Rammstein Rammlied lyrics with English translation

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Wer wartet mit Besonnenheit The one who waits with prudence*
Der wird belohnt zur rechten Zeit Will be rewarded at the right time
Nun, das Warten hat ein Ende Well, the waiting has ended
Leiht euer Ohr einer Legende. Lend your ear to a legend
Ramm-Stein! Ramm-Stein!
Manche führen, manche folgen Some lead, some follow
Herz und Seele, Hand in Hand Heart and soul, hand in hand
Vorwärts, vorwärts, bleibt nicht stehen! Forward, forward, don’t stop
Sinn und Form bekommen Verstand. Meaning and form gain understanding
Wenn die Freude traurig macht When joy makes sad
keine Sterne in der Nacht. There are no stars in the night
Bist du einsam, und allein Are you secluded and alone,
Wir sind hier, schalte ein… We are here, switch on…
Ramm-Stein! Ramm-Stein
Manche führen, manche folgen Some lead some follow
Böse Miene gutes Spiel. (Make an) Evil face (for a) good game**
Fressen und gefressen werden, Devouring and being devoured
Wir nehmen wenig, geben viel. We take a little, give a lot
Wenn ihr keine Antwort wisst If you don’t know an answer
Richtig ist, was richtig ist What’s right is right
Bist du traurig, und allein Are you sad and alone
Wir sind zurück, schalte ein… We are back, switch on…
Ramm-Stein! Ramm-Stein!
Ein Weg, One path
Ein Ziel One goal
Ein Motiv One motive
Ramm-Stein! Ramm-Stein
Eine Richtung One direction
Ein Gefühl One feeling
Aus Fleisch und Blut, Of flesh and blood
Ein Kollektiv. One collective
Wer wartet mit Besonnenheit The one who waits with prudence
Der wird belohnt zur rechten Zeit Will be rewarded at the right time
Nun, das Warten hat ein Ende Now the waiting has ended
Leiht euer Ohr einer Legende. Lend your ear to a legend
Lyric © Rammstein Translation © Affenknecht.com

Submitted by EinHeisserSchrei


Translation notes:

* Prudence also means care/caution/good sense

** “Böse Miene, gutes Spiel.” is a play on the German saying: “Gute Miene zum bösen Spiel machen.” (Grin and bear it), i.e. put on a good face for an evil game…which means put on a good front and stay the course. Here it’s juxtaposed to mean put on an evil face for a good game.

An intro to what seems like the apocalypse, We hear once again hear Till Lindemanns beautiful yet dark vocal and then the shout of “Rammstein”. The rest of the band come into play into an epic adventure. “Rammlied” is the evil and better brother to the song “Rammstein”. Rammstein have finally made their return and they make sure everyone knows that with this piece.


  1. I ADORE this song. This is definitely my favorite Rammstein song.

    As for Till, I would marry the guy given a chance.
    Gorgeous man, gorgeous voice.

    I saw these guys live and Rammlied was their opener and I cried 🙂 but I STRONGLY *underlines strongly with a thick black marker pen* recommend getting some tickets and going to see these guys if you haven’t already!

    Bis Bald! x

  2. @AL. Böse Meine certainly is best translated ‘bad intent’. However, if you listen to the song again, Till clearly sings Böse MIEne. The original translation is correct.

    ‘Nun, das Warten hat ein Ende’ should be ‘Now, the wait has ended’ or ‘Now, the wait has come to an end’.

  3. It’s not a translation, he was comparing it to the English Phrase Grin and Bear it, which has a similar meaning.

  4. ** “Böse Miene, gutes Spiel.” is a play on the German saying: “Gute Miene zum bösen Spiel machen.” (Grin and bear it), i.e. put on a good face for an evil game…which means put on a good front and stay the course. Here it’s juxtaposed to mean put on an evil face for a good game.

    Who in the world wrote that? Totally incorrect. It’s certainly a play on the German saying, but has NOTHING to do with with ‘grin and bear it’. Böse Meine is ‘bad intent’. The closest direct translation would be ‘Band intent, good game’.

  5. correction needed.

    “schalte ein” literally translates to “switch in” but actually means “tune in”

    “Are you secluded and alone,
    We are here, tune in…”

  6. I love this song I’m getting this one for Christmas with the extra CD.
    P.S. Dear TUBE: I don’t think it was made to be cheesy at all it was made as a tribute.

    This sounds like it could be the bands final album, I sincerely hope not they’re they most inspiring and awesome band of this era of music.

  7. I think ‘diligence’ is more a appropriate word than ‘prudence’
    other than that is a very good translation.

  8. I think there’s little mistake in the text

    >Are you secluded and alone,
    >We are hear, shout…

    maybe it’s:
    We are here, shout… ?

    Great song
    Wir sind zurück, schalte ein…(c)

  9. Heh. I think this track must have been made as a joke. “Lets make as cheesy self-praise song as we can.” The stadium synths fit with this perfectly ;). I like.

  10. As a native speaker, I can say: Cristiano is absolutely right. “Schalte ein” does only mean “switch on” (said about a radio, a TV, a hifi, any kind of electrical device). The both explanations given in the article are not correct.

  11. The translation isn’t very good..
    You have to think in German to translate German, otherwise the text looks silly.

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