Double Exibition in Dresden with Till Lindemann

Till Lindemann at gallery Holger John
Till Lindemann at gallery Holger John

The Holger John gallery launched this Friday a double exhibition related to the “Made in Germany 1995-2011” tour and the book “In Stillen Nachten”, by Till Lindemann. UP2BWSYVFQCT

Till Lindemann at gallery Holger John
Till Lindemann at gallery Holger John

The first part of the exhibition features a display of the death masks used in the mausoleum which was set up in front of the 02 World arena in Berlin, back on November 25th, 2011. The second part of the exhibition focuses on Till’s new book, featuring his original manuscripts, as well as the illustrations created by Matthias Matthies which are also present in the book.

The exhibition will run until January 13rd in Dresden, Germany. Till Lindemann was present at the inauguration. You can see photos of the occasion in our forum and check out the official announcement here.


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