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Lindemann: Till's solo project

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  • Snake
    The majority of the album contains songs that are better than Fish On. It is a decent song, but to me it feels mostly like filler. I can only think about 2 or 3 tracks that are worse, whereas most of the other tracks on the album are better. I am also surpised by how many people love this song.

    Added: the link is gone already.
    Last edited by Snake; 09-07-2015, 05:00 PM.

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  • Waidmann
    I didn't expect Fish On to be the next single. It would've been one of my last guesses actually, though I think it might work.

    More excited about that mysterious 2nd track of course. Wth G-spot Micheal?

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  • The Rose
    ^I'm not sure how many versions I want of Praise Abort, but of course there is a new track on to tempt the doubters.

    Edit: The link doesn't work and a search gives no result?
    Last edited by The Rose; 09-07-2015, 11:17 AM.

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  • Rocky Chopin
    "Fish On" is the new single, according to this link coming on 9 October 2015, with following tracklist:
    01. Fish On
    02. G-Spot Michael
    03. Praise Abort (Drago Baotic Smooth Version)

    So we are getting a new a song and jazzy version of "Praise Abort".
    Last edited by Rocky Chopin; 09-06-2015, 11:42 PM.

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  • Rocky Chopin

    So we should expect a second single soon, and Lindemann tour seems pretty much possible

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  • EmeraldRose
    I very much enjoy the Lindemann songs. They are not R+ but that was expected. I don't really have a review to put up because honestly, I just play them on shuffle with everything else, and with a couple of exceptions...they just sort of fade into the background for me.

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  • Rocky Chopin
    A review from Croatian site


    Admit it, how many times has Till Lindemann sprayed with some foam from the giant artificial cock?

    Arena Zagreb has hosted Rammstein two times and without the problems it was filled better than with some bigger names, and after they did a promotion of their last album and "best of", giant German lumberjack and its frontman have become a bit bored...

    Many, many members of long-living bands decide to do something on their own at some moment in their careers (I would say "absolutely everyone", but Hetfield and Ulrich decided to forbid that in Metallica), to show that they're creative in that way too, that their art hides much more than what they do in their main bands and often they do it in some honest way. But - the brown bear Till Lindemann peed, took a shit and jerked on that theory!

    Beside his ideas he still needed someone responsible enough to give him some logistic support, so he called Peter Tägtgren, multiinstrumentalist hiding behind the names Pain and Hypocrisy. But, really - this is pure Lindemann in his most primitive form.

    Rammstein have never hesitated on shocking people, and they were censored and convicted for their stage shows and song lyrics. But, the bear Lindemann decided to make one more provocative move which he began with song "Pussy". Why? Because it's one of the rare sexual English moments that he applied to the whole album. Absolutely everything here is in English, and it's provocative and shocking harder than it ever can be.

    OK, they're some exceptions which sing about something special ("Home Sweet Home") and power balads ("That's My Heart"), and they have no point in company of other controverses. Well, the rest has no point either, but...

    His recognizable baritone, greasy riffs, fist-pumping rhytms, irritating keyboards (sounds like Rammstein, doesn't it?) and bizarre unsophisticated, stupid, provocative, shallow and childish rhymes. And about what? Well, that's what he has hoped for the world to talk about. Song titles don't hide much, and you don't have to explore theme for long.

    During "Skills in Pills" you hear about the world of legal drugs (and at least you officially hear the color of viagra), the theme of "Ladyboy" can be easily guessed ("I got shot with the sweetest gun / I have it all, all in one / No broken hearts, no bad romance / Why should I love when I can have fun / With my ladyboy"), "Fat" says enoguh with lines "Your dirty sweat / My sweetest potion / Your armpit swampy / Little oceans Your flappy butthole / A soggy cave I put in my parts".

    In "Fish" he angles cheap girls, in "Cowboy" in spite of wonderful riff with great keyboards he dreams about being cowboy who pleases the ladies every night and makes their husbands so upset, and "Golden Shower" is the theme that makes one wonder why hasn't put it as the first track. "Be my human Eiffel tower and give me give me golden shower", "Let cry your pinky flower" and similar lines say enough.

    But all of that escalated in sick and bizarre (and the closest to Rammstein hits) "Praise Abort" in which he's not satisfied with hating kids and praising abortion, but he recorded even more stupid video. See for yourself.

    Drugs, perversions, stomach-turning and all the things that other don't even talk about have always been the slogans of silly Germans, and now it's even more clear who in Rammstein stays behind that shocking. Sometimes I don't get the usual domestic day of Lindemanns "Hey darling, I've recorded a new song! Wanna hear it?", but at the same time one has to take side of normal people - those who don't jump and propagandize with their false morals everyone who talks shit or insults the world with pink hello kitty color.

    There is a big chance that this guy decided to shock just like Alice Cooper back then, but with the whole world being much weirder today (or we simply have chance to hear and read about more weird things), "Skills For Pills" got the bigger and more fruitful battlefield. Maybe everything together is really ironic and sarcastic, but everyone who screams and wants to punish the guy who sings about "forbidden themes", has to be conscious that we wanted democracy and we sweared to the freedom of speech.

    Anyway, if you want to get rid of the fools in this world - just get rid of warning signs. The others will get it.

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  • Waidmann
    Well thank you .

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  • The Rose
    Great review, Waidmann. Thanx for taking the time.

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  • Maya
    ^Great review, hope the other excellent reviewers post soon.

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  • Waidmann
    My review of "Skills in Pills". And I must say, since it's out I haven't heard too much of what you think of it , although we have some excellent reviewers here.

    1. Skills in Pills

      This song is definetly one of the best on the album for me. Why? Because for me it has everything: good lyrics, catchy rhytm, nice singing, cool instrumentals… Also the atmosphere that is created (especially at the end) is very nice. It’s great dark modern and quite original industrial metal. In german it would be just like any great Rammstein song. I would’ve chosen this song for a single, as it also provides a great theme for a videoclip.
    2. Ladyboy

      Maybe weird, but for me this is probably the best song on the record. It’s starts off very strong, with an immediately strong and apealing instrumental and keeps this spirit up the entire song. It’s a good mix of hard (riffs, theme) and soft (voice, high keyboard notes, especially during the chorus), bringing much variety to the track, so it stays interesting. The lyrics are maybe a bit so-so, but for me that’s radically well compensated by the Till’s well-sung catchy vocals. This would be my number one choice for a single.
    3. Fat

      This is a lesser song for me. Although I like the idea, think content is funny, it lacks many other aspects to make it interesting enough. The instrumental part isn’t too strong (despite some remarkble highlights), the singing doesn’t reach many high levels… For me it’s a bit a lesser version of Pussy; where the Rammstein song still had something catchy, was more funny and had a sing along aspect, this one even lacks this. Towards the end, I tend to even check how long till the song is over. Not very convinced by this track.
    4. Fish On

      Better than the previous one. Fish On seems to me like a Deathstars version of Weisses Fleisch. This must be a fun song to see live, although there’s not really that much to it either. Not too bad, not too good. Again: I like the lyrics, but for me that’s apparently always garanteed with Till’s work.
    5. Children of the Sun

      When it comes to lyrics, this just might be one the best tracks. It’s very enigmatic, dark, with many many layers. The wonderful music intro starts this song well off, only to let it evolve into a somewhat lesser part. However, after a few listens, I really ‘understood’ this song and I can see why it’s an interesting addition to the album. The chorus isn’t very special, and a bit repetitive maybe, but it’s ok. The musical and especially vocal bridge (the woman and than Till) in the song are the best parts, saving this song by bringing it to a respected level.
    6. Home Sweet Home

      Till already proved with Rammstein that he could pull off ballads. Now, he’s done it again, this time with the very worthy Home Sweet Home. Till’s sweet voice and the epic melody capture you immediately into this memorable theme.
      I agree with Snake though that it ends too soon. After those last verses, the song is still peaking at a high level and should’ve added some kind of solo or so. Still a superb song. A little longer though and it would’ve been the best track on the album for me.
    7. Cowboy

      Lyricwise, this isn’t very well-overthought (not bad, just not at the level we can expect from Till). For me it’s not a bad song, with funny text, fitting sounds and a jolly chorus. It’s “ok”, not very special. The instrumentals are quite nice though. I skip this one mostly.
    8. Golden Shower

      I actually like this song. The lyrics are very funny and I like the metaphors. The music is very good for me, with strong riffs and fitting samples to back-up the singing. It’s one of the songs I’ll listen to most often. It might be a joke, but a good one (better than Pussy).
    9. Yukon

      This song seems to go very deep, with strong lyrics and that must be why so many people like it. I think the song is good. There’s nothing bad to it, but nothing very special or exciting either. It evokes epicness, but not like Home Sweet Home or other ballads by Till or this band. Very good job, just not the best.
    10. Praise Abort

      Praise Abort, the funny joke, the catchy song! I like the track more each time I listen to it and I understand very well why this was a single with videoclip (though it wouldn’t be my first choice). It’s difficult not to smile when you hear this one, despite the content, which makes even more superb. Somehow even the broken English makes it somehow more charming… I actually sing it a long with the german accent! One of my favorites, I must say.
    11. This is My Heart

    Not sure what to think of this song. It talks about deep feelings for sure, which shows us once again that there’s more to this album than you would think at first. The verses are good, reminding a bit of Rammstein’s Ein Lied, though lacking a bit it’s quiet epicness. It didn’t leave a big impression on me overall. Maybe I don’t get it yet and need a few more listens. It tends to keep getting better though each time I try it out.

    In the end I think ‘Skills in Pills’ is a very good record, especially for a debut or random project. I would recommend it to all and will definelty reach my top 3 of best records of 2015.
    Last edited by Waidmann; 07-26-2015, 09:37 PM. Reason: I have six kids and I don't like it :(

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  • Maya
    Campaign available for US residents or dwellers only

    Do you want a copy of Skills in Pills, SIGNED by Till Lindemann and Peter Tägtgren? Then take part in our ‪#‎SkillsInTreasureHunt‬ Campaign! Search, snap and come up with a clever slogan, enter and win! HUNT ON!

    For the rules of the Treasure hunt follow the link ===>


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  • Maya
    New items in the shop:

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  • Maya
    .... guess it....

    Another interview, this time for ultimate guitar

    How about you, are you ready to go back into the studio in September?

    Till: Yes sir. I'm ready to go back with Rammstein in September. First we have to look for a rehearsal room and then start working. It's like a long train, it needs a long time to get started but once it's rolling, it's rolling. We just need to heat the engine now.

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  • Maya
    Originally posted by The Rose View Post
    In shock over the review, not that you bring it. Of course you do that, but the reviewer seems to have missed the whole point entirely.
    Yup, that's what I wanted to say, I read it twice because I thought I misunderstood it, I couldn't believe it

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