalling! Oscar Wilde once described it as "The unspeakable in pursuit of the inedible".
                        Hunting is wrong unless it's in a country where it's the only source of food.
                        Being into Archery or even Shooting is perfectly fine so long as it's only at non living things.
                        To kill for sport, (or actually for the pleasure of hurting and killing a creature), is the act of a sick pervert.
                        If you like to have your picture taken showing you holding aloft the animal you have slaughtered it seems to me you have the potential to do the same to a child and that that is your true aim. Sick sick bastards!


                        • I've heard some vegetarians argue that fish can't feel pain & so that's why they still eat fish but there's so much evidence to prove otherwise.. I've never questionned that until you mentionned it actually. My Grandad used to take me fishing a lot when I was younger so I've been brought up not having an issue with it, although I can understand why people might be against it.
                          Fox hunting is horrible, getting pleasure out of killing any animal is just sick. Really don't understand people that can do that.

                          On a complete different note..
                          I ordered a new sound system for my room and it came today, so glad I have something decent to play Rammstein on
                          ‘Eins, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, AUS!’


                          • Originally posted by TeQuieroPuta! View Post
                            I've heard some vegetarians argue that fish can't feel pain & so that's why they still eat fish but there's so much evidence to prove otherwise..

                            did they really call themselves vegetarians? :l
                            they should be against hurting and killing of animals not the pain they actually get. pain is a sign/warning. if they would be killed without pain their lives would still be taken. but fish surely do feel pain too. otherwise they wouldnt get the warning that something is damaged in their body


                            • A true vegetarian would not eat meat or fish, my rule is anything with a face is not eaten.... people who eat fish are just non meat eaters....
                              The saying is "You dont know what you have got till its gone" the truth is "You know what you had, you just did not know you would lose it" !!


                              • Watching hockey - Finland vs. Slovakia. After the first period it's 1-0 for us. On Friday we beat Belarus. We host the championship along with Sweden which makes it more interesting. :P Loving this vibe right now.
                                ''Seitdem ich Guitar Rig 3 benutze, fühlt sich mein Haar viel voller an!'' - Paul Landers

