


Based on latest discussions on this forum, and studiing copyright laws, it is necessary to state out new forum mandatory rules, effective immediately, so, here we are.

LINKS TO MUSIC & VIDEOS: what is legal/what is not.
NEW RULES in the forum state:

From now on in our forum users shal NOT POST TOPICS THAT containin the following :
• Requests for or links to MP3s, music videos, or other files of questionable legality
• Bootlegs

So, please do not POST A LINK TO music or videos which does not directly originate from an officially legal site.

An OFFICIALLY LEGAL SITE is: or, universal music, a legitimate music site like MTV or VIVA. The links must be direct and linked only to the approved site. Any links which have copied and transferred the music or videos from an official legal site to ANYWHERE else are NOT OFFICIAL.

• Do not ASK FOR A LINK to music or videos. If there is a legal site for either listening or viewing, xTERNAL will provide the information in the NEWS section of

WHAT YOU CAN DO in the forums: You can DISCUSS a new song or a new video.

WHAT YOU CANNOT DO in the forums: provide illegal links or ask for links, give directions of any kind as to where something might be found (examples: file-sharing, other fansites, etc.). Screen caps will be allowed (within reason) AFTER a video has been made available through an OFFICIAL LEGAL LINK. Fan remixes of songs will be allowed (within reason) after the song has been officially released.

The above restrictions are necessary not because we are being “damn babies” or “. The reason is simply that RAMMSTEIN-EUROPE has made the decision to not be a facilitator of illegal activities involving copyrighted material. The reason for that is also clear. Rammstein’s Management has shown aggressive behaviour in combating copyright infringement.

Anyone who violates the spirit of the aforementioned expansion/explanation of what the RULES mean here as applied to music and videos (and this also includes the "making of videos") will meet up with one of the following consequences:


If you have ANY questions about what may or may not be acceptable here, you can always PM a Moderator and ask first before posting something that might get you in trouble here.

•any links to (or other sharing sites of a similar nature)are generally not allowed.
While some videos like fan made items or spoof animations are allowed, we do not allow linking to youtube. Oftentimes there is/are illegal videos of Rammstein performances to the side of the linked videos. Actual Rammstein Videos which are very illegal to be hosted by that site - therefore we cannot allow links to youtube to be allowed.

So, links to youtube are now allowed - ONLY IF it is a fanmade video by you, and does not contain bootleg footage or footage of live performances or released performances. Stills from photos found on the net are OK. A montage is OK. Clips of released footage are NOT OK.

Please try to understand that sometimes while we may allow a certain individuals fanmade videos, and deny another persons it is usually because the content in it could get the forums in trouble.

Also if some individuals post their fanmade video and it turns out to be bootleg footage that they filmed themselves at a concert and consider that "fanmade" - then we will have to reverse the ruling on allowing fanmade videos PERIOD!

Here is an update on what is considered "fanmade".
Fanmade is fanmade. You did it yourself. Like cut and paste. You creatd everything yourself. No footage filmed by someone else no clips. Still images are OK.
For example:
If you go out and find 6 banana slugs in the yard, dress them up in LAB outfits, and put the skinniest one in a paper boat and play the music to SEEMANN on a kazoo. That is fanmade.

If you have a coverband and you do your own video or you have footage of YOUR band's performance. That is fanmade.

If you have images that you sketched of how you think the video for a song should have been and you put it to music - I think we can allow that.

Use your creativity.


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Rammstein's new Album

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  • Maya
    Eyjafjallajökull Moved to convers

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  • Maya
    Yesterday Rammstein published Auslander's photo book, with unpublished photos by Jens Koch and text by Flake.


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  • The Rose
    Originally posted by Vallor View Post

    I almost thought they are making new album... Or maybe they are?
    I think most we can hope for at the moment is the "leftovers" from the matchstik album

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  • Vallor
    Originally posted by Maya View Post
    Rammstein - Making Of Album-Photosession (Official)

    I almost thought they are making new album... Or maybe they are?

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  • Ramm91
    Great video. I honestly have no idea how they didn't use some of those other photos for the promotion. I was wondering what that video of them holding hands singing to a hockey (I think) team was all about. Looked like a video shoot at the time but now it makes sense. I LOVE that photo with the waves as well as the one similar to the video's thumbnail. Also nice to see the band having a good time

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  • Maya
    Rammstein - Making Of Album-Photosession (Official)

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  • Waidmann
    It only occurs to me now that Flake already during their MIG summer tour in 2013 said that coming up with album titles was a very hard ordeal for the band, and that he would love for them to just release a nameless record. Well, there you have it.

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  • Maya
    According to official yearly German chart figures published by the GfK, Rammstein's 2019 release is the most successful album of the year. The untitled album sold 260,000 in its first week and went to #1 in 14 countries.


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  • Waidmann
    On the site of Dark Music is read an interesting view (in german) on the artwork. He sees it as a tabula rasa, a back to the beginning, a new begin (like Richard also said it feels like), with the space and the unused match. Even the title is not there.
    At another place (I think it was Metal Hammer) Richard said they wanted to show a lightness, through the element "air", after they used the other elements so often in their previous music.

    In my review I actually agreed to this. It sounds new. The heavy darkness from Rosenrot and LIFAD is gone, this sounds way more positive and light. Although Was ich Liebe and Hallomann still hold elements from this period.
    Tabula rasa. Eine leere Seite, ein unbeschriebenes Blatt Papier. Zurück zum Ursprung, an die Quelle, an die Wurzel, vor der Show, vor den Skandalen, vor dem

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  • Waidmann
    ^Nice bit, but I hope we are going to see more actual interviews with the band members. Now we just saw them in action and reacting to quick questions.

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  • Maya

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  • Waidmann
    ^I'm not sure it's meant to be more than an artistic representation of the song number.

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  • Wolfie138
    has anyone worked out any meaning to the match patterns in the booklet?

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  • Waidmann
    Well, the thing is that they didn't really take a creative break at all. Till, Flake and Richard spent their creativity on solo projects.

    I guess there will always be discussion when a band keeps their fans waiting for a new record for a very long time. We've seen it with Guns N' Roses, Metallica and now we see it with Rammstein. A great deal of the audience expects a result that equals some of their best work; the long waiting has to be a bargain for top-knotch-quality. The downside is that many people - unlike Snake, I have to admit - would never ever recognize or accept long awaited material to be as good as what they expect. The frustration of long waiting is seldomly washed away by the reception of the new product.
    A band can do what they want. Raised expectations is something they may but don't have to respect. Definitely if it's not even their own fault - which is often the case.

    Regarding the title and the artwork... Not sure what they want to pull off. I like the atypical artwork actually, but this simplicity, combined with the absence of a title puzzles me. Is one of the reasons merely because they couldn't chose for any of the songs to be the title track?
    If I listen to the record, I would chose as an album title "Was ich liebe" or "Weit weg". But the first one would be weird because it has "Liebe" in it again, like the last one, and "Weit weg" would be weird because they chose not to perform it live. They couldn't have called it "Deutschland" I guess, because that would wildly stear the album reception in some political directions (the same for "Ausländer")... "Puppe" would just not do it, as well as "Sex", which doens't need much explanation... Maybe they should've called it "Radio"?

    I hope we get some making ofs again that explain more why they did what they did.
    Last edited by Waidmann; 07-28-2019, 12:22 PM.

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  • Snake
    ^Exactly. I am perfectly aware that the production time for UNTITLED was the same as other albums such as mutter, reise reise, or lifad. But since they took a long creative break between 2009 and 2015, I was expecting that they would go into that 2-3 year-long production period having much better ideas than they ultimately delivered. Once we take that int oconsideration, I think that UNTITLED should have been substantially better than what it is, even if its production time was about the same as other albuns.

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