Rammstein Was Ich liebe lyrics with English translation

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Ich kann auf Glück verzichten I can do without luck
Weil es Unglück in sich trägt because it carries misfortune with it
Muss ich es vernichten I have to destroy it
Was ich liebe, will ich richten What I love, I want to fix
Dass ich froh bin, darf nicht sein I’m not allowed to be happy
Nein (nein, nein) No (no, no)
Ich liebe nicht, dass ich was liebe I don’t love that I love something
Ich mag es nicht, wenn ich was mag I don’t like it when I like something
Ich freu’ mich nicht, wenn ich mich freue I’m not happy when I’m happy
Weiß ich doch, ich werde es bereuen I know, though, that later I’ll regret it
Dass ich froh bin, darf nicht sein I’m not allowed to be happy
Wer mich liebt, geht dabei ein Whoever loves me, then, accepts it
Was ich liebe What I love,
Das wird verderben it will be ruined
Was ich liebe What I love,
Das muss auch sterben, oh sterben that must also die, oh die
So halte ich mich schadlos So I hold myself harmless
Lieben darf ich nicht I’m not allowed to love
Dann brauch’ ich nicht zu leiden (nein) Then I don’t need to suffer (no)
Und kein Herz zerbricht And no hearts get broken
Dass ich froh bin, darf nicht sein I’m not allowed to be happy
Nein (nein, nein) No (no, no)
Was ich liebe What I love,
Das wird verderben it will be ruined
Was ich liebe What I love,
Das muss auch sterben, oh sterben that must also die, oh die
Auf Glück und Freude From happiness and joy
Folgen Qualen follows agony
Für alles Schöne For everything that’s beautiful,
Muss man zahlen, ja you have to pay, yes
Was ich liebe What I love,
Das wird verderben it will be ruined
Was ich liebe What I love,
Das muss auch sterben, oh sterben that must also die, oh die
Was ich liebe what I love
Lyric © Rammstein Translation © Affenknecht.com


  1. The message of this song, for me, is that emotionally damaged children grow up to be emotionally damaged adults

  2. When you grow up with distorted experiences of love you take that with you. You expect that love will lead to pain, suffering, unhappiness, and not just for you but the things/people you love. You expect to hurt others, and others to hurt you. It is better to be numb so as to not feel joy, because that leads to pain. And for some people that pain goes very deep.

  3. To me this songs means what happens to you in adulthood after a damaged, unstable, violent childhood. It follows you for life and even after you heal, it’s still too much risk to chance with.

    • That is exactly right Sonja with a screwed up childhood, we screw up adult relationships, it would take a patient Saint to understand us & our outbreaks & our rough responses ; maybe we are destined to be alone to not hurt others even though we can love deeply!

  4. Was ich liebe will ich richten – What I love, I want to fix

    I don’t think so. Way too optimistic, doesn’t fit in with vernichten and the whole theme of the song. Think more hinrichten, or zugrunde richten, zu Grunde richten. See Duden: https://www.duden.de/rechtschreibung/zugrunde_richten

    Dann brauch’ ich nicht zu leiden, und kein Herz zerbricht — that’s the core of the song. Avoiding love in order to avoid pain.

    • “Richten” in this context could be to either “to judge” or in the more uncommon meaning of “put to death.”

  5. The song to me means with death brings new life and everything you love will leave and you will have to make new again a synapse from moment to moment in life and dealing with the ego

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