I'm lost :S
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Whats on your mind?
^I second that."Which is better, eternal happiness or a ham sandwich? It would appear that eternal happiness is better, but this is really not so! After all, nothing is better than eternal happiness, and a ham sandwich is certainly better than nothing. Therefore a ham sandwich is better than eternal happiness."
- Raymond M. Smullyan
Good luck Abendstern! I'm sure it will go well. : )
Can't believe that tomorrow is Friday again. Time goes by so fast! Tomorrow I'll go to a party again so really looking forward to it. : )
What are you guys doing on weekend?''Seitdem ich Guitar Rig 3 benutze, fühlt sich mein Haar viel voller an!'' - Paul Landers
Weird week, today is another no working day and tomorrow schools are closed.
Another party
Exams, tomorrow i've got the speaking part of the exam. And on saturday from 9 to 15:30 the written. :S
On the afternoon i'll meet a friend and i don't know if i'll do something on the night.
Sunday a birthday party and rest....
This is quite rare actually, usually I go to parties once or twice a month.
Oh exams.. good luck to those, I know you'll do just fine! : ) I have a testweek coming up, starting up next Thursday.''Seitdem ich Guitar Rig 3 benutze, fühlt sich mein Haar viel voller an!'' - Paul Landers