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  • BOBAH1

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  • You
    merry new years, and holidays belatedy ;3

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  • Maya
    Testing, testing, testing ….

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  • Maya
    I’m glad you are fine now and you have not sequels; in Spain the Number of cases is bigger each day, I hope next week with the End of Christmas holidays it will begin to decrease.

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  • Waidmann
    ^No, it wasn't, actually. I only lost scent and taste for about 3-4 days, that was it. Thank god for vaccines, because I got the Deltavirus, which could've done way more damage. My neighbour had it a year ago and still can't spend the night without his oxigen tank. So, I did well. I even got to work all week (albeit from home). Only spending the holidays on my own was a bit weird :/ .
    I'm fine now . I guess at one point we will all have to get infected to overcome the pandemic, just not all at the same time and rather while fully vaccinated.

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  • The Rose
    Happy new year.

    Waidmann Hope you're well now and the corona wasn't too hard on you.

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  • Waidmann
    Originally posted by Maya View Post
    Happy new year to everyone!!!!

    Waidmann I hope you are feeling good and tomorrow you finish isolation.
    Yes, I am , thanks!

    An advantage of this period: while everybody is tired from partying, staying up late, too much eating etc. I'm quite fresh and in shape

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  • Maya
    Happy new year to everyone!!!!

    Waidmann I hope you are feeling good and tomorrow you finish isolation.

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  • Waidmann
    Happy Holidays to everyone here! I hope you'll make the best of it, and I hope for you, Maya, that work is doable. And thx for the Christman vibes, The Rose

    I'm here in isolation since the 23rd as the virus finally caught me. I've spent Christmas on my own and I'll spend New Year's alone as well. Hopefully, I can rejoin normal life Sunday evening, but we will see.

    Keep up the good spirit! 2022 should be a splendid Rammstein year !

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  • Maya
    Merry Christmas everyone, hope you and your families are ok, this last wave is really contagious. This year part of the family got together for Christmas previous negative antigen test.

    My brother has come from London by car and will be in Madrid for a month so it's very special, this week I have to work but on Three King's week I'll be on holidays, I'm counting days.

    I haven't travelled since summer, but I would love to visit some countries and places in Spain too, maybe during next valley. Probably we'll have to wait for that visit The Rose but I'm sure one day we'll meet.

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  • The Rose
    Merry Christmas everyone, hope the holidays find you healthy that next year will bring an end to this pandemic or at least under control so we once again can enjoy concert, travels and all things nice.

    I managed one long weekend in Prague, it was strange to be there with so few turists, but very enjoyable, but when we were set to go again i December new restrictions came in, so we cancelled. I hope to be able to go to the Netherlands next year, this is the first time I've been away for so long, and I miss my friends and just being there, and Madrid is still on my list, Maya, so we can meet up

    Here we have a little snow today, not so much as to make traffic difficult, just enough to make it look pretty and christmasy.


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  • Maya
    Wow, have a good trip

    This summer, I've been in Torremolinos (Malaga) and Oviedo (Asturias), but not been abroad.

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  • The Rose
    Going to Prague for a long weekend tomorrow. First trip out of Copenhagen since I came back from The Netherlands last year the day before everything closed down.
    Still not sure if I'm exited or nervous to be out and about again. ;-)

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  • The Rose
    I haven't watched Football or OL, only Tour de France. Don't really have any inerest in sports.

    I've had my two vaccine-shots, so beginning of September I'm going to Prague for a long weekend with a friend, unless they tighten the restrictions again. I hope not, I haven't been outside Copenhagen since my mother's funeral last Summer, and I'm beginning to feel extremely restless.

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  • Maya
    I’ve just come back from Malaga, I’ve been living in an apartment, so same risks than home

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