Rammstein Vergiss uns nicht lyric with English translation

Als wir uns zusammen steckten
Mit den Hüften, wie Insekten
Begann mich selber zu versprühen
Und das Feld fing an zu blühen
Die Saat war gut und früh das Jahr
Doch der Boden nicht fruchtbar war

Der alte Schoß wollte nicht empfangen
Und all die winzig kleinen Schlangen
Fielen durch das Lendengitter
Und befreiten ein Gewitter

Vergiss uns nicht
Weißt du noch, im März…?
Der Vater hat das Feld bestellt
Der Mutter brach das Herz

Die Kinder stiegen aus der Haut
Auf den Grund und sangen laut
Wo ich mich selber ausgesät
Mein Herz in toter Erde steht

Vergiss uns nicht
Weißt du noch, im März…?
Der Vater hat das Feld bestellt
Der Mutter brach das Herz

Vergiss uns nicht
Weißt du noch, im Mai…?
Der Vater hat sein Herz verlor’n
Der Mutter brach’s entzwei

Lyric © Rammstein
As we put us together
By the hips, like insects
I began to spray myself about
And the field began to blossom
The sowing was good and the season early
But the soil was not fertile

The old womb was unwilling to receive
And all the tiny little snakes
Fell through the loin grating
And unleashed a storm

Do not forget us
Do you remember, in March…?
The father took care of the field
The mother’s heart broke

The children rose from within the skin
Onto the ground and sang aloud
Where I had sown myself
There my heart stands in dead soil

Do not forget us
Do you remember, in March…?
The father took care of the field
The mother’s heart broke

Do not forget us
Do you remember, in May…?
The father’s heart had gone lost
The mother’s heart broke in two

Translation © Affenknecht.com

Translation submitted by Funkenstoss. Thank you.


  1. Where it says “Brach’s entzwei” does it not mean that it was the mother who broke the father’s heart in two? “The father lost his heart, the mother broke it in two”

    • Herz is neuter. In German, you can shorten the word Es (for das, neuter, meaning it) into the word before it. As in “Wie geht’s?” instead of “Wie geht es?” Das Herz is neuter, so it can be referred to as “es”, he already put das Herz in “Der Vater hate sein Herz verlor’n”, where sein is possessive and is following the das form of it. Therefor, the line after, since it is a continuation of the last line, can shorten es for das Herz into the word before it, “Der Mutter brach’s entzwei” instead of “Der Mutter brach es entzwei.”

      I hope that helps.

  2. My interpretation is:

    “As we put us together
    By the hips, like insects
    I began to spray myself about
    And the field began to blossom (connotations of healthy reproduction)
    The sowing was good and the season early (sex was good and they were in love)
    But the soil was not fertile”

    “The old womb was unwilling to receive
    And all the tiny little snakes (not sperm ‘cells’, living creatures)
    Fell through the loin grating
    And unleashed a storm” (quite negative, draws attention to the sperm dying)

    “The children rose from within the skin (ejaculation)
    Onto the ground and sang aloud (he could figuratively hear his potential children)
    Where I had sown myself (the “father”, upset about not being able to have children, now prefers masturbation)
    There my heart stands in dead soil” (“father” is heartbroken that the potential children are dying because of the soil/”mother”)

    Do not forget us (the potential children calling to the father)
    Do you remember, in March…? (father’s day?)
    The father took care of the field (masturbated over sex)
    The mother’s heart broke (the lack of physical contact)

    Do not forget us
    Do you remember, in May…? (mother’s day?)
    The father’s heart had gone lost (the “father” cheated)
    The mother’s heart broke in two (even worse emotional pain)

    To sum it up.
    The “father” had perfectly fine sperm which was being wasted in the “mother’s” infertile womb, the song treats each sperm as a child in it’s own right, all of which are being sent to die in the womb.
    the chorus is from these potential children’s POV, the rest of the song is from the “father’s”
    the use of “mother” and “father” is interesting seeing as the pair don’t have children, so I believe that it is the sperm talking amongst themselves, upset at how upset their parents are.

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