ACCEPT guitarist Wolf Hoffmann on his passion for photography


During an appearance on a recent episode of “The Ron Keel Podcast,” ACCEPT guitarist Wolf Hoffmann admitted that 25 years ago he became disillusioned with the heavy metal scene and pursued other hobbies, including photography, up until the band’s revival:

“To be completely honest, I stepped away from being a photographer. I enjoyed it for many, many years, especially at a time when ACCEPT was not active, inactive. I really enjoyed being a photographer because it was creative work in a way, and I really loved it. But it was still my second love in life, oddly enough. I never felt the same passion and satisfaction as I do now when I’m performing on stage and recording albums and so on. But at the time, ACCEPT was at a standstill, and I decided that was second on my list of my favorite things to do in life. And I loved it.”


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